

FIGHT OR SLEEP, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A CHOICE? Join Jack "The Reaper" Reed on his journey to becoming a fighter. As a child, Jack had a dream to become a fighter, but life had other plans. Circumstances forced him to put his passion on hold, leaving it to gather dust in the back of his mind. But what happens when those dreams are rekindled, and danger comes knocking on his door? Follow Jack's story as he faces the ultimate test of courage and determination. Will he rise to the challenge, or will his dreams remain forever elusive? 10chapter/week check out my other novel "The Sugar Sweetened System "

Shadowwarrior_007 · Action
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75 Chs


The car came to a smooth stop in front of the cozy Cafe, the brakes barely making a sound as Jack pulled into the parking lot. He stepped out into the crisp air, feeling the warm sun on his skin and the gentle breeze rustling his hair.

He took a deep breath, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafting from the Cafe.

As he walked towards the entrance, he noticed a sleek black SUV parked outside, its tinted windows reflecting the morning light. He felt a sense of curiosity, wondering who it belonged to.

Stepping inside the Cafe, Jack was immediately enveloped in a warm and inviting atmosphere. The soft hum of conversation, the clinking of cups, and the gentle hiss of steam from the espresso machine created a soothing background noise.

The air was thick with the rich scent of coffee, and the soft glow of the pendant lights above the counter added a cozy touch.

Jack's eyes scanned the room, searching for Dana White. He spotted him sitting in the corner, sipping a cup of coffee and typing away on his laptop. Jack made his way over, his footsteps quiet on the wooden floor.

As he approached, Dana looked up, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Jack! Good to see you, my man!" He stood up, extending a firm handshake.

Jack shook his hand, feeling a solid grip. "Hey, Dana! Thanks for meeting me here."

Dana gestured to the chair across from him. "Take a seat, Jack. Let's get down to business."

As Jack sat down, he noticed the comfortable cushioning and the sturdy wooden frame of the chair. The table was made of smooth, dark wood, and the surface was adorned with a small vase holding a single fresh rose. The delicate petals and the subtle scent of the flower added a touch of elegance to the setting.

Dana leaned back in his chair, his eyes locked on Jack's. "So, Jack, I hear you're looking to make a name for yourself in the UFC. What makes you think you've got what it takes?"

Dana's eyes seemed to bore into Jack's soul, his gaze intense and piercing. Jack felt a surge of determination rise up within him, and he met Dana's stare head-on.

"I've got heart, Dana," Jack said, his voice firm and resolute. "I've been through hell and back, and I've come out the other side stronger and more determined than ever. I've got the skills, the talent, and the drive to make it to the top."

As he spoke, Jack's hands gestured emphatically, his fingers tracing patterns in the air. His voice was like a drumbeat, pulsing with energy and conviction.

Dana nodded thoughtfully, his eyes never leaving Jack's face. "I like your spirit, kid," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "But the UFC isn't just about heart and determination. It's about skill, strategy, and raw talent. Can you deliver?"

Jack leaned forward, his elbows on the table, his face inches from Dana's. "I can deliver, Dana," he said, his voice a low growl. "I've been training for years, honing my skills, perfecting my technique. I'm a force to be reckoned with, and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way."

As they spoke, the sounds of the Cafe faded into the background, the hum of conversation, the clinking of cups, and the hiss of steam from the espresso machine receding into a gentle murmur. The air seemed to vibrate with tension, the very atmosphere electric with anticipation.

Dana's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing and intense. "Alright, kid," he said, his voice a low drawl. "I'll give you a chance. But you're going to have to prove yourself, and I don't just mean in the Octagon. I mean in the gym, in the training sessions, in the sweat and the blood and the tears. Can you handle that?"

Jack's face was set in a fierce grimace, his jaw clenched and his eyes blazing with determination. "I can handle it, Dana," he said, his voice a low snarl. "I'll do whatever it takes to make it to the top."

As they spoke, the world outside seemed to fade away, the sounds of the Cafe, the cars driving by, the people walking on the sidewalk, all receding into the distance. All that was left was the two of them, locked in a fierce and intense stare-down, the air thick with tension and anticipation.

And then, in an instant, it was over. Dana nodded, a small, tight smile playing on his lips. "Alright, kid," he said, his voice a low growl. "You're in. Let's get to work."

Dana pulled out a contract from his briefcase, the thick, cream-colored paper rustling as he unfolded it. The words "UFC Fighter Contract" were emblazoned across the top in bold, black letters. Jack's heart raced as he reached out to take it, his fingers brushing against the smooth paper.

As he began to scan the contract, the words blurred together in a sea of legalese. Jack's mind raced as he tried to make sense of it all, the terms and conditions, the clauses and subclauses, the fine print that seemed to go on forever.

But one thing stood out, bold and clear: the UFC logo, emblazoned on the top of the page like a badge of honor. Jack felt a surge of pride and excitement as he saw it, knowing that this was his ticket to the big leagues.

"Read it carefully, kid," Dana said, his voice a low growl. "This is your future we're talking about. Make sure you understand what you're getting yourself into."

Jack nodded, his eyes scanning the contract with a newfound intensity. He knew that this was it, his chance to make it big, to prove himself as a fighter and a champion. And he was ready to sign on the dotted line.