

FIGHT OR SLEEP, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A CHOICE? Join Jack "The Reaper" Reed on his journey to becoming a fighter. As a child, Jack had a dream to become a fighter, but life had other plans. Circumstances forced him to put his passion on hold, leaving it to gather dust in the back of his mind. But what happens when those dreams are rekindled, and danger comes knocking on his door? Follow Jack's story as he faces the ultimate test of courage and determination. Will he rise to the challenge, or will his dreams remain forever elusive? 10chapter/week check out my other novel "The Sugar Sweetened System "

Shadowwarrior_007 · Action
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75 Chs


As Jack stood in the running shower, the warm water cascading down his body, he felt his breathing increase, his chest tightening. It was as if the weight of his actions was finally sinking in. He had won the fight, but at what cost?

He thought about Viktor, his opponent, and how he had refused to back down, even when it was clear he was beaten. Jack respected that kind of determination, that kind of heart. But he had let his own anger and frustration get the better of him, and he had gone too far.

As the realization hit him like a ton of bricks, Jack slid down the shower wall, his hands grasping his head. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, followed by a crushing sense of regret. He had never meant to hurt Viktor that badly.

Jack's mind raced as he thought about the fight, about how he had lost control. He had always prided himself on being a skilled and disciplined fighter, but in that moment, he had let his emotions get the better of him.

As the water continued to flow, Jack's panic attack struck without warning. His heart raced, his breathing quickened, and his body began to shake. He tried to calm himself down, but it was no use. He was trapped in a vortex of fear and anxiety.

He closed his eyes, curling into a ball, and waited for the storm to pass. It felt like an eternity, but finally, the panic slowly receded, leaving him drained but slightly more at peace.

As he stood up, the water still flowing down his body, Jack knew he had to make a change. He couldn't keep letting his emotions control him. He had to find a way to channel his anger and frustration into something positive, something that wouldn't hurt those around him.

Jack turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

Jack's desire for human connection and understanding compelled him to seek out someone who could offer a listening ear and a comforting presence. He dressed himself and departed, his silence filling the car as he was driven to his destination. Upon arrival, he stood before the apartment door, his hand hesitating for a moment before opening it and entering.

As he walked in, his eyes met Ashley's, who was sitting on the sofa, her gaze rising to meet his. She immediately stood up, her expression softening with concern, and walked towards him. "Hey Jacky," she said, her voice gentle and soothing, but he didn't respond.

Instead, he allowed himself to be enveloped in her warm embrace, his body relaxing into her hold as she hugged him tightly. He felt a deep sense of relief wash over him, as if he had finally found a safe haven where he could be himself without fear of judgment or rejection.

In that moment, Jack realized that this was what he had been searching for all along - not just someone to talk to, but someone who could understand him on a deeper level. Someone who could see beyond his tough exterior and recognize the vulnerable soul within.

As Ashley held him, her warmth and love seeped into his being, calming the stormy waters of his mind and soothing the ache in his heart. He felt a sense of peace settle over him, a sense of belonging and connection that he had never experienced before.

Jack's love for Ashley was no longer just a feeling, but a profound understanding that she was the missing piece he had been searching for all his life. She was the one who could see him, truly see him, and still choose to love him for who he was. And in that moment, he knew that he would do anything to make her happy, to be the rock she needed, and to spend the rest of his life basking in the warmth of her love.

Jack's voice was barely above a whisper as he asked, "So you know?" His eyes searched hers, seeking understanding and connection.

Ashley's gaze never wavered, her eyes filled with compassion and empathy. "I know the look in your eyes, Jack," she said softly. "I've seen it many times before, in others... and in myself."

Jack's eyes widened slightly, surprised by her words. He felt a sense of wonder and gratitude that she understood him so deeply. He leaned forward, his lips brushing against her forehead in a gentle kiss. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Ashley's face softened, her eyes shining with warmth. "You don't have to thank me, Jack. I'm here for you." She reached out, taking his hand in hers. "Come on," she said, her voice low and soothing. "I need to be spooned."

Jack's heart skipped a beat as he allowed her to lead him to the bedroom. He felt a sense of vulnerability, but also a deep trust in Ashley. As they lay down together, her body curled into his, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, and let out a sigh of contentment.

In that moment, Jack knew that he had found his safe haven, his partner, and his soulmate. And as they lay there together, he knew that he would never let her go.

>Scene change<

In a dark room, the darkness seemed to swallow the voice whole, leaving only an eerie silence in its wake. The words hung in the air like a malevolent cloud, heavy with malice and devoid of any humanity.

"So, how did he do?" The voice was a cold, calculating entity, devoid of emotions, and yet, it seemed to relish in the suffering it was about to unleash.

The pause was palpable, as if the voice was savoring the moment, waiting for the confirmation it already knew was coming.

"So he failed?" The tone was detached, almost bored, but the words themselves were laced with a sinister intent.

"Then kill the girl," the voice continued, its lack of emotion making the command all the more chilling. "We had a deal for his sister since he failed. We'll take our pay, make it painful."

The phone dropped, and the voice let out a sigh, the sound echoing through the darkness. "Another one down the drain."

The words seemed to hang in the air, a haunting reminder of the cruel fate that had been sealed. The darkness seemed to grow thicker, heavier, as if it itself was a living, breathing entity, feeding off the suffering and despair that it had just orchestrated.