
Negotiations II

The entire time Faze was in the carriage with Rimuru he felt as if he was being stalked by a predator. Faze knew that Rimuru was at least A rank monster but that still didn't feel like an adequate measurement of his strength. When they entered the cave Faze eyes grew wide when he saw how well made the villagers were. Instead of loincloths, the drow were wearing pants and shirts that could pass for normal outerwear. Catching his expression RImuru laughed, " Not what you were expected from a group of monster right. " Faze coughed, " I may have underestimated the advancement of your village, but I can see now that you are much better off than I thought. "

It was only five more minutes before Rimuru and Faze found themselves seated at a large black stone table with all the drow chieftains, Grace and the drow king Rigurd with Shizue standing behind him. Clearing his throat Faze pulled out a piece of paper, placed it on the table, and pushed it towards Rimuru, " The King of Bulmund would like to engage in a trade agreement with your village. In exchange for 100 magisteel weapons and a monthly quota of full heal potions, the kingdom will recognize you as a nation, provide food for a year and reimburse the rest with coin "

Rimuru frowned at Faze's proposal and gritted his teeth when he saw the treated that outlied he would have to supply one hundred full heal potions every month for pennies. Sitting forward Rimuru zeroed in on Faze, " I didn't expect the guild master to try and swindle me for everything I had " before Faze could defend himself Rimuru continued, " The value of on full heal potion is at least 50 gold coins and a well forged magisteel weapon can easily go for 100 gold coins and the value of each weapon will only increase over time. I am willing to overlook the fact you have insulted me if you triple the amount of coin, supply several wagons so we can actually move the materials, supply us with food and, declare the Forest of Jura as my territory of course adventures can still enter the forest as long as they follow the rules I plan to put in place "

Faze opened and closed his mouth trying to find fault with Rimuru's words but everything he had said was true. Sighing in designation Faze nodes, " This is acceptable, It will take a day or two to have a new treated paper signed, so until then I bid you a farewell " Standing up from his seat Faze hurridly walked out of the large wooden doors, Rimuru smirked and turned to his council again, " It is time we move how many soldiers do we have and what are their capabilities " Grace then spoke up, " We now have a total of seven hundred soldiers each of them has learned the body cultivation skill and are armed and armored with the highest quality of gear "

Rimuru nodded in satisfaction, " Have them break into platoons and start sweeping through the forest if they encounter any other races have them send a squad back to the village. If they are attack retreat immediately and try to take minimal casualties, the goal is to start and gather the races of the forest under one banner. With the disappearance of Veldora, multiple outside forces will want to take a piece of the forest for themselves. Now have we found a way to refine full heal potions " When one of the drow chiefs nodded Rimuru smiled, " Good, keep up the good work your all dismissed " One by one the drow chiefs left leaving Shizue, Grace, and Rimuru in the room.

Looking over his shoulder Rimuru stared at Shizue, meeting his eyes she blushed and stuttered out a response, " D- do you need anything Rimuru. " Rimuru was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke up, " Are you sure that you want to stay at my side, In my long life I plan to make many enemies and It won't be easy " Shizue let out a sad smile, " My entire life hasn't been easy ever since I came to this world, and as the person who removed my suffering I am indebted to you as long as I live. "

Rimuru stood up and ruffled her hair, " Don't act be sad, you look better when you're happy " Shizue blushed a bright pink that turned red when she heard Grace loud laughter, " Don't get any idea Shizue at least not without me " Rimuru just shook his head and walked out of the room leaving behind that sounds of Graces laughter and Shizue trying to defend herself. As he was walking through the hallways he felt as if something was observing him.

Coming to a stop Rimuru let out his full aura, as a purple miasma only visible to monsters surrounded him. The feeling suddenly disappeared but Rimuru knew what it meant, the demon lords, and finally started to move. On the other side of the forest of Jura, a man wearing a gala suit and a plague doctor mask starred at the shattered remains of his seeing orb. Clenching his hand the being started to pace back and forth, " Why did he show up now of all time master will not be please about this I have to make this right maybe I could... yes that could work, that would work just fine " The figure jumped soaring towards the east heading towards the Eastern Empire.