
Guild Master

A moment later the bunny woman came rushing back. Her flushed face looked worried.

"Guild master Marcus would like to meet you." She said tugging on my arm. She pulled me through a long hallway that ended in double doors. She stopped outside the door and looked at me.

"Listen, be polite. Marcus was one of the top adventurers before he became guild master." She brushed down the shoulders of my shirt and looked at me.

I was still partially covered in blood. She sighed but opened the doors. Inside was a large desk and two armchairs. In the on behind the desk sat a giant of a man. His arms were the size of small trees. His massive chest stretched the fabric of his shirt as he crossed his arms.

"Come in Rudy." His deep voice demanded.

I walked in and sank into the armchair. His stern face had a large scar from the top of his forehead to the bottom part of his jaw. Short messy black hair covered his large head.

"I heard you killed three grade A dire wolves and a grade S Demon wolf. You are one strong kid. You're what seventeen?" He asked staring at me.

"Somewhere around there," I replied.

He smiled at my answer.

"Smart too. Well here is the deal. I'm bumping your rank up. Not many can deal with just a dire wolf pack, throw in a demon wolf it's a whole different scenario. Not many could do that let alone do most of the fighting with their bare hands. I'm not sure there are many in the guild that could stand toe to toe with you." He said.

He looked like he was impressed. He grabbed a piece of parchment with words on them.

"This is just stating that the guild is promoting you. It lists the increased payment from the city lord and also will make joining parties easier. I'm bumping you up to Beginner five. There's no rookie out there that can do what you did. If it was entirely up to me I would just bump you up to bronze. However, there are procedures and with the contribution you made that's as high as I could go." He explained as he handed me the magic needle.

I pricked myself and pressed down on the parchment. Leaving a bloody print. He smiled and rolled up the parchment. He stood and held out his hand to shake mine. I stood and shook his giant hand. He then motioned for me to follow him. We went back to the main lobby where he handed me four more medals that went on the necklace. I put them on the thick chain and put them back around my neck. The room went quiet.

"Oh don't worry, it's not often that someone jumps that many ranks." He said smiling.

I noticed some killing intent coming from the corner of the room. The bunny woman was holding a silver player with a large gemstone.

"Your found have been deposited to this gemstone. All you have to do is show merchants this and they will know what to do." He said handing me the gem.

I nodded and put the gem away. I walked out of the guild to where Ash and Myrtle were waiting. Artia had left already.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Ash asked.

"No, I was thinking of going to an inn and renting a room there," I replied.

"Why don't you stay with us, mister?" Myrtle asked.

Her strawberry blonde hair hung over her diamond blue eyes.

"Don't take any offense to this but the last people that let me stay, kicked me out after I saved their village. Why should I trust you?" I asked looking at them

"How about this, you give me a bronze coin a night, and ill consider us even on you staying with us," Ash said scratching his chin.

"I only have this gemstone," I replied showing him the deep green stone.

"Ah a credit stone, yeah all you have to do is say transfer 1 bronze coin to whomever your paying. It's more convenient to carry that around rather than a bag of coins." Ash explained.

I held up the gemstone and he held up his. I paid him and got into the back of the cart.

"Yay!" Myrtle exclaimed getting into the front of the cart with Ash.

Ash smiled and snapped the reigns. We took off back to the farm. The sun was high in the sky as we traveled down the bumpy road. Myrtle was going on about what she was going to cook for dinner to celebrate my first night with them. She was about the same age as I was. She was a bubbly person. She was always smiling. Ash was a calm and quiet man. He intently listened to his daughter. His tan skin was toughened by hard work in the fields. He was well built, with a relaxed face. His dark blue eyes filled with knowledge. Myrtle had decided on a type of steak that I had never heard of before, with a stew. She was excited for me to try it. We got back to the farm and she ran towards the large house on the corner of the field. I jumped down from the cart and stretched. My body was sore from fighting the wolves. Ash put the cart into the barn and led me to the house. The home itself was cozy. It had three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. A bathroom was added once magic made running water possible. He showed me to the bathroom and handed me a fresh pair of clothes.

"Get washed up, dinner will be ready shortly," Ash said as he went to help Myrtle in the kitchen.

I walked into the bathroom. There was a wooden pipe coming from the roof. The pipe was in arm's reach and had a stopper in it. I washed and got dressed. That was my first time using a shower. Most of the time I let the rain clean me. I walked out and Ash took my dirty clothes.

"Don't worry they will be cleaned." He said after noticing my confused face.

The smell of meat and delicious food caught my nose. Ash noticed and smiled.

"Go sit in the living room. It'll be ready soon.

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