
Fettered Fate

Have you ever pondered that your perceived freedom is but an illusion, masked by the subtlety of the chains that bind you? Often, these chains are weightless and invisible, present whether we acknowledge them or not. Only through our own power and strength can we break these chains and become truly unfettered. "Fettered Fate" is a tale of tragedy, self-discovery and ascendance. Follow Kyrian's journey through numerous tribulations and witness him rise from all adversities.

Yardren · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Lightbringer (II)

Chapter 4

"I presume that you have a lot of questions about the identity of your parents, their affiliations, and their enemies. We do not have a lot of time, but I can give you this," Shenghua manifested a scale in her palms, written in that scale was some of the answers that Kyrian was looking for.

She continued, "You can use your mana sense to access the information inside the scale. Some of the information inside cannot be viewed by you at the moment because you lack the necessary strength. The knowledge you are about to receive is forbidden and these powerful beings can sense whether they are being spied upon when being talked if the names they have are directly uttered."

The Qilin performed esoteric hand signs and whispered in ancient tongue, "By the verdant grace of life unending, I weave this veil of secrecy. Let the breath of the forest shroud this truth, its roots entwine in shadows deep. May the pulse of nature's heart conceal, and the whispering leaves guard well. Only by the purest light and intention shall this seal be undone, for within the cradle of life, this knowledge lies hidden and protected - [Verdant Veil]."

A mystical air in the atmosphere spread, and mana particles that glowed in green shrouded them both until the magic condensed within the scale, safeguarding the viewer and the item from some of the most prying spells.

Kyrian stood in awe as he mysteriously understood the spell that the Qilin was casting. He was convinced that forming the mana core enabled him to unlock secrets that he normally would not have been able to grasp or comprehend. His golden eyes radiated with incredulity at the amount of mana and control that was being performed in front of him.

"I cast a tier 8 spell called [Verdant Veil] and chanted it deliberately so that you could gain an inkling of an idea on how spells work. This auntie of yours wouldn't be around to see you grow up, and these little gifts of mine should help you smooth the journey you're embarking on."

The little boy nodded in appreciation as he waited for Shenghua to continue.

"You should also know the reason why I named you Kyrian, the Lightbringer," she paused as if thinking on how to say it without invoking the name of their enemies and making them aware. With great caution, she continued, "When you were born, various races, empires, and factions were alerted because of the potential you brought. Ten iridescent-colored circles of mana rose to the heavens, and each circle larger than the other. The presence it exuded terrified everyone who witnessed it, foretelling a power unlike anyone had seen before. The wise elders of the Arcana called it a beacon of hope in dark times, a light to pierce through the looming shadows. For the dark dwellers, creatures living in the deepest recesses of the abyss, your birth sentenced them to an impending damnation. Thus, you were named Kyrian, the Lightbringer, destined to shine amidst the encroaching darkness and lead us to salvation. Your birth was a promise, a declaration to our foes that no matter how deep the night, the Dawn would always come. Remember this, Kyrian, for in your name lies our hope and our defiance against the dark."

"So that's why you were beside mother during my birth. It must have been tough, protecting us from all the bad guys."

"A lot of people wanted to visit your mother and congratulate her for birthing a talented person like you, but there were also people with bad intentions. Most people knew of the curse your clan was born with, they wanted to gloat: 'What use is a child with a talent to break through the legendary tier-10 if he couldn't live past thirty years old?'" Shenghua wanted to continue but was interrupted by Kyrian.

"What do you mean I couldn't live past thirty years old?" the boy asked in bewilderment. "Why am I only learning about that now?"

"You hold too much power Kyrian. You wouldn't even live past a day if it weren't for the sacrificial spell your mother used to seal your powers."

"Does that mean I was the reason my mother broke her core?"

"No, not directly. The sacrificial spell might have destroyed her core, but because of this awesome auntie of yours, she was able to avoid irreparable damage. At that time, it was the most powerful spell we had in our arsenal, and it did not just seal your powers, it also removed your clan's accursed fate." Shenghua smiled as she reminisced about the fond memories she had with her best friend.

"Then how did mother damage her core and life essence?"

"It was during her recovery and when our guards were low that an assassination attempt by the [Magisters of Fate] that she permanently damaged her core and life essence."

"The Magi-" Kyrian was about to say it when he was interrupted by his aunt.

"If you didn't notice, I had been speaking to you through telepathy all this time. There were still remnant effects of the [Verdant Veil] that's why I could say it. Just keep in mind that those bastards wouldn't let you go if they knew that you were the Lightbringer. Those two-faced cloaked in white will smile in your face and stab you in the back the moment you turn around. They seek to control the world from the shadows, and they would never take no for an answer. Your power and potential are valuable in their eyes. They could make you into a [fate puppet] if they deem you to be a threat. If one day, you were approached by them, agree superficially then run away until you have the strength to face them."

"Then these people are the reason my mother died? What about my father? What was he doing while all these were happening?"

"Your mother's clan, the Lumenhart, was a clan that specialized in light magic. At some point, they were too bright that they hurt a lot of people's eyes. Greedy people wanted to learn your family's spell arts, and one of those people with the most interest was… you know, them. Their organization is only composed of three people, but they stand at the peak of power. Few people know of their existence, but those who experienced their tyranny will never forget them. They tried to transfigure all your clan members to become [fate puppets], but the Lumenharts resisted."

Kyrian listened eagerly as he was now learning the secrets of his family. 

"Instead, the Lumenharts collectively made a spell to seal them at the expense of their bloodline's longevity. One by one, your grandparents, uncles, aunties, and cousins died because they couldn't live past the age of thirty. Your mother was a special case as she was able to give birth to you, a miracle."

Shenghua paused for a moment before continuing, "Not only do you possess the potential to break through the limits of this world, but you were also uniquely susceptible to the spell we cast to break the generational curse that has afflicted the Lumenharts. Without the spell's resonance with your body, the spell would have only temporarily sealed your powers, and you would still die at the age of thirty."

Just as the Qilin was about to tell Kyrian about his father, a single dark line appeared in the sky directly above them.