
King's Presence

The ground started trembling, all the equipments in the studio started shaking. I looked at one of my crewmates who was completely stunned after what just happened. Then we could hear the march of the mighty 300 Spartan Warriors. The personal bodyguard of King leonidas. The mighty vanguards of Greece, whose name made the God King xerxes feel a cold chill down his spine. Leading them was the King who knew no fear who gave his life for freedom descended from Hercules himself leonidas a man who lived up to his name 'lion like'.

He ordered his men to to rest as they have fought well till their last breath at the battle of thermopylae and later they would dine together in hell. He walked towards the studio in a kingly manner. As he entered the studio the air suddenly felt heavy and the temperature of the room started Rising and no one was able to move and I thought to myself "So this is the aura of a King". I stood up in respect for the king a drop of sweat rolled at the back of my neck and my throat felt dry.

He Looked like any other Spartan warrior . His ripped body covered in dirt and blood of Battle, with cuts and wounds all over his body he wore a large bronze helmet with a little cut on his left eye side and carried a round shield of bronze which was beaten badly and had broken arrows sticking to it and a sword in his scabbard sticking at his hip. He wore a crimson cape at his back which looked old and was tattered at the corners. As he came near I bowed respectfully and asked him to take his seat. I took my seat in such a way that it would not offend leonidas in anyway

And now I was going to interview a great king whose name is engraved in history as the greatest king. Who fought till his last breath with his 300 Warriors buying enough time for other City States to unite and fight against the great Persian Empire.