
Fiend x Foe

Judgment Day has come and gone, leaving the Earth in ruins, overrun by savage beasts. Humanity's last hope lies in Joseph Abrams, the chosen bearer of the divine power known as Dovanity. But Dovanity comes with a catch—it requires purity of heart. Amidst this chaos, a sinister power emerges: Fiendity, which taps into the darker side of human nature, making it a tempting alternative. The Iche clan becomes the guardians of Fiendity, set on countering Dovanity's influence. A fateful battle ensues, and Joseph seals away the Iche clan. Now, Udo, the last of the Iche clan, yearns for a peaceful life with his new foster family. However, his fiend heritage makes him a target, leading to his foster brother's capture. Determined to rescue him, Udo embarks on a perilous journey, navigating a world torn between divine purity and devilish allure.

WILL_MK · Fantasy
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56 Chs


Before he could process his situation, the Navia swung a brutal punch, sending Ren hurtling into the solid embrace of a nearby tree. Dazed, Ren's mind raced to comprehend the powerful figure advancing towards him, each step weighted with menace. "Shit...a father navia."

A natural instinct kicked in, his fingers curling around a stick. But even as he gripped it, the absurdity of the situation washed over him. "Wh-what am I doing? I can't fight…I could never fight…"

His mind slipped, like a reel, into a haunting flashback. A younger, more vulnerable Ren sat on the ground, watching two robust figures – his brothers. Their poised stances echoed an aura of protection, shielding him from an unseen enemy. Their strength contrasted sharply against his own vulnerability. "They were the ones who could fight, not me."

Snapping back to the present, the weight of that memory pushed the stick from his grasp. Panic rose in his throat. "The only thing I should be thinking of doing right now…" he began, but the Navia's unnatural speed left no room for thought. Suddenly, the creature loomed in front of him.

"...is stall for help."

But even that thought shattered as another violent punch landed, buffered only by Ren's defensive stance. The impact sent Ren crashing through trees, the world blurring around him. With every ounce of strength, he forced himself to rise. But the relentless Navia was already there. The world spun again as Ren felt the sheer force of a kick, lifting him off the ground and thrusting him into the unknown.

As Ren hurtled through the air, he felt the harsh grip of the Navia's elongated arms coil around him. In a whirlwind of motion, he was spun mercilessly, each revolution resulting in a bone-jarring collision with the surrounding trees.

The sensation was a relentless barrage of pain and disorientation. Then, with a burst of strength, the Navia launched towards him, connecting both feet into Ren's abdomen, sending him skidding across the forest floor.

Wincing from the pain, Ren forced himself upright just as the beast lunged at him again. With every hit, he mentally coached himself, "Come on Ren!" The blows rained down on him, one after the other - a thundering right hook to his jaw, a crushing left to his gut, and a stinging hook to his temple. With each impact, Ren tried to invoke his vibrational temperature, striving to reduce the physical trauma. "Survive!" he thought desperately.

But as the Navia's front kick connected with his chin, sending him airborne, doubt consumed him. "How long am I going to last?" he pondered, the taste of blood and pain making him acutely aware of his deteriorating state. The beast, sensing its upper hand, advanced confidently.

Just then, a blur of movement caught Ren's bleary vision. Udo, against all odds, was charging the Navia. With an agility that belied his earlier demeanor, Udo leaped onto the Navia's back, wrestling to gain the upper hand.

Udo's sudden and bold interference caught Ren off guard. "Is that… Udo?" he thought, awestruck. With every ounce of his strength, Udo drove a sharp stick into the Navia's neck. The beast let out a chilling scream, its grip momentarily weakened. In a swift motion, the Navia hurled Udo aside, sending him rolling across the terrain.

"U-Udo! What do you think you're doing? You can't fight that thing without your vibration!" Ren yelled in a mix of fear and concern.

Udo, picking himself up, shouted back, determination burning in his eyes. "I got this. Summon a car and go get some help!"

"But Udo! You're—"

Udo cut him off fiercely. "Shut up! Not knowing how to fight is one thing. Not fighting at all, when it matters, is unforgivable."

As Ren watched, astonishment etched on his face, he was left grappling with a newfound respect for Udo. He couldn't help but think, "This guy…"

Udo stared down the monstrous Navia, dread sinking deep into his bones. But amidst that fear, another sentiment lingered: a memory, a role model, a guiding star. "What would Bowen do?" Udo pondered, as if trying to channel his friend's undying spirit.

Taking a deep breath, he squared his stance, eyes laser-focused on the impending threat. "Here goes nothing," he murmured, rousing his courage. With a primal scream, he bolted towards the creature, a determined fury propelling him forward. "Bowen wouldn't care if he died," Udo reasoned, "as long as he tried…"

But before he could land a punch, the world around Udo blurred. Time seemed to warp and distort. He felt an eeriness - a void where there should have been an arm. Slowly, his gaze fell to a grotesque sight - the beast, clutching his severed arm, dripping with blood. Stunned disbelief washed over him. "What the..." he stammered, the shock of the moment numbing his senses. Then, without warning, another gash appeared on his neck, and a surge of crimson spilled forth. His vision dimmed as he staggered, gasping and choking on his own blood, collapsing to the ground.

From a distance, Ren watched the horror unfold, guilt gnawing at him. "Udo! Shit!" He admonished himself, regret seeping into his voice. "What am I doing? I let a guy without any power fight for me!" Memories of always lagging behind, always being shielded and defended by others, tormented him. "That's why I was always behind them... that's why I was always in last place," he reflected, consumed by anguish.

But despair soon gave way to determination. The weight of his failures pushed Ren to his feet. "I'm tired of sticking behind while everyone else fights for me," he growled. Steeling himself, he mustered every ounce of his will. "Increase your vibrational temperature!" he demanded of himself. "Go on the offensive! Get up, Ren! Get up and fight!"

Summoning a surge of newfound strength, Ren rocketed towards the beast, his fist cocked back and ready. But the Navia, in its monstrous speed, responded in kind.

In a flash, a moment of sheer dread, and Ren felt a sharp, searing pain rip through his chest. The beast had impaled him. As the reality of the brutal attack registered, all Ren could muster was a pained gasp. "Fuck!" But before he could react, a violent kick sent him hurtling through the air.

Ren lay incapacitated, every breath a labor. The cold bite of the forest floor beneath him and the metallic tang of blood filling his mouth grounded him to the reality of his dire situation. "I can't die here," he wheezed, an echoing mantra of sheer will. "Get up... get up, Ren..."

Through his haze of pain, Ren's gaze flitted to the advancing menace. The beast, seemingly unstoppable, approached him with an air of assured victory. Each thunderous step sent shivers down Ren's spine, amplifying the weight of his impending doom.

But in a world that seemed to be fading to black, an explosion of blinding light suddenly tore through the tableau. A celestial descent, like a comet crashing down to earth, made an impact directly onto the Navia. The immense force pulverized the creature instantly, turning it into mere fragments in the blink of an eye.

The dust and debris hung in the air like a curtain, obscuring the mysterious saviour. As it settled, the scene revealed a figure wreathed in an ethereal glow. Draped in an earth-toned cloak, the newcomer stood amidst the devastation, an embodiment of raw power and controlled fury. His golden eyes, piercing and otherworldly, surveyed the scene.



In the heart of Bialowieza Forest, the silvery light of the moon cast an ethereal glow through the web of leaves, forming dappled patterns on the ground. The calm of the night was interrupted by two abrupt movements as Udo and Ren, sprawled on blankets, were suddenly roused to consciousness.

Bewildered, they both traced the contours of their previously mangled forms. "My arm... it's... back?" Udo's voice trembled with disbelief. Ren, equally incredulous, examined his chest, "Wasn't there...?"

Their contemplation was rudely interrupted by a sudden face appearing above them. "Hi!" Alko's impish grin was met by Ren's surprised exclamation. But before the startled scream could die out, Alko burst into laughter, clearly amused by his prank.

Kimberley's softer voice interjected, bringing an air of calm. "Come on, Alko." She chided gently, "Give them a break." The situation was mysterious enough without adding sudden shocks to the mix. As Udo sought answers, Kimberley beckoned them to follow her deeper into the woods.

Through the dense undergrowth, they walked until a clearing emerged with the warm, welcoming glow of a campfire. At its heart, a figure sat, engrossed in preparing a bison for a meal.

As the identity of the man crystallized in their minds, the weight of the moment settled on them. "Izaak?" Udo whispered, more to himself than as a question.