
Felix's Magical Odyssey

In a world where magic is a part of everyday life, Felix, Athena, Rowan, Flint, and Flate are students at Shadowcrest Academy, a prestigious school for young wizards and witches. As they navigate their magical education, they face off against formidable monsters and uncover dark secrets within their realm. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious figure lurks in the shadows, intent on their destruction. Together, they must hone their magical skills, strengthen their friendships, and stay one step ahead of the unseen threat that follows their every move. Felix is a determined and resourceful young wizard who often finds himself embroiled in adventures alongside his best friends, Athena and Rowan. Athena, known for her intelligence and strategic thinking, and Rowan, with his bravery and loyalty, form an unbreakable trio with Felix. Flint and Flate, equally talented and courageous, join their ranks, making their group even stronger. At Shadowcrest Academy, they learn to wield powerful spells, brew intricate potions, and combat dangerous creatures. Despite the rigorous training and perilous missions, their bond grows deeper, and their resolve to protect each other and their school becomes stronger. However, danger is never far away. An enigmatic and malevolent figure shadows their every step, plotting their demise. The identity and motives of this mysterious adversary remain unknown, adding a layer of suspense and urgency to their quest. The group must stay vigilant, using their wits and magical prowess to outmaneuver this unseen foe. As they delve into ancient lore and confront dark forces, the friends discover that their journey is about more than just survival; it's about uncovering the truth and standing up against the darkness that threatens their world. Together, they embark on an epic adventure that tests their limits and shapes their destiny. Will Felix and his friends unravel the mystery in time, or will the shadowy adversary succeed in their sinister plans? Join them in "The Apprentice's Arcane Adventure: A 13-Year-Old Wizard's Journey" to find out.

mcmagical · Fantasy
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28 Chs


They had been sitting on the bus for hours when they finally got up to leave. Evander took his broom, but Felix grabbed it and whispered, "Humans don't know about brooms, and I'm pretty sure if they saw a wizard, it wouldn't be great news."

Evander clenched his teeth and groaned in frustration, "Fine." He then asked, "How are we going to—wait, where are we even going?"

Felix released Evander's broom and said, "To my house, where my mother and I live."

Athena chimed in, "You mean your mom's house?"

Rowan rolled his eyes, "Athena! Stop being so nerdy for once and let Felix talk."

Athena relented, "Fine."

Thorn then asked, "Do we really have to walk?"

Felix nodded, "Yes, it's not that far."

Evander sighed, and the seven of them began walking. Soon, they encountered some kids around their age. 

A girl called out, "Felix! Where were you?"

Felix replied, "Well, I moved from school."

A boy added, "Mate! We thought you were dead. Even Lara cried because she never got to tell you her feelings or whatever."

The girl then said, "Alex! That was supposed to be a secret."

Felix laughed, "You guys are still the same, huh?"

Athena whispered, "Who are they?"

Felix whispered back, "They're people from my old class."

Rowan whispered, "Are they friends of yours?"

Felix shook his head and whispered, "No, I don't even know why they're being nice now. They never talked to me back then."

The girl asked, "Who are you guys?"

Athena stepped forward and said, "Well, we are actually his friends."

Evander coughed and said, "Speak for yourself."

Athena corrected, "Fine, we are his friends except for Evander."

Evander snapped, "Since when did I give you permission to use my given name?"

Athena retorted, "We are not at the academy."

Evander replied, "So what? We are still not friends! So you have to call me—"

Rowan interjected, "Evernight."

Thorn glared at Rowan, who only laughed a little. Thorn then said, "He will never be an Evernight."

Evander said, "Good, since I don't want to be part of your family either. But you still have to call me Frost."

Athena turned to him and said, "Alright, Mr. Evernight."

Evander turned red with anger. Thorn said again, "He is still not an Evernight!"

The girl and boy looked confused. Rowan said, "Calm down, mate, it was a joke. You should never date Frost."

Thorn said, "Yeah, I would never."

Athena turned to the boy and girl and said, "We are actually his friends, so don't pretend to be his friends."

The boy clenched his teeth and moved to hit Athena, but Flint stopped him by grabbing his fist.

Flint frowned and said, "Don't even think about it." The girl then said to the boy, "Let's go. We don't want to be near these losers anyway."

Rowan called after them, "Changed your mind? What happened to being friends with Felix?" The girl and boy didn't respond and just walked away.

Meanwhile, back at Shadowcrest, Professor Miranda was pacing nervously as she headed to the professors' meeting place. Everyone was seated, waiting for her. Professor Miranda finally arrived and said, "I have good news and a little bad news."

Professor Nightshade, with one eyebrow raised and her arms crossed, asked, "What is the bad news?"

Professor Miranda laughed nervously and said, "First, the good news. We've been named the best witches and wizards school again."

Professor Limunos laughed and said, "Of course we are! No school can defeat Shadowcrest."

But Professor Nightshade, still in the same position, pressed, "And now, what is the bad news?"

Professor Miranda hesitated, "Do you really want to know?"

Professor Nightshade said sharply, "If you don't tell us, I'll turn you into a frog tomorrow."

Professor Miranda quickly said, "Felix, Athena, Flint, Flate, Thorn, Rowan, and Evander are gone."

The professors stood up in shock, shouting, "What?!"

Professor Nightshade, looking furious, said, "Are you serious? What will we tell Frost's parents? They are going to kill us all, Miranda!"

Sure, I'll keep it strictly to the content you've provided. Here it is:


Professor Limunos said, "Calm down, Nightshade..."

Professor Nightshade snapped, "Oh no, no, no, do not tell me to calm down! What if something happens to them? We are dead if a Frost dies! Also, all the parents must be worried. What are we going to say to them? That their kids are gone?" She grew madder by the second, her thoughts spiraling.

Meanwhile, Felix, Athena, Rowan, Thorn, Flint, Flate, and Evander were still walking. Rowan said, "Mate, how long until we get to your house?"

Felix replied excitedly, "Almost there! Look, we're here now."

They saw a house that was red, yellow, and a bit pink. Rowan laughed, "It looks like the Rolianda house with those colors."

Felix laughed, "True, but I like it."

They stood at the door. Felix took a deep breath and knocked. He heard his mom's voice saying, "Wait, I'm opening it soon." She was talking on the phone and then opened the door. She stopped talking when she saw Felix.

"Hey, Mom," Felix said.

His mother was speechless and then hugged him. "You are okay, my little ruffle bear. You are okay." She looked up and said, confused, "And who are you guys?"

Athena stepped forward and offered a hand for a handshake. "Hello, I am Athena Nightshade."

Felix's mother shook her hand. Rowan said proudly, "I am Rowan Flame Heart." They all started introducing themselves, and then Felix's mother said, "Oh, I get it now. Ruffle bear, are they your friends?"

Felix nodded. His mom said, "Well, come in then," while holding the door open. Everyone came in.

Evander felt a surge of anger seeing how well Felix's mother interacted with him. He longed for that kind of relationship with his own parents, but instead, it was always complicated. "This must be a human thing... taking care of your child," he thought bitterly. Deep down, he wanted to be taken care of. He wanted someone to say, "Good job, Evander."