

FIGHT OR SLEEP, DO YOU EVEN HAVE A CHOICE? Join Jack "The Reaper" Reed on his journey to becoming a fighter. As a child, Jack had a dream to become a fighter, but life had other plans. Circumstances forced him to put his passion on hold, leaving it to gather dust in the back of his mind. But what happens when those dreams are rekindled, and danger comes knocking on his door? Follow Jack's story as he faces the ultimate test of courage and determination. Will he rise to the challenge, or will his dreams remain forever elusive? 10chapter/week check out my other novel "The Sugar Sweetened System "

Shadowwarrior_007 · Action
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75 Chs


As Jack stepped out of the car, his mother's warm smile and goodbye still lingered in his mind. He watched as she drove off, feeling a sense of independence wash over him. He was a 7th grader now, and middle school was a whole new ball game.

The school building loomed before him, a sprawling structure with a mix of old and new wings. The walls were painted a dull yellow, and the windows seemed to stare like empty eyes. Jack had grown accustomed to the drab atmosphere, but it still made him feel a bit uneasy.

As he walked towards the entrance, he spotted his best friend, Alex, waiting outside. They had been inseparable since the 5th grade, bonding over their love of video games and adventure. Alex was a bit taller and more outgoing than Jack, but they shared a special connection that only grew stronger with time.

Fortday, their favorite game, was a staple of their friendship. They would spend hours exploring virtual worlds, conquering quests, and strategizing together. Jack had always been grateful for Alex's unwavering support, especially since he wasn't the most talkative kid in school.

But today, something was off. Alex looked cornered, his usual bright smile replaced by a worried expression. Jack quickened his pace, his heart beating a bit faster. As he approached, he saw that Alex was surrounded by a group of bullies, their faces sneering and menacing.

Just as Jack was about to intervene, the bullies turned on him, pushing him and dragging Alex beside them. They spewed profanities and insults, including a vile comment about Jack's mother that made his blood boil. "We'll Rizz your mom up," one of them sneered, and Jack felt a wave of fear wash over him.

He hated this feeling, being scared and powerless. He wished he could be more like his dream self, Jack the Reaper, confident and fearless. But for now, he was just a vulnerable 7th grader, unable to overcome his fears.

The bullies laughed and left them on the ground, and Jack felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. He looked at Alex, who was shaken but trying to stay strong. Together, they slowly got up, dusting themselves off, and walked into school, trying to put the incident behind them. But Jack knew the memory of this fear would linger, and he couldn't help but wonder when he would finally find the courage to overcome it.

As the school day passed, the morning's events were still on Jack's mind as he was about to leave class. The bullies showed up, tripping him down, and Jack was angry but... he sighed, got up, and the bullies laughed. He was about to walk away when he heard another insult about his mother. Jack thought about the dream he had, where he was a confident and fearless version of himself, and he wanted that confidence now. No one should insult his mom like that. He turned around, facing the four bullies.

The leader, a tall and muscular boy, sneered at Jack. "What are you going to do, little Jack? You think you can take us on?"

Jack didn't hesitate. He charged at the leader, his fists clenched, and tackled him to the ground. The other bullies were taken aback but quickly regained their composure and tried to pin Jack down.

But Jack was determined to defend himself and his mother's honor. He managed to flip one of the bullies over his shoulder, sending him crashing to the ground. He then quickly dodged a punch from another bully and countered with a swift kick that sent him stumbling back.

The leader, still trying to get up from the initial tackle, was met with a fierce punch from Jack that sent him crashing into a nearby locker.

The fourth and final bully, realizing his friends were no match for Jack, turned and ran, leaving his companions to face the music alone.

As the dust settled, Jack stood victorious, his chest heaving with exhaustion. The bullies lay defeated, their faces bruised and battered.

The bullies, now crying and sniffling, threatened to tell their parents and teachers about the fight. "We're going to tell! You're going to get in trouble, Jack! Our parents will make sure of it! You're going to be suspended!"

Jack shrugged, unfazed. "I'm not afraid of trouble. I'm only afraid of not standing up for what's right."

With that, Jack walked away, leaving the bullies to nurse their wounds and wonder how they had underestimated the quiet and unassuming kid they had bullied for so long. From that day on, Jack carried himself with a newfound confidence, knowing that he could stand up for himself and those he cared about. The dream he had was still a secret, but it had given him the courage to face his fears and defend what was important to him.