
Fenrir the Father of Wolves

When I got the chance to reincarnate, I didn’t thought I had to specify my species... and here I am.

LOGICAL · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

-Alright, for those wondering, there will be no romance here, and yes in the future he will have a biped form like Fenrir from smite the game.

-This is a time skip, to start the plot, many will consider him op, but let's not forget he is a God now

-As of now he is not the strongest creature in the world but is among them, this is considering his base power no sunshine.


-If you want to buy me some coffee, don't be afraid! https://www.p a t r e o n.com/logicaldog











-It's been five years since Mavis found me, and today is beautiful a day, where a thirteen-year-old Mavis Vermillion is sleeping on top of me while I take a nap; it's been quite a while since I arrived in this world, I'm one big wolf now, as of now my full size being over thirty feet tall, I learned how to control my size long time ago so Mavis thinks my normal size is thanks to magic, all thanks to learning the magic Makarov would be known for in the future.

Giant is magic that when activated, allows me to enlarge or shrink my body, I never saw Makarov use it to shrink his body, but then again he was a dwarf, with this magic I would typically set my size around ten foot tall, tall and large enough for Mavis to sleep on top of my incredibly soft and well-groomed fur, sometimes she would request for me to go back to puppy size for her to hug.

Mavis is a genius beyond anything I have ever seen, it took her a couple of months to not only deduce I was one smart wolf but to teach me how to read, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

She really dedicated to her studies and keeping my fur clean and well-groomed, mostly because I'm softer than her bed, and also because we usually bath together.

I've been trying to learn telepathy and that... well...is a problem for me, I find it hard to understand, but I have no rush

"I wanna see the outside world, Fenrir... maybe I can find some fairies out there," Mavis said, waking up with a soft smile of her face, making her green eyes flash with hope as she stared at the trees around us.

"Arf grr...(You will soon, I mean... you have to create your guild...)" I growled softly in response.

"I sure hope so!" Mavis smiled as if understanding me.

"Mavis... don't you think it is unclean to sleep on him...?" Zera chuckled, announcing her presence.

Zera, the illusion, I could see her, and she was aware I knew she wasn't real; it was weird, especially when we had to pretend she was petting me.

"Let's go back to the mega library!" Mavis jumped out of the comfy prison of my fur and started to get all her stuff from the ground.

As the name implies, it's a place with books that spreads far and wide; and its also a mystery that I have yet to solve, books don't come out of thin air, someone must have put them here, how can this place be so loaded with knowledge and yet no information about who put the information here.

I knew this place had a guild, before but they were mediocre, how could they have such amount of books, something weird is is going on.

"Arff grr! (Get on top of me, last time it took you two hours to get back!)" I barked at her, showing her my back.

"Oh, wolfy ride! get on, Zera!" Mavis giggled, jumping on top of me.

As I made my way into our home, I remembered the day my powers began to emerge, Mavis had only seen and knew about Ocean because one day I accidentally turned our usual bath wars into a massacre, I may or may not have created a pocket Tsumani.

I was exploring the island that day, I started to do so during the night, but I kinda lost track of time, and then sunrise came.

I would've been better prepared if I knew that day was my second birthday as Fenrir.

Starting from sunrise, my power both physically and magically began to increase non-stop, and I could feel how I began to grow larger and my personality turning into prideful one, the incarnation of Pride and power itself, I burned a big chunk of the forest with my mere presence.

I learned how to stop that process, and it was all thanks to my godly body, I can consciously seal Sunshine off, but as Gaia said, I couldn't do that during the first time, my body needed to experience the first rise of the sun.

I was most comfortable using Ocean and Tornado; I practiced them in the woods a lot, Flash was a bit trickier, blinding speeds are hard to master especially when the acceleration is like 0-9999 in less than one second.

Sunshine was the kind of power you didn't really master. It was more like the power masters you when I practiced with it, I was confident in my skill to use it, and that Pride in myself made it so I would accomplish everything, it's weird having your personality change and you being totally aware of it.

For me, it was like a switch from huggable and lovable to just Pride, there was no other way to describe it, I still loved my little girl and everything, but it was different, all my feelings were turned into Pride.

I still haven't used my predator powers, this place has nothing worth using them for, I could breathe underwater thanks to Ocean, and Fly thanks to Tornado, I was fire-resistant thanks to Sunshine, and I was lighting prove thanks to Flash, and that was just on top of my godlike normal resistance, I mean I was a God now.

'Huh, wonder if God Slayer magic can actually slay me?' I reflected as I got closer to the library, but something caught my attention, a smell, someone had entered the island, three-man, I could smell them, with a powerful push with my hindlegs I basically blasted myself back to the library, making Mavis look like a Super Saiyan.

"What was that all about," Mavis snickered.

"Grr arf grr! (Imma take a walk,)" With that, I left Mavis alone, as I rushed through the forest to see who dared to invade my territory.


I've been observing the three-man that arrived at my territory for hours now; so far, they been setting a camp and doing acceptable stuff.

It was deep in the night, with the moon over halfway down in the west sky, and I was feeling rather troubled, three mysterious grown-ass men where my brat is, I don't approve!

After watching them move their stuff through the field and defeating a few monsters on their way, it was clear they were normal humans, with no magic, but even the joy that I knew now that Mavis could defeat them didn't overshadow the uneasiness I felt that about the whole thing.

'Should I scare them off... maybe a howl?... maybe ill just wait for them to make the first bad move,' I thought, as I yawned.

[They are important for the timeline, I don't recommend maiming them,]

Not sure exactly what it entailed, I didn't recognize them, perhaps they were the grandparents of some of the characters I saw in the show.

'Fine, but if they cross a line, I will end the freaking timeline,' I grumbled inside my head.

My suspicion was confirmed when they finally arrived at a clearing where they sat and started to talk about their mission, stealing the tenrou treasure and killing anyway that oppose them. The grass around was low, making an almost seem like a football field.

I stood above the trees growing which made me casting ghastly shadows on the ground in the moonlight, the guy that looked like a Tree was the first one to notice me, he was speechless, the other two turned their backs and saw my massive size, looming above the trees like a giant.

"Yuri, go get the Jade; we'll keep the beast busy..." The mean-looking guy said.

I wasn't going to allow that, Mavis would stop them from stealing the Jade, and they would try to kill her, they dared to threaten a packmate under my protection, and think they will succeed and live to tell the tale, how dare these mongrels to think such a thing, how dare these mortals to insult me in such way, they will pay for their hubris with blood.

At this point, I was at least thirty feet tall.

The mean-looking guy seemed shocked that I grew to that size, but try to attack me with a pair of chains, how poetic, considering an incarnation of Fenrir was sealed with chains.

Taking a deep breath, I howled at them, destroying the trees and the blasting them off a few miles away, I was both sad and surprised, my howl was just the start of the battle, my warcry as a wolf, and yet it was all it took to put them at the doors of the other world, all I had to do was to crush them with my bare paw and kill the threat they pose to my pack.

As my paw slowly approached the three utterly defeated man who couldn't move at all but were still somehow conscious enough to see their imminent doom approaching, I heard Mavis shout.


I turned around to find Mavis furiously pulling on my massive fluffy tail, looking at me angrily.

"Grr arf grrr! grr! (They invaded my territory! and wanted to steal our stuff, and possibly harm you!)" I growled at her.

"I don't care! now stop this!" Mavis scolded.

"Grr grrr arf! grrr! (Fine, but I will pee on them at this size if they try to take anything, drowning them in pee the most humiliating death!)" I growled slowly, turning to my compact size.

"D-did a little girl s-top th-at thing?" The mean-looking guy asked, coughing some blood.

"I d-don't k-now... I can't see her, but she sounds like a little g-irl," The blonde guy replied.

"I knew I should've been a g-ardener..." The tree/guy said.