
Wandering Thoughts

The sound of rain pittered patted against the glass wall, as I lean against the wall and look at the bustling people outside. Everyone outside seems to be preoccupied with their own lives. A man was hurrying to open his umbrella after he got out of the taxi. There is a mother together with her son as they walk in the pedestrian line it was that kind of weather.

The weather is a cloudy and rainy day, as the sound of a cup is put on my table. I look up it was the waiter, he smiled at me which I return with a smile, then he leaves. I picked up my hot chocolate and I take a sniff of it, as I enjoy the aroma of my drink. I can feel my hands are warming up, as if it was also warming my heart I felt safe and satisfied.

I take a sip and put down my drink and continue watching the bustling people outside. The sound of a soft melody in the cafe fills my ears as it lulls me into a dream yet, my eyes persisted as I listen to the soft conversation of other people. The giggles and laughter make me feel comfortable. Away from problems and negative thoughts always present in my daily life. It was nice after I finished my drink I paid for my drink and leave the building.

I look above it was cloudy and it was raining I open my hand as the drops of water fall one by one into my hand. It was soft and it tickles I take back my hand and open my umbrella then step out from the shed. As I step I can feel the water go against my shoes I look around and found some flowers near the street. It was a dandelion I look at it for a while and continue to walk on the sidelines. As I was walking I saw a child with his raincoat he was playing in a puddle. He was giggling and smiling happily at such simple things. I couldn't help but smile at him and his mother called him back. He dashes towards his mother and hugs her knees her mother scolded her for a bit and they return together with her.

I stop in my tracks and look to my left it was a small house with a second-floor building. With a garden in the backyard and a cute gnome sitting in front of my lawn. I have arrived at my home as I step inside and put down my wet umbrella to the basket. I look around it was empty and cold as if nobody lives in this house I sigh and sits on my couch. As I stare at the ceilings as the memories replayed back into my mind like it was yesterday.

It was in high school seventh-grade fresh year I was excited about new possibilities that might come into my life. As I look up the school and tighten my grip on my backpack and gain the courage to enter the building.

There were lots of people chattering together with their friends and interesting groups singing on the bench. As I walk around there were a lot of people laughing joking with their friends. I wonder if I could find a friend in here suddenly there was a crowd running towards me. I stop in my tracks and didn't react I was like a deer in headlights. As the memories since I was a baby until now flashing into my eyes as the crowd getting near and near me. Someone suddenly grabs my collar which causes me to get choke I was dragged back to the sidelines. Then I was released and cough a lot of times before I recovered. I look up who is the person who drags me the first thing I saw was green eyes.

It was so green that they reminded me of the forest, soft but strong eyes like they are only looking at you. I was lost in my thoughts I didn't hear what the person in front of me was talking about.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Hello back to earth?" I woke up from my thoughts and stands up.

"I-I am sorry can you repeat what you just said?" I look at the person who saved me from being stomp by a crowd. He was around 6'1ft tall lean but not buff just balance he has soft black curls and a charming smile.

"Well I would like to apologize for choking you I didn't have time so I just dragged you like that. Are you injured? Because I could guide you to the clinic if you want to of course."

"Oh no! no problem I understand and thank you by the way and also I am not injured anywhere but thanks."

As I clean off the dust from my clothes and look back to the person in front of me, as he offers his hand I look at it and look at him.

"My name is Jacob what's yours?" As he charmingly smiles at me I smile back at him and shake his hand.

"My name is Elizabeth." This is my first meeting with Jacob who would become the person who would always be by my side. I was woken up by the sound of ringing I search for my phone and picked it up. It showed Jacob I accepted the call and it was connected.

"Hello, Liz." I heard kitchen noises it seems he is cooking right now.

"Hello, Jay."

"So how are you today?"

"Oh, well just the usual." Children were shouting in the background seems to be running around the house. As Jacob scolds the children as I listen as he scolds the children while I snicker.

"Sorry, the children."

"Don't worry too much tell them I say hello to them." I heard a shout saying hi to me I smiled.

"Why don't you come and visit here? The children like you more than me even I am their father." I chuckled.

"I'll be there at 8 pm."

"I let Ethan pick you up."


"Don't worry see you later."

Then I put down the phone Ethan was Jacob's husband they married last year I become his wedding attendant. I saw him walking down the aisle his eyes glisten with happiness as he looks at the man he is going to marry. I am happy for him my best friend has finally found someone who would always be there by his side. I admit I did have feelings for him when we were in high school.

Can't deny his charming smile can make everyone fall in love with him and I was no exception. Why is it good I could be either taken or gay? I always wonder about that. At some point, I realized that my love was as deep as what Ethan has shown. He loved my best friend to the point he could exchange his life for him. He was that dedicated to him and I felt relief. Though it took a lot of time for me to recover before we have arrived right now.

Hello dear readers!

This is the new book I hope you enjoy this book.


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