
Fighting As Gojo Satoru In A Dream World?

(Male OC) Aaron our MC stumbles across a pair of sunglasses in his grandma’s basement. Upon wearing them his body transforms into that of Gojo Satoru. When his grandma finds out, she reveals one of two of it’s purposes, but what could it be? Could it be something to do with the world he wakes up in when he falls asleep? - I literally had the biggest brain blast ever. This is the new instalment of the Admaverse. What is the Admaverse? Well I think the name speaks for itself. I’ve got some big ideas in store for this and another story of mine.

AdmaTheBest · Anime & Comics
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The Transformation In The Basement

A/N: I was listening to Hikari by Toshiki Masuda while writing this and I decided this would be it's opening/theme song. I'd recommend listening to this as it's a literal banger.


A single boy stood in the centre of a lightless basement, he seemed to be looking for something. That boy was me, the main character.


Yo, the name's Aaron. I've been sent down here by my grandma to find a spare light bulb as the one in the kitchen seems to have broken. She would have done it herself, but her back has been a little off recently so I let her rest instead. It's the least I could do after all she has done for me. You see, my parents both died when I was young. What they died of, no one told me. Ever since then my grandma has been with me every step of the way. Even though she may seem docile, she is as fierce as a mighty dragon. That's what all my other relatives refer to her as anyway.

She had told me exactly where to find the light bulbs, at least that's what I thought as I couldn't even find them. As much as I wanted to find them and get out, I wanted to have a proper look at everything that was in here. Despite living here for half of my life I haven't been down here that many times, only to acquire a random item. Even as a kid I didn't stay down here because I was scared there was a ghost haunting it. Looking back at it I realised I was just being stupid.

There were only the odd trinkets lying around, nothing of too much importance. Screwdrivers, can openers and many other random items, like sunglasses... what? Why would there be a pair of sunglasses down here? Nevertheless they seemed to be in good condition, I guess whoever wore them took pride in them.

Lacking commonsense I decided to put them on. It's not like you could see much down here anyway and with those sunglasses on my vision was reduced to almost nothing, I just thought they looked cool. Immediately, I regretted my choice of actions and was about to take them off when I felt off. That slight feeling rapidly evolved into a strong force of detachment, I couldn't keep my body still. It forced my body to drop to its knees. After a few deep breaths the unwelcome feeling vanished.

Strange, the moment I put on those glasses it felt like I was on an ocean-bound ship shaking violently. I didn't want to deal with that again and I threw them back into the box I found them in. Giving up on finding the lightbulbs I made my way back up the stairs.. *Bang* A small pain made itself known in my head. I hit the top of my head on the ceiling, which normally doesn't happen. Have I gotten taller?

I forgot all about it and carried on walking up the stairs. The fresh light hit my eyes, it stung for a little while. Most likely due to the fact that I had been in darkness for a while, either that or my eyes had gotten a little more sensitive, it's probably the former.

Strolling through the kitchen I arrived at the entrance to the living room. A brown leather couch (A large mirror placed above it with a wooden outline) positioned close to the door opposite the fireplace, a low glass table in the middle. A separate brown leather chair to the left of the couch directly in front of the television. The chair in which my grandma was currently sitting in. "Sorry grandma I couldn't find them." She looked at me in shock as if she had seen a wild monster.

At an unexpectedly high speed she grabbed the walking stick at the side of the chair and waved it at me. "Who on earth do you think you are breaking into my house?!" I didn't know what happened that made her react like that, but I had to explain myself. "Grandma, it's me... Aaron!"

It was clear that she didn't believe me, but what had happened to make her act like this? "My grandson doesn't look like that, tell me who you really are." When she said that it made me realise something, she seemed to be much smaller than before, it was only when I caught a glimpse of something odd that I realised why. In the corner of my eye, instead of the dark brown hair that I originally had I witnessed a unique colour, it was white. I swiftly turned to the left where the mirror resided and I was in utter shock.

Fluffy snow white hair, crystal blue eyes, a one of a kind face along with a tall body that seemed to be lanky, but was hiding just enough muscle to make any girl blush. I knew that I recognised this person, but due to the sudden development I couldn't think to the best of my ability. Looking back towards grandma she looked at me with a sceptical glare. "If you truly are my grandson then tell me what his favourite food is." That is such an easy question. "Fish and chips"

"Hmm.. What is his birthday?"..."23rd of May". She continued to ask me questions each time she seemed to get less and less suspicious of me. "Did something happen down there in the basement?" I answered yes and explained to her how I had found a pair of sunglasses and the horrible feeling that came with them.

She looked down in a regretful manner. "So you found them.." What happened to her that would make her react in such a way? "There was a reason why I told you there was a ghost in there. I didn't want you snooping around in case you found them."

Well that explains a lot.

"Alright, I might as well explain who they belonged to. They were your grandad's." I had never met him, but grandma would always tell me stories about him. "Those sunglasses transform the one who wears them into their ideal form. It also has another purpose, but I can't tell you what it is. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, it's best if you experience it yourself."

I tried to question her, but she quickly brought her finger to her mouth and signalled for me to be quiet. She advised that it would be better if I go to bed. I asked her about what I should do about school or any legal documents as I basically don't exist in the system anymore, but she assured me that she had a way to deal with it. "I have a friend who can help with that."

I let out a small smile of gratitude and turned to leave when she grabbed my hand. "If your parents saw you they would be so proud.".. "Yeah I'm sure they will." Holding back any emotion I turned around again and went upstairs to my bedroom.

- 20 minutes later -

Now that I had been given the chance to think, it came back to me. The white hair, beautiful blue eyes and handsome face, I looked like the spitting image of a very strong and also popular anime character... Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. He is definitely what most would think as the "ideal image". Even though I had become his spitting image, I hadn't felt any special powers buried within, which disappointed me.

Forgetting about a lack of supernatural abilities I focussed on the other thing she informed me about. There is a supposed second purpose in those glasses, although it is something I need to "see for myself". What could it be?

I noticed how late it had gotten. So I shouted down to grandma and told her I would be going to sleep and she replied with "Love you... and stay safe." An immediate cause of concern could be felt from what she said, I was too tired to dwell on it and slid into bed. Falling asleep not much after.

- ??? -

All around I could hear the whistling of the wind against what seemed like grass and a tree. A pure blue sky above along with spotless white clouds. My body rose up from what it lay on and I had witnessed something I would only see in a dream.

I resided on a vast hill overseeing the lush fields filled with smooth grass and vibrant trees. On the horizon I had spotted a magnificent castle town surrounded by stone walls.

Just where the hell am I?