
Fettered Fate

Have you ever pondered that your perceived freedom is but an illusion, masked by the subtlety of the chains that bind you? Often, these chains are weightless and invisible, present whether we acknowledge them or not. Only through our own power and strength can we break these chains and become truly unfettered. "Fettered Fate" is a tale of tragedy, self-discovery and ascendance. Follow Kyrian's journey through numerous tribulations and witness him rise from all adversities.

Yardren · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Kyrian found himself in an unfamiliar land. He looked behind him as the portal gate slowly vanished, as if it had never been there. The first thing he noticed was the abundance of glowing lights surrounding him, almost blinding him. He felt a bit nauseous as millions of mana particles filled the air, overwhelming his senses.

Kyrian tried to adjust, focusing on the surroundings instead of the mana particles. After a few minutes, he managed to acclimate his senses and force himself to ignore the particles, despite their constant presence. It was like ignoring your nose in your field of vision—even though it was always there, you subconsciously ignore it. Only by consciously looking at it can you truly see your nose.

He could still perceive the mana particles, but he willed himself to overlook them, allowing his senses to return to normal.

As his vision cleared, he took in the strange yet beautiful landscape around him. The trees glowed with an inner light, their leaves shimmering in shades of blue and green. The air was crisp and cool, filled with the scent of unfamiliar flowers.

In the distance, he could hear the gentle hum of a nearby river, its waters sparkling with the same magical energy that filled the air.

Kyrian took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. This new land was full of mysteries, but he felt a strange sense of belonging. The journey ahead was uncertain, but he was ready to explore this magical realm and uncover its secrets.

His last encounter with his mother still echoed in the deepest recesses of his mind. He couldn't forget the gentle touch of her hand, the soothing tone of her voice even in her chiding, and the graceful image of her smile. These memories clung to him, providing both comfort and a pang of sorrow as he ventured further into the unknown.

Kyrian felt her presence with every step he took, her love and strength guiding him like an unseen beacon. The landscape around him, with its glowing trees and sparkling waters, seemed to pale in comparison to the vivid recollections of their time together by the waterfall.

Her final words, filled with wisdom and love, lingered in his heart, fueling his resolve to make everyone who hurt her mother pay and wish they never lived. He was not familiar with the feelings of anger and vengeance, but he could no longer ignore the burning desire for revenge that now coursed through his veins.

As he moved through this strange new land, he vowed to honor her memory by embracing the adventure ahead. Her spirit would always be with him, a silent guardian in this world of mana and magic.

Before revenge happens, he still needs to figure out how to survive, get stronger, and find a shelter that can take him in. The only items he had on himself were his gourd, clothes, and shoes that's on the verge of breaking apart. He truly was poor at the moment; not like he was ever rich anyway.

'I felt a refreshing sensation when I absorbed the mana particles back at the waterfall. Maybe I could do the same thing here and replenish some of my strength,' Kyrian thought.

He reached out, trying to absorb the motes of light surrounding him. As he drew in the mana, he felt a surge of energy and a wave of refreshment wash over him. Time seemed to blur as he continued to absorb the particles, feeling more powerful with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted in the middle of his stomach. Kyrian doubled over, vomiting blood. He gasped, struggling to breathe, realizing he had pushed himself too far. The fear of dying gripped him, but as the pain subsided, he noticed a difference in his strength.

Testing his newfound power, Kyrian jumped as high as he could and marveled at the noticeable improvement. 'I feel like I have become twice as strong as before,' he thought. 'I must figure out my limits so that I don't hurt myself like that again.'

Determined to understand his new capabilities, Kyrian began testing his limits. He punched a nearby tree, feeling the solid impact reverberate through his strengthened muscles. He lifted rocks, each time choosing heavier ones, feeling the strain and gauging his endurance.

Kyrian forgot about the time and the sun was about to set. He did not consider the time passing during his focused session of testing out his strength and absorbing mana.

When he took a break, his tummy suddenly grumbled. He now must look for food in this unknown forest. Visibility was limited, and the moonlight did not shine the same way it shone on them during their journey. Still, he had another way of perception.

Kyrian activated his mana seeing eyes and observed the flow of the environment. He saw how every movement within his surroundings affected the flow of mana. All of a sudden, he saw a disturbance in the mana particles in the air. Rumbling sounds filled the vicinity, and panic ensued within Kyrian.

He knew that it was a sign of danger, and hiding should be his priority. He inspected the nearby rocks, trees, and river to see if there were any possible hiding spots that could prevent him from being detected.

Kyrian suddenly saw a small hole inside the tree that could fit his small-statured body. He slowed down his breathing, curled himself, and unconsciously manipulated the mana around him to obscure his presence.

Heavy steps of a beast echoed in the forest, each thud sending vibrations through the ground beneath Kyrian's feet. He froze, his senses heightened by the sudden presence of danger. The air grew tense, the peaceful ambiance of the magical landscape now overshadowed by the ominous sound.

"The mana in my territory suddenly raised drastically." A beastly yet graceful voice unbelonging to a human mused.

"Master Shenghua, there must be some kind of treasure that was born here. We should find it before the other Beast Lords sense it!" A meek voice quipped.

"I sensed the sudden outburst of mana from afar and its gradual dissipation. The mana must have been emitted by its birth and the subsequent absorption should have been its way of protecting itself from prey. It's a spirit artifact that can boost mana absorption. That treasure might even have its own consciousness. I have to get it. This might be my only chance for my Ascension. Puarem, tell my people in the tribe to surround this area and create a blockage within the perimeter."

"Understood, master." Puarem then quickly galloped away, as her hooves gracefully bounced on the ground and disappeared into the forest.

"Now then, little human. We're alone. You're safe here. Come out of that hollowed tree." Shenghua's voice echoed in his mind.

Kyrian was stunned by the sudden intrusion of the voice. He pressed himself further into the hollowed tree, his heart pounding as he tried to steady his breathing. The voice had a commanding, almost hypnotic quality that made it impossible to ignore.

"Who... who are you?" Kyrian managed to stammer, his voice barely above a whisper. He scanned the area outside the tree, trying to catch a glimpse of the one called Shenghua.

"I am Shenghua," the voice replied, its tone smooth and confident. "A Qilin and the Sentinel of the southern Thiodan. You have trespassed into Thiodan, the land of the beasts. Although this is near the border, no human, a little kid at that, should have been able to come here. Come out, and perhaps we can have a civilized conversation."

Kyrian hesitated, weighing his options. The beast's heavy steps were closing in, and he knew hiding would not protect him for long. Summoning his courage, he slowly emerged from the hollowed tree, his eyes darting around for any sign of Shenghua.

Before him stood a majestic creature, unlike anything Kyrian had ever seen. Shenghua was a massive, ethereal being with a body that seemed to be composed of shimmering light and shadow. Its eyes glowed with an ancient wisdom, and there was an air of both danger and grace about it.

"Tell me little child, why shouldn't I kill you?" Shenghua mused.