
The truth had always been there. Yet, no one dared to reveal it because he knew that the moment he did, he would fall into the abyss and lose himself.

Mu Tingfeng fell silent for some time before he said with much difficulty, "I don't know."

It sounded hilarious given the fact that he had experienced marriage once and even had a child. However, the truth hurt. 

Before this, he had never been attracted to any women, much less knew what affection was.

He once envisaged meeting a woman who won his affection that could make him willingly spend the rest of his life with her, right after he became an independent adult. 

Unfortunately, all these wonderful visions came to naught after the incident that happened four years ago.

After four years, Mu Tingfeng finally succeeded in getting rid of the woman who he had always hated. Little did he know that it was... the same woman who had made his heart flutter for the first time.