

Hey, let me tell you briefly what happened. Suddenly, a panel appeared in front of all the people, and they told us that they would teleport to another universe and ask us to do "something". Sounds pretty crazy, right? So what happened after all this? I started this race with the worst possible class. Yes, I started with the FFF class, which is the lowest class, and a profession that gave me no attack abilities; Strategist. So what am I doing now? Well, you may not believe me, but a dragon is sleeping in my lap and I'm going through a minor economic crisis, plus I have armies to lead and a people to protect. Also, I got into a bit of trouble after the gods declared me the "Absolute King" and announced it to all people, so I'm working on my new strategies, well, after all, I'm a strategist, right? I participated in the WSA 2024 competition with this novel. If you like it, don't forget to add it to your library and use power stone. My Patreon: patreon.com/Safako967

Safako · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

First battle and second phase.

The Necromancer slammed his hand on the ground, and a large black smoke began to rise. When the smoke cleared, as expected, a colossal skeleton dragon stood before me.

"Ah, of course..."

Necromancer: "Do you see? This is my strongest summon! Skeleton Dragon, destroy it!"

In this situation, I needed to use aura as I had done before. However, this dragon posed a much stronger and larger threat than Dullahan. My plan was to quickly analyze its weak points and deliver a decisive blow at the right moment.

The Skeleton Dragon opened its mouth, ready to breathe fire at me. However, instead of flames, it was shooting bone fragments. Swiftly moving, I dodged the bone projectile attacks. During this, I observed the dragon's movements, trying to identify its weak points.

The dragon's movements were rather slow, but its attacks were powerful. The key was to use my speed to evade its attacks and deliver fast strikes to its weak points.

[Aura Usage Third Technique: Split]

I transferred my aura to the leg muscles I used for running and managed to increase my speed extraordinarily. However, it was still not enough to dodge the dragon's attacks. I continued running around the Skeleton Dragon, evading its attacks for a while, and then realized that even if the dragon wasn't looking at me, it accurately predicted where I would go. When I looked into the Necromancer's eyes, they were glowing purple, and then I looked into the dragon's eyes, and they were also glowing purple. I understood that the Necromancer and the Skeleton Dragon were sharing their visions. Even though I was fast enough to deceive the dragon, it was insufficient for the Necormancer watching us from afar. To directly kill the Necromancer, the dragon could ambush me from behind, so I needed to finish off the dragon first. Blocking the dragon's vision wouldn't work because the Necromancer could still see me. I had to be so fast that no one could see me. I decided to use the 70 stat points I had saved as a hidden ace and invest them all in speed. Thus, my speed stat became 108.

[Your Speed Stat has Surpassed 100 Points, and you have gained a random ability related to speed!]

[New Ability: Sky Steps: Your speed has reached a level where you can run in the air!]

"Sky Steps? I could have executed my plan without this ability, but it seems like this skill will make my plan much easier."

With the increased speed stats and enhanced legs with aura, I started running as fast as I could. My speed increased so much that after a while, the Skeleton Dragon's attacks became inaccurate.

Necromancer: "What's happening? I can't see him!"

I continued rapidly circling around the Skeleton Dragon. When it started making random attacks, I took one of the swords I had placed in the ring that Charles had given me and managed to defeat the Skeleton Dragon with quick strikes. When my attacks ended, all that remained of the Skeleton Dragon was bone dust.

"Is there a field nearby? These bone dusts could fetch a good price!"

Necormancer: "T-This can't be, how is this possible? I-I can't lose..."

"Everything has a first time, doesn't it?"

Necromancer: "I-I'll give up, I GIVE UP!"

[Users who bet with all their money have no right to give up.]

Necromancer: "Wh-what? H-Hey, just give up and leave, okay? You wouldn't want to kill a person, right?"

I looked at the Necromancer, who was standing helplessly and pleading. With so many skeleton soldiers, he had probably killed a lot of people, and now he was telling me that killing a person is wrong? I'm sorry, but I can't give up, because I always play the game like this...

"ALL IN, you son of a bitch!"

I stabbed my sword into the heart of the Necromancer, and a few seconds later, his body disappeared in a sparkling light.

[Winner: Red Side!]

I teleported back to my room with a bright flash of light.

[You have been rewarded with a 10-fold prize for playing a high-risk gamble.]

[Bet Placed: 1000 Gold]

[Reward: 10000 Gold]


The wars continued in this manner. I effortlessly won every battle I participated in, accumulating a significant amount of gold each time as I deposited all my winnings to myself. I never placed bets on others and continued to deposit my money to myself. I don't remember how many battles I watched or fought, but in this small room with only a television, I noticed that I never felt hungry, tired, or sleepy. So, I could watch matches and participate in battles without interruption. Except for the occasional display of manners and the corpses I killed, I rarely encountered different classes. Most of the matches I watched involved wizards, warriors, tanks, archers, and similar types. The individuals I fought against also belonged to these classes. After extended battles, the television screen showing people went blank, and new messages appeared on the screen.

[Stage One has concluded.]

Has it ended? Does this mean there won't be any more battles? It's impossible; only the first stage has ended, and considering the other stages we'll probably engage in like maniacs, I won't have a chance to breathe easily for a long time.

[The top 100 people with the most gold will proceed to Stage Two, and the rest will stay here for one final battle; the remaining number of participants is 193484. All losers will be transferred to a massive arena and fight to be the last one standing, earning the right to proceed to Stage Two.]

What is this? Instead of immediately killing them, it seems like they are given a glimmer of hope that they can still survive. But in reality, they just want to witness more bloodshed and brutality.

[Top 100 people with the most gold:

Daichi Sato: 640,000

Aston Tarvel: 534,671

Jessie Nolan: 78,902



This Aston guy has almost as much gold as I do. Since he doesn't have a straightforward amount of gold like me, he must have played a considerable amount of gambling and won. Unlike me, he didn't bet all his money on himself. I guess that would have been a more sensible choice, but for me, it made more sense to play with all my money instead of randomly betting on people. I wonder who this guy is...

[You are being transferred to Stage Two...]

With a brilliant light, I found myself in a room almost 10 times the size of my previous one, with a ceiling several meters high. Looking around, I saw a pair of beds, food supplies, and a massive television. Why did they put these here when we aren't hungry or sleepy? Also, why are there two beds?

It didn't take me long to understand why; when I turned my head, I saw someone beside me.

Lisa: "Who are you?"

"Same question goes for you."

[Stage Two will involve two-on-two battles.]

Two-on-two battles? Is this completely random? What if the person we are paired with is weak, and our opponents are much stronger? What if the person we are paired with tries to attack us? I need to get to know them first and take the lead.

"I think both of us got our answer. I'm Daichi, and what's your name?"

Lisa: "Do we really have to do this?"

"If we're going to fight together, we need to know each other."

Lisa: "Fine... Lisa, my name is Lisa, okay?"

"My class is Strategist; I have tactical abilities and no attacking skills, but I have some things to fight with."

Lisa: "Things? I thought it would be better to know each other?"

"For now, it's good if both of us have a hidden trump card. Just tell me your class and what kind of abilities you have."

Lisa: "Why do I feel like I'm doing whatever you say? Anyway, my class is [Luck Seeker]; my abilities are mostly related to luck. I can say I'm quite lucky."

"Luck-related? Can you explain a bit more because it's not clear when you say it like that."

Lisa: "Didn't you say we need to have trumps?"

Already starting to hate this girl...

"Anyway, just tell me if you can fight."

Lisa: "I can fight, okay? You better not underestimate me because I was the winner of the last round!"

She had a proud expression on her face, hands on her hips, and was smiling.

"You won first place? I also won first place. Can I ask how much gold you won? I'll tell you mine too."

Lisa: "How much? Hmm, I think about two million."

"Two million?"

Lisa: "Yes, didn't I say I'm lucky? How about you, which place did you get? Last place or something?"

"I also got first place, but I could only win 640,000 gold..."

Lisa: "640,000? Did you only bet on yourself?"

"Yes, since you understand that, you're not that stupid, I guess."

Lisa: "STUPID? This stupid person won almost four times more gold than you!"

Yes, and that's the most painful part...

[The gold won by members in the team will merge into a single team vault.]

[Your Current Gold: 2,640,000]


"I don't want to share my gold with you either, but it seems like we have to for now. With this much money, we should already be in the top 100, so instead of betting on the first match, we can just watch and gather information about how the two-on-two matches will be."

[The first match begins.]

[Red Team: Warrior and Wizard]

[Blue Team: Warrior and Cleric]

"I think they're almost the same."

Lisa: "We'll bet all the money on the blue team."

"What? Are you out of your mind?"

Lisa: "You're the one going crazy. Are they the same? Do you know what the Cleric class is? It's a powerful support class with many abilities like healing, auxiliary spells, communicating with spirits. It will be incredibly strong alongside a warrior."

"But we still can't be sure if they will win; the people against them may be much stronger."

Lisa: "Then I'll just bet my own earned two million, okay? And if I lose, since all the remaining money will be yours, I'll let you make all the decisions from now on."

"I guess that's fair enough, but how can you be so sure?"

Lisa: "Didn't I say before? I'm quite lucky..."

Hey friends, we've already reached episode 30! By the way, don't forget to check out my new novel "I Am The Luckiest One"! In this novel, the main character is a high school student who comes from a family addicted to gambling and is addicted to winning. Our main character, aka "Lucky", has an innate ability to see possibilities and similar things thanks to colors. No spoilers needed, check it out and tell me what you think! I love you allllllllllllllllllllllll!

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