

Alexander could not stop thinking about Emily, how well she spoke and of course how beautiful she was. Something in him wanted to have something to do with her, but no! He convinced himself that he was just moved by her intelligence and maybe that was why he felt drawn to her.

Weeks passed and it seemed to Emily that Alexander had completely forgotten about her existence. She wasn't disappointed though, she expected it to be that way.

"You seem to be off from your duty these days, what's bothering you ?" Concerned Taylor asked his colleague Emily one fateful day at work.

"It's nothing, I'm fine"

"You're so bad at pretending my dear" Taylor persisted to find out if everything was alright with Emily. He was just being a nice colleague, he meant no harm.

When Emily realized that Taylor was not giving up anytime soon, she proceeded to lie to him.

"I'm just bothered about my family, I miss them sometimes" Emily lied hoping that Taylor would just back off and ofcourse he did. He assured her that they were fine wherever they were and that they missed her too.

If only he knew that it was the thoughts of a man that made her seem off from work. Silly her.

On a bright afternoon, Alexander went out to have lunch at a cafeteria far from the office, he needed time alone to process his thoughts. While he was eating his food he overhead some people talking and he became interested in their conversation once the name Emily was mentioned.

"She seems to be the most intelligent on the team, I feel like she has the key to the unfinished project innovation" one of them said calmly.

"We need her to tell us more about the project and maybe possibly give us the answers to the missing parts of the project " another said supporting the first person's notion.

Alexander's curiosity was piqued as he discreetly listened in trying to gather more information without drawing any attention to himself.

They spoke on and on about how they would lure her into their trap and make her tell them the top secrets of the key to the innovation or torture her if she refused.

Alexander felt like he had already heard enough so he quietly stepped out of the place without being noticed and decided to call Emily.

Emily's phone rang at work and her heart flustered as she looked at who the caller was.

"Hello Emily, how are you doing?"

This was the first time he was asking about her welfare since she met him, even at the café he never asked.

"I'm fine you?" She replied almost visibly excited by his voice.

" I'm okay, dinner this evening at 6pm, same place" he said with urgency and the line went dead almost immediately.

"And who was that?" Taylor asked.

"Uhm, a friend" Emily managed to mutter still processing her thoughts on what just happened. She'd be a dummie if she accepted his request but one part of her didn't mind, as long as she would see his face again, it didn't really matter.

She went home early that day and rushed to prepare for her 'official' dinner with Alexander.  She called her friend Sarah to help her tidy up and help her select a dress for the dinner though she didn't tell her who she was going to meet or where they were going to meet.

This time, Emily kept Alexander waiting. He sat there wondering whether or not this issue was his business, he decided to cancel the dinner and allow her sort herself out eventually. While he was still thinking about whether to or not to cancel the dinner, Emily walked in, smiling.

"I shouldn't be kept waiting next time" Alexander said without looking up from the leaflet he was holding.

"Good evening to you too" she responded unfazed by his statement.

She sat down and proceeded to ask him why he invited her for dinner. He looked up finally and their eyes met. He felt a sudden rush inside him. Still peering into his eyes, Emily asked a question.

"Are you always this mean or have you sworn never to be nice to me?"

"I called you here to inform you that some people are planning against you concerning your involvement in the renewable energy project. They feel like you'd be the person to put the last piece on the puzzle to innovate the project, they are out for you and when they find you, they won't leave you till they get whatever it is they want" Alexander said straight to the point without mincing words, he proceeded to tell her how he heard about the plot and how he didn't know who they were or where they were coming from.

Emily became so quiet after the discovery, she suddenly broke down in tears. After letting it all out by crying, she begged Alexander to save her from them. She told him that she was only a part of the research team and that she didn't know what missing piece they were talking about.

Alexander moved with pity, hugged her and assured her that everything would be fine and that he'd help her find out whatever she needed to find out. He opted to take her home and she agreed. The journey to Emily's house was very silent. She was scared for her safety but at the same time, she felt safe around the man beside her. As he opened the door for her to leave, he leaned in and kissed her, got back into the driver's seat and drove off.

Everything happened very fast, from the dinner, to her crying, to Alexander kissing her. Did he like her too???!!

She was scared at first about the plot but she felt much better knowing that Alexander would be willing to help her out of whatever it was she was about to face, but out of five other researchers on the team, why her?