
The untamable

It has been a week since Aurora was kidnapped and been taken to the pet grooming. Scar was getting impatient and then made a decision to scare her into obedians. ((( warning triggers )))

He then grabbed her then paid half the price since she wasn't broken yet. Then he took her to his campsite next to a oasis where the rest of the Komodo dragon tribe was. She was taken to the center of camp " boys get the rack out " yelled Scar. They did as were told and tied her down and made hands hang on the hook of the rack. Scar heated the tip of his whip over the fire. Aurora saw this and was automatically scared, "ppplease don't do this" Aurora said through the muzzle, after not being able to talk for a week because of the pain. " I'm gonna ask one last time. Who is your master." Scar said. " Ezra may take me but you will never win" said Aurora with her brows furrowed. Scar then turned her around and as he raised the whip a pterodactyl swoops down and takes her off with him before Scar got the chance to do harm.

Meanwhile back at Aurora's Clan. The whole clan was on full alert and searching for Aurora, but no one was successful. They were scared and worried for Aurora. The werewolf packs for help, Curtis was fully awake from hibernation and went hunting for those who took his only treasure.

Back with Aurora. Several hours have passed and they were heading twords the island of the ancients also known as dino island. It was a island full of shapeshifting dinosaurs. The pterodactyl swooped down and dived into a cave and landed and dropped Aurora in a nest and transforms into a human " Me Silverbeak brought abused baby." said the pterodactyl. A women with violet hair came into the view. " Thank you Silverbeak inform lord Grimclaw about her." said the woman . Silverbeak nodded " Me Silverbeak will be back little" then he transformed and flew off. The women brought some medicine and bandages and got to work. " Child do you have a name? I would like to know before we change it to a tribe name." asked the women. " it's Aurora and I'm keeping it. I'm not staying I'm going home." said Aurora." Sorry you can't leave unless you have wings you aint leaving." Then a loud roar came and the women picked Aurora up an took her to the compound. " What's going on?" Aurora whispered. Then a giant t-rex showed up and roared again. " good luck on being chosen." the said as she puts her down with the other children. " welcome to choosing day, the day the children of the hurt and forgotten get to be taken in by a new family and will be given a new name." as soon he said that a pack of female dinos came out. Once that horn blew the females just charge and try to grab a child they were getting aggressive. Aurora was running around avoiding be caught. The t-rex was watching and saw her so he went down there and he grabbed her by the scruff. Aurora was hanging from his mouth still in pain and went to where he was sitting. Aurora tried to escape but failed as soon she started moving he growled to make her stop. As soon every one had a child they the horn went off and every one went to the nursery. Grimclaw followed the females to get the children cleaned, clothed and fed. Aurora struggled through the whole the and when Grimclaw attempt to feed his new baby by bottle Aurora was just being a fussy baby in his eyes. " I'm not a baby I'm 10 years old I don't need to be bottled fed." Aurora said angerly. " aww baby don't need to be fussy. Papa got you." Grimclaw still baby talked to Aurora. He put the bottle in her mouth and he pinch her nose. Causing her to start drinking the bottled food, as soon she was finished she yawned. She was fight her eye lids to stay open but another yawn came out. " looks like baby is starting to fall asleep. Don't you worry little one papa will put you down for a nap and you'll be safe and sound." Grimclaw walked to a room that had a bed with a warm pillow like mattress and curtain vails surrounding the bed. He tucked her and left.