
Feral Confessions - Adrianna And The Alpha

(Warning: Mature Content After Chapter 70) Is this one of your typical teen fantasy romance novels? Well if you think that then you better read further! Her family disliked her. Her tendency to turn feral scared her grandfather. But that was exactly what Dmitri was looking for! Her tendency to turn feral, could it be any good? Entering into a forced union with him was something she would never do. She had built a castle around her heart, not letting anyone approach it. Witty, sharp, intelligent and fun-loving, Adrianna did not trust anyone. What happens in werewolf romance books, when an alpha who is calm, in control, merciless, extremely handsome and someone all werewolves feared, comes into the picture? Unfortunately, Dmitri doesn’t have many options open. The fights, the secret glances from across the room and the heated blushes. It is difficult to accept him. --- She was conflicted between herself and her wolf. Her wolf dragged her to him while she thought that Dmitri was wrong. If he was so wrong, why was she attracted to him? As she was struggling with her emotions, she heard a menacing growl and a threat. "Back off," he warned Pryce.  Adrianna looked at his face. He looked so dangerous , but she found it natural when her hand went up to his face to cup his cheek. She brushed her fingers across his cheek as though to calm him. Dmitri leaned his face onto her hand and closed his eyes. The two of them looked like two perfectly fitted puzzle pieces.  What was she doing, comforting the man who wanted to snatch away her freedom for a lifetime? Her thoughts stopped as her heart took over when she saw him leaning his face ontoin her hands. For Dmitri, this was the first time she had shown her affection for him and he was savoring every second. He squeezed her tighter just to check that she was really there, body and soul. She felt right in his arms and he wanted the world around them to melt forever.  Shifter romance books Discord - https://discord.gg/n9fN6rH https://www.instagram.com/mishakr12/ https://www.facebook.com/MishakWrites-111759630206886/ THIS IS A SERIES: Feral Confessions Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (Completed) The Silver Crescent Prince (Ongoing) Ileus (Upcoming) Other novels by me: Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife

MishaK · Fantasy
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544 Chs

Would Love to Control You

He grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled it back, making her stop and stumble back. Panting, he drew her closer to him and said, "Adrianna, why are you running away from me? Running away will only make me want you more. I would love to control you even more now."

"Rufus, you psycho! Stop it now or I will kill you!" she shouted at him and kicked his shin with so much force that he winced and let her go to massage it. She took the advantage and started running again.

He shouted from behind, "Adrianna, no one is going to help you. This is the red moon pack's territory, and no one will come to your rescue. Everyone in your family hates you! I am the only one who is obsessed about you. Stop running away from me." He stood up and started running after her again while laughing. He felt like a predator hunting his prey, and that feeling gave him a kick.

She must have run for another ten minutes when all of a sudden, something really heavy hit her head. Her mind became numb with the pain, but through her blurry eyes, she saw Rufus standing in front of her with a log in his hand as she fell down. With whatever little conscious she had left, she could sense him dragging her. She fainted…

Rufus knew that Adrianna was a very strong wolf and taking her down wouldn't be easy if she didn't accept it willingly. He had been ready for her denial. However, he didn't know that it would turn out like this. He had to mark her; that was the plan. He dragged her to a small cave and placed her on a stony surface. He took off his shirt before unbuttoning her shirt and sitting beside her. Seeing her lying so vulnerable in front of him made him excited.

He stroked her forehead and kissed her it. "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time Adrianna. If you are not willing, then I have to take you like this."

He bared his teeth and moved closer to her shoulders. Just as he was about to bite her, someone grabbed his hair from behind and jerked his head backwards. "If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Instead, I would try to run."

Rufus tried to dislodge his head from their grip, but a muscular hand now circled his neck. He was roughly made to stand up before being hauled out of the cave. Who the hell could it be? Rufus could feel his breath choking. He said through his choked breath, "Do you want to be killed? Who are you? The moment I let out a howl, my pack members will come and kill you."

The hand that was circled around his neck tightened. "Then howl," the deep voice from behind threatened.

Rufus was then thrown onto the ground and a heavy foot was placed over his chest, crushing him. The force was so strong that he became winded.

Gathering all the strength he had, he removed the foot from his chest and holding the foot, he pushed the other person a few meters away. He got up, feeling somewhat unbalanced, and looked at his attacker who was already charging towards him. Rufus ran back towards the cave. He noticed a huge boulder on the side of the cave entrance and rolled it to block the entrance. He had to continue with Adrianna or else if she came back to consciousness, she would run away again.

But his opponent had picked up the boulder and thrown it away to enter the cave. He charged at Rufus with a great force, and the both of them became embroiled in hand-to-hand lethal combat. Rufus was unable to understand just as to who this man was and why he was even fighting with him. His confusion was clouding his judgment which screamed not to fight him.

In the fight that ensued, Rufus began to get dizzy as he was being thrown around like a bouncy ball in all sorts of directions. In his last attempt to escape, he again ran towards the cave and picked up Adrianna.

Circling his hand around her neck in an attempt to strangle and twist it, he asked him with a bloody mouth, "Who are you? You don't belong to the red moon pack." He was now feeling scared.

"Wrong question. Who are you?" the man asked him back.

"I am Rufus," he answered. "Are you here to save Adrianna?"

"Rufus, leave Adrianna alone. Or else, I will make sure that you don't leave this cave alive."

Rufus let out a hollow laughter and said, "Get out of here. She is mine."

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