
Chapter 1

"Let's be friends forever! Then achieve our dreams together Aries! We will be the brightest stars~ "

"Mm! We will be stars in the future! That's our promise, Claire ".

" That's right it's a promise, when we graduate in elementary, let's go to the same high school so we can be together".

"Alright! ".


*old McDonald had a farm~ * (alarm)

* bang! *

" ugh. it's been a while since the last time I dreamt about it. Who was she again? mmm... (While thinking, her eyes suddenly glance at the clock 7:30 a.m) oh crap! I have to go! ", Aries says in a panic. She washed and went downstairs immediately.

" Sister good morning~ (grab a sandwich on the table) I'm going, bye! ". Aries said in a hurry.

" Look at you! You're an adult but still acting like a kid! can you wake up a little bit earlier if you have work!? ". Anne yells at Aries.

Anne Ceretti is Aries's older sister who lives in New York, and currently working at The Society Management as an agent, after Aries graduated from high school Anne took her to New York to continue studying since their parents passed away. Anne works as an agent so she tried to recruit her sister because she knew her sister's dream when she was young but she was rejected instantly, reality can't wake her up so she tried many times but was rejected multiple times by Aries in she gave up and just supported her sister to her career.

Aries get a scholarship and become a top student at University in New York then graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business Management. Later she applied for an internship and get certifications, and now she currently works at Ecstatic Entertainment. But just last week she applied to New Line Home Entertainment and now waiting for the result.

Aries runs quickly to the bus station she still has 1 hour before the work hour. Her name is Aries Ceretti possesses an optimistic temperament plus her good looks, she has brown hair shoulder-length, green eyes like spring, the height of 5ft 8in, white skin, and slim body and most of all can communicate very well to anyone so everyone in the company likes her and today she will find out the result of all her effort for all these years.

Soon she arrives at the company.

" You can do this Aris, don't be anxious you did your best! Come on, today is your day, positive! Ha! ", Aries said to herself then went inside.

" Good morning Aries, you look nervous did you do something wrong?", Mike asked suspiciously, he is Aries's Colleague in the company and one of her circle of friends.

"What are you talking about? Don't you know that she passes her application form to a certain entertainment company last week and today she will know the result? " Diane retorted.

"Oh geez, stop talking about that I'm getting nervous here already you know? Ha~. " Aries stated.

"Come on Aries, it's not like you are behind others. I think that even if they won't get you someone will approach you to become a model or actor, just look at you~ You are such a beauty, height is model standard and most of all eye-catching ", Diane says while Mike keeps on nodding for affirmation to what Diane says.

" Stop- stop-.. it's not like I'm not that confident with myself but if I manage to work there, that would be more than enough for me ", Aries says as her mood became gloomy, Mike and Diane look at each other then shake their heads, they know Aries dreamed to become an actress because Anne told to them before but something happened so instead to become an actress she chooses to become of an employee of her dream entertainment company, they can't do anything for their friend so they just tap Aries shoulder then went back to their work.


Later in the afternoon Aries phone vibrate when she saw the message her gloomy mood become bright. She's so happy that she finished her work early.

" Hey Aries wanna come with us? Let's go to the new restaurant next building, I heard their specialty is Italian cuisines, I bet you miss Italian food". Mike invited Aries, he's an energetic and popular type of guy so anyone is comfortable around him.

"Well yeah, hmm. Alright, I'll just send a message to my sister", Aries texted Anne that she will be late. Then went to Zest Restaurant that was established next building 2 weeks ago.

When they arrive at the restaurant they went to the 2nd floor and sit at the table near the glass wall, Aries, Diane, and Jenny sit together while Mike and Lance at opposite soon they ordered and almost all are Italian food.

" hmm, why everything is Italian food? " Aries asked.

"We heard from Diane that you submitted your application form and today's result will be sent to you, so we decided to surprise you! Whether you pass or not the fact that you move one step to a career that you like is worth celebrating." Jenny said with a big smile on her cute face.

"I don't know what the result yet, but thank you guys, whether I pass or not I'm ready! Just bring it on! ", Aries says with a smile, she feels the warmth of her friends without them she feels like she won't be able to make it this far.

The group laugh and eat happily until 8 p.m. Aries went home at 9 in the evening and washed. Anne isn't at home so she went to her room and check her phone.

" Alright, let's see the message first again, maybe I'm just hallucinating earlier when I read it earlier " Aries opens her phone and checks the message, later after 1 minute of staring at her phone.

"Oh My God! *shock* I did! I did it! Hahaha. Finally an opportunity! Okay, you New Line Home Entertainment just wait for me because I, Aries Ceretti will come to become one of the best in the Company! ". Aries declared that night.

Soon she informed her sister and friends and readied herself to resign from her current company because she will start her job after 2 days.

The next day she woke up earlier than usual and went to her current company, she went to her table after the resignation letter was approved and cleaned her table she talks to her colleagues, and said goodbye.