
Fight, Flight, or Freeze: The Healer's Story

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up in a body that wasn't yours? A much, much younger body? I can't say that I had ever given it much thought. That was until one night when a patient entered the ER where I was working at and shot me point blank in the head. You know, if he wanted a second opinion, all he had to do was ask. But that's besides the point... Some how, some way, I work up in a strange hospital with a woman that looked suspiciously like my mother holding my hand and crying. Over joyed to see her, it took me a few minutes to realize that I was no longer the 25 year old, successful doctor at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world. Nope, I was a 6 year old girl that for a moment... wanted her mother. When the apocalypse comes, it is everyone for themselves. I have three choices: do I fight for what I want? Will I run away and hide, or will I freeze when the demons of my past come back to haunt me? You might know me as the Healer, but this is my story to tell. ------ Fight, Flight, or Freeze is the second novel in the Rebirth in the Apocalypse series, this time featuring the Healer: Wang Tian Mu and her men. You won't have to read the first one to be able to understand this one, and she is not going to stay a child for the whole thing. Li Dai Lu and her guys will be popping in occasionally, but this is strictly Wang Tian Mu's story! I hope you enjoy! Other Novels: Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's A Charm (Completed) Star's Ships (Completed) Dancing With Monsters (Ongoing) As Silent As A Mouse (Ongoing) Find me on Discord: devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289)

Devilbesideyou666 · Sci-fi
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372 Chs

Meeting Him For The First Time

I was led out of the headmaster's office and into an empty classroom.

"At the request of the headmaster, I have provided you with all of the end of year evaluations for grades nine to twelve," said Ms. Prim and Proper. The look on her face gave off the impression that she had just sucked a bunch of lemons.


"The school day ends in…" she looked down at her watch. "Four hours. You have until then to finish everything off."

I looked at the stack of papers on my desk and then looked at the idiot in front of me. I get that someone must have pissed in her cornflakes this morning, but this was a bit ridiculous. Even though I knew the answers, it would still take me longer than that to write them down. Mainly because I could only assume that there were essay questions, too.

"I suggest you stop staring at me and start writing down what you do know," continued PP (Prim and Proper) as she raised an eyebrow and looked at me like I was crap on her heels.

Too bad for her.

I nodded my head and got to work with the grade nine tests for English, Math, History, Social Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Spanish, French, and German. What the fuck were they teaching the kids in this school? My high school back in Canada only had half of these subjects for grade nine.

Letting out a tired sigh, I sorted the exams from what I could get done fast to what would take some time.

Opening the biology booklet, I took the pencil offered and started answering the questions.


"Time is up," came a voice, startling me out of my thoughts. "Please put your pencil down and place your hands on your lap."

I looked up to see PP standing over my desk, looking down her nose at me.

As soon as my hands were in my lap, she grabbed all the exams off of the table and carried them out of the room.

I sat there, unsure what I was supposed to be doing next.

Did I go back to the headmaster's office? Did I wait here for Mom and Dad?

For someone who was oddly specific about her instructions, she left out some crucial parts.

Shaking my head, I decided to stay where I was. With all my luck, I would get lost trying to find my way back to the office. It was better not to make Mom send out the search party.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, courtesy of Mom, I started to Google the history of this world. I didn't even bother trying to answer any of those questions simply because I had no idea what the answer was.

I had never heard of the names mentioned or where the important battles took place. Hell, I didn't even know what year it was now, let alone what significant things happened in the past.

"You look lost," came a masculine voice from the doorway. Startled, I looked up.

A kid was leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed in front of his chest. His dark hair was brushed half hazardly to the side like he didn't care what he looked like, but the smirk on his face let me know that he didn't have to.

This guy screamed football jock if I had ever seen one.

Of course, in Canada, he would have been one of the star players for the school hockey team… probably the captain.

"Bai Long Qiang," came a purring voice behind him and a hand wrapped around his waist. "What are you doing here?"

A girl poked her head around his shoulders to look at me. Her long hair was done up in perfect curls, and her makeup was on point. She looked like the head cheerleader, the perfect match for the boy in the doorway.

"I found a lost kitten," smirked Bain Long Qiang, gently tapping the hand around his stomach.

"Then leave it alone. I am sure that the owner will eventually come looking for it," sneered the girl, looking up.

Ah, the quintessential popular kids picking on the nerd. If that didn't scream high school, I didn't know what did.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back down at my phone. Maybe I should start with the most recent history and work my way back from there. Then again, I think it would be more beneficial to know what country I was in first before I learned about its history, but it wasn't like I could ask someone that question.

"I'll stay," said Bai Long Qiang as he removed her arm and strolled into the classroom. He crouched down beside me and looked up at me. "You can leave now."

I raised my eyebrows at him, not impressed that he was giving me commands, but when a huff came from the door, I realized that he was talking to the girl, not me.

"I'm Bai Long Qiang," he said in a soft voice. It was almost as if he was worried that I would be upset with him. "I am 15 years old and in grade 10."

I stared at him silently, not sure what he was expecting from me. Manner dictated that I introduce myself to him, too, but I didn't seem to be able to talk.

Must not crush on someone that was ten years younger than me… must not crush on someone that was ten years younger than me.

And even if I wasn't crushing on him, I really didn't want to get involved with the drama that came with him.

Nodding my head to let him know I understood, I went back to my phone, trying to figure out where to start.

"History?" he asked, turning his attention to my phone. "The history of Country K goes back a long, long time. What are you interested in."

Country K. I finally knew the country that I was in. City D, Country K.

Okay, I could work with that.

"Personally, I am more into the Warring States period. But I think that is because all of the men in my family have been in the military." He shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't that big of a deal, but something told me that it was.

No one attending this school was a big fish in a small pond. I would need to understand the dynamics fast if I wanted to survive here.

"Tian Mu?" called Mom from the doorway as she entered the room. "Are you done?"