
Fight Back!

TheUltimateStudios · Urban
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Chapter 1: The Heivert University

RATED: 10+

In this school, Everybody knows atleast one martial art, Karate, Boxing, Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu jutsu, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Capoeira.

And others who use their own way of fighting.

But then there is me who can't even do a kick. I've always been bullied since I was a kid because I'm short, skinny and weak,

But I had one chance to change my life once and for all.

Fight Back! Chapter 1: The Heivert University

*Kapoww* "Ouch!?" Jack Hericson gets punched randomly from a stranger, "What the hell man? Why did you hit me?" It was his first day of school after he got transferred from Spain to California.

"What's a skinny and short kid doing in this school, you know that you can get killed in this school if you have this type of shitty physique." Sam Martin (The biggest bully of the school) says,

"What are you talking about? I joined this school to study, not to fight" Jack says,

Sam lifts Jack up by the neck, "Well go in another school, Cuz this school mate, will get you killed!" Sam yells,

Jack chokes trying to breath, Sam throws him in the ground and him and his crew leaves while laughing at him,

"Well I had that coming for sure." Jack says,

It turns out, Sam Martin was the biggest bully of the entire school, Knowing taekwondo and karate, boxing as his main martial art.

His crew had 5 members each, Shao Jin a very professional Kung fu-jia (a person who does kung fu).

Mark Jukken, An intense karateka (a person who does karate)

Kiren Kriss, A boxer

And Michael Bouger, A karateka.

With this crew, Sam Martin was unstoppable, Jack had researched everything about Sam and his crew in one night after his first day of school.

Another day begins,

"Ah, I just hope I don't find that Sam guy or else he might bully me again" Jack sighs,

Jack suddenly sees two boys, same as his age, getting bullied by Sam Martin and his crew very badly,

One of them was a boy named Rocky Miguel and the other was a boy named Tren Forten.

Jack wanted to stop Sam so badly but didn't have the confidence to stand upto him,

Mark Jukken (one of Sam's crew) sees Jack and pushes him to the crew,

"So you still haven't left this school huh? Well I guess we'll have to teach you a lesson then!" Sam says,

Him and his crew start beating up Jack,

Rocky and Tren watches him get beaten up while crying,

After his crew get bored of beating him up, they leave, "If we see you again, We gon' kill you f'real mate!" Mark Jukken says,

"Let's go guys" Jack says in a broken voice to Rocky and Tren.

Surprisingly Jack, Rocky and Tren were all in the same class,

"How did he not cry even after being beaten up so much?" Tren talks to Rocky about Jack in class.

"He might have a really strong mentality." Rocky says,

"Well we can make him our friend right?" Tren asks,

"I don't know mate, If he gets good at fighting he might leave us and start bullying us like what Michael Bouger did to us".

It turned out that Michael Bouger (one of Sam's crew) was a friend of both Rocky and Tren many years ago,

He was also one of Sam's victims who used to get bullied, But he started learning martial arts and eventually became one of Sam's crew,

So he started bullying his friends Rocky and Tren too.

"But this Jack guy seems pretty friendly to me." Tren says,

"Everyone seems good for you Tren, your so soft after all, No wonder you get bullied all the time" Rocky says aggressively,

Tren becomes sad because of that statement.

"Come on guys, I'm not a bad person," Jack comes out of nowhere,

Rocky and Tren get shocked

"Woah, where did you come from?" Rocky asks,

"I was listening to everything you guys talked about!" Jack says smiling,

"Well, umm, we didn't really mean that, we were just joking!" Rocky tries to lie,

"It's okay guys, I do want to become your friend tho" Jack says,

"Really?" Tren asks very happily,

"Yeah mate! And maybe we can all train martial arts together to take down that Sam guy." Jack says,

"What?" Rocky asks surprisingly,

"Yes? Did I say something wrong?" Jack asks,

"No no no no no! We are NOT doing martial arts" Rocky says aggressively,

"What why should'nt we do martial arts? We have this one chance to get better at fighting Rocky!" Tren says,

"I do not care at all! Martial arts is too dangerous! If we get bullied again and we try to fight them, they will literally kill us!" Rocky says aggressively,

"But how?" Jack asks curiously,

"Do you even know that the Mark Jukken dude even carries a gun with him sometimes?" Rocky says,

"Well can the teachers of this school do anything?" Jack asks,

"They can't! Even the students are more dangerouse than the teachers, a teacher even got their leg broken some months ago for trying to stop Sam from bullying a kid" Rocky says,

"Well what about security guards?" Jack asks,

"Let's not even talk about security guards, all the security guards of this school got beaten up so badly by Sam's crew for only doing their job." Rocky says,

"Sam and some of the guys in his crew even had very bad criminal records" Tren says,

"Well I guess we have no other choice-" Jack stops while saying,

"Yes we don't!" Rocky says,

"Than to train martial arts and get revenge on them!" Jack continues,

"What?" Rocky confused,

"Yes! I've always wanted to train martial arts!" Tren says,

"Tren, are you crazy? This is exactly what Michael Bouger did before training martial arts" Rocky says,

"You know what? I'm not scared anymore! I don't give a shit if they kill me, and if you don't want to train with me then you can leave us alone!" Tren says agressively,

"This is not you Tren, your just gonna leave your best friend just so that you can fight?" Rocky asks,

"Yes I will, I'm tired of getting bullied everyday! Now the tables have turned." Tren says,

"What do you mean?" Rocky asks,

"This is my turn to become a bully, I've had enough, and if your gonna try to stop my in my way, i have no intention to beat the hell out of your!" Tren says aggressively,

"Wow! I can't believe it" Rocky leaves while sobbing,

"Well I didn't expect that." Jack says,

"Anyways, looks like the gym is open, we should go there and work on our muscles, especially because we're both skinny and weak" Tren says,

"Sure! Let's go" Jack says,

They spend their time in the gym helping each other in different excercises,

"Woah! Today was awesome bro." Tren says,

"Yeah! I'm really hungry now, wanna get some MacD's?" Jack asks,

"Sure bro I'm hungry too" Tren says,

They both got to McDonalds, but they didn't know what was coming,

"Oh my goodness! It's those two dumb kids!" Sam Martin shows up in the restaurant with his crew,

"I guess we don't have to bully them today if they just give us their MONEY!" Mark Jukken says,

"What? B-but we were about to eat the food and we already spent our money that we had." Tren says,

"Well then, we have no other choice than to beat the hell out of you!" Sam says,

Mark Jukken goes forward, and tries to punch him, But Jack stops Mark,

"Do not-" *Kapoww!* Mark punches Jack before even completing his sentence,

"Ok now you've done it!" Tren says aggressively,

*Thumppp!* Tren kicks Mark so hard that he falls in the table,

"What the hell?! Why are you guys not doing anything?" Sam commands his crew,

*Pheww!* Michael tries to hit Tren but Tren dodges the punch,

"You're still not good at martial arts Michael!" Tren says,

"Oh SHUT UP!" *Themppp!* Michael becomes mad and kicks Tren in the ground,

"Okay it's on!" Jack joins the fight too,

*Kapoww!* Jack punches Mark and starts fighting with the other members,

"Okay, I've had enough! You guys are of NO USE!" Sam yells while being very mad,

Sam picks up both Tren and Jack by their neck and makes them struggle to breath,

*Kapoww!* *Kepangg!* *Thumpp!*, Sam punches them both and kicks them at the end,

"Ah shit! I guess I'm not gonna be able to fight them." Jack says in a broken voice,

" *Sigh* Same here!"

Sam and his crew hear police siren,

"Oh no! Someone called the police on us, we need to get out!" Sam says,

Sam and his crew ran as fast as possible and left the restaurant before the cops arrived,

"Oh shoot! This is not good, i don't feel well"

Jack says,

Jack and Tren faint on the ground



The first chapter! looking forward for more love! ❤️

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