
Dire wolves

After Rimuru's flashy and eccentric announcement he found himself in a poor excuse for a hut as he looked at the old goblin chief and his son. The chief was shaking even though he was sitting and had a cane to support him with a voice that matched his appearance the goblin started to talk, " G- great Rimuru can you really deliver on your promise to make us strong " Rimuru raised an eyebrow from were he sat ontop a pile of pillows, " You sure are brash questioning my word so quickly. " The old goblin hastily prostrated himself, " N-no I wouldn't dare too, it's just that we're mere goblins at the bottom of the food chain how could we- " Rimuru let out a small chuckle, " Take it easy it was only a joke but in all seriousness, if you pledge yourself to me I promise your problems will become mine and your enemies will rue the day they acted against us.

Now both goblins started to bang their heads against the floor and screamed out words of praise and thanks. Standing to his feet Rimuru kneeled in front of the two goblins and placed his unarmored hand on their shoulders, " Stop that now there is work to be done I won't have you two waste time under my watch " Rubbing their eyes the two goblins nodded and stood only coming up to Rimuru's stomach, opening the tent flaps Rimuru walked out of the best-looking structure beside the healer's hut in the goblin village. The whole goblin village had surrounded the tent waiting to see if they had gained a new leader coming to a stop to his right side the goblin chief raised his hands into the air, " All praise the great lord Rimuru Tempest! " A wave of cheers rose from the goblins as they pumped their fists and jumped into the air with joy, Rimuru let out a sharp whistle making the goblins stop their celebration and look at him, " While there will be time for that later we are vulnerable as of now I sense that the pack of dire wolfs who have attacked you before are preparing to attack soon. "

After his announcement, the goblins stopped cheering and many of them looked like they had just been told death itself was coming. Seeing this Rimuru continued raising the volume of his voice, " Don't worry this is only the first of hundreds of victories we shall have, now we need to prepare for the coming battle. Half of you go into the forest and gather wood to build a fence while the rest of you go craft bows and arrows bring the arrows to me once you're done with them. Now GO! " The last word was like a whip as the goblin crowd separated some of them rushing into the nearby forest others further into the village to get their materials from their huts. Rimuru looked down at the goblin chief who look up to meet his eyes, " Take me to the injured " with a nod the old goblin shuffled over to where Rimuru smell the stench of blood and death.

It only took a few minutes for Rimuru to withdraw some of the potions from his time in the cave and administer them on the ten or so injured goblins. From behind him, he heard gasps and turned to see the chief his son and goblins with bundles of arrows starring at the now hull healed goblins. Rimuru just smiled at their expressions as he had seen it too many times in his last life walking over Rimuru took the arrows from the goblins sat down on the only patch of grass and started to cover each arrow with a layer of magisteel. A node of ore the size his fist would enchant nearly fifty arrows so he had more than enough to layer every arrow the goblins made.

Over the span of two hours, Rimuru had completed over five hundred arrows and decided that was more than enough for a while. Looking up Rimuru was surprised to see that most of the fence had been erected and the goblins had started place stakes at the base of the flimsy wood construct. Getting to his feet Rimuru stretched even he felt no real soreness it was just a habit from his years of training. Jumping over the ten-foot fence Rimuru landed on the other side and used two of his new skills, from his palm several thin strands appeared from his palm and the were practically invisible as they floated through the air and attached themselves to anything creating an invisible maze of thread. He had just used his skill Stick Thread and Steel Thread, one would stop the movement of the wolves if they were lucky the other would cut through flesh like a knife through butter.

Rimuru nodded as his trap would most defiantly cut down the casualties to zero if the goblins obeyed his orders. Returning to the village Rimuru found the village chief and started to assault him with questions about other goblin settlements and found out that there were five other goblin villages with populations of one hundred. Rimuru knew that after this skirmish he would have to bring the goblin villages under his banner and had several plans in place to move the location of his village. That's when he heard the first howl quickly followed by more, getting to his feet Rimuru walked to the front of the village as several goblins ran past him with arrows and bows in their hands. By the time he got there blood had been spilled as several dire wolf corpses where on the ground with arrows sticking out of their hides, several wolves where stuck in his web struggling to break free.

Rimuru had given his goblins direct orders not to kill the wolves caught in the string and try to go for disabling shot not killing ones. That when he saw a Dire Wolf much larger than the others rush through his strings his teeth able to bite through the incredibly resistant threats. He had almost reached the fence when he jumped straight towards Rimuru who was now standing in front of the village's defenses. He was stopped mid-air as several strings wrapped around his limps and neck effectively restraining the wolf. The other wolves stopped advancing once they saw their leader struggling to escape Rimurus strap, with one finger Rimuru tugged on a nearby string causing the strings around the wolf leader to tighten cutting off his head. The corpse hung there as dead as a doornail as a fine red mist floated to the ground, Rimuru dismissed his strings letting all the other wolves go. There were now sixty wolfs staring at him with thinly veiled fear, Rimuru then let out his aura and all the wolf tails drooped down, " I give you two choices fall undermine command and gain strength or die here and now I will not tolerate an enemy left to do as it pleases "

The wolves look unsure until the largest one among them laid on its stomach and said, ' I submit ' that was all it took before the entire pack to follow as they all swore themselves to Rimuru. The goblins cheered at their victory and Rimuru smiled, his plan was starting to take action.