
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
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166 Chs

Chapter 93

Dragons have a lot of pride and it was easy to think what a prideful person would feel after they were put under such dreadful pressure as this

It is certainly not a good feeling. In fact, the feeling was far from being pleasant

"From the start please refrain from disrespecting me. I'm not here to make a scene" Kence said to all of them in a cold manner

The way he speaks was not normal. It contained a soul freezing chills.

Although Kence hasn't trained his soul for long, he found out that it was extremely easy

He likes it better when he fights in a direct way by using his body but this era only cared about a person's strength

As long as Kence can keep himself and the people he cares about safe, who cares whether he used his body or soul to fight?

The near-death experience he had along with Calter made him set aside his pride. Kence don't care about what society deemed as 'manly' anymore