
That someone was Fei's husband.

Her fingers held a needle as she embroidered on the black cloth, all focused. There was a relaxed look on her face as she smiled while doing her favorite work.

The season of winter has approached and the robe she has been making for her husband is going to be finished soon.

The black robe had a thick fabric which was quite hard to work on, the reason why it took her a month to complete it.

Fei has been living well, eating well and sleeping well. In a place where nobody speaks to her, she has found a way to find comfort in the small little things she could do in all the free time she's got.

She has accepted the changes in her life with an open heart.

However, a will doesn't come without a way.

Surely, she wanted someone she could talk to. The only person she could think of in the end was her husband.

Now that her life was solely his, why not appreciate his care even from afar? So in the gratitude of being fed well, sleep well and live well, she decided to show him her care too.

By sending him letters, thanking him.

Made gifts, a lot of them.

Made by her with soul and love.

She tried her best to show her devotion toward him and waited for a response, Alas a response never came which made her wonder if her gifts were even being delivered to him?

But that didn't stop her will. She'd still send him things which are always prepared by her.

In all, the sincerity of the mistress was witnessed by the all three maids and head maid, who started to feel their heart soften for the little girl.

Sometimes Fei would send him calligraphy, poetry or paintings made by her own hands.

Or sometimes she'd send him clothes that she'd make herself with the help of the head maid who was in charge of the things happening inside or outside the household.

The head maid would even ask a worker to deliver them on her behalf as she wasn't allowed to step foot outside the manor.

Months to months, the gifts would always be delivered to him like a service.

Suddenly, a drop of tear fell on the black cloth and Fei's eyes flashed with a sudden surprise as she realized that she was crying.

The girl was still a child who had been separated from her mother. She did have many concerns about her and all her lively activities couldn't cover up the ache in her heart.

Her husband never responded to her and she had no way to meet her mother. All alone, she'd wander in the manor, seeking the affection she'd always yearned for.

Alas, no one was there.

Wiping off her tears clumsily, she sniffled and got back into her work.

Silly her! She's a woman and a lady of the household. She cannot cry but..

A heartbreaking sob left her mouth and she pressed her head against the window sill.

But..who'd teach her how to stop the ache in her heart?


"You sing very well, mistress."

A sudden voice jolted her startle and she turned around, facing the maid who looked apologetic and concerned as she asked,"Did I scare you, mistress?"

"No-No." Fei waved her hand and smiled lovingly."I was just so engrossed that I didn't notice you. I should apologize." Her kind doe-eyes gazed at the maid. "Forgive me, please?"

"Nononono!" The maid hurriedly shook her head and sat on the floor mattress beside her. "You're too kind, mistress."

Apologizing to a servant as lowly herself; their mistress was truly one of a kind.

"I heard you sing so.."

Fei giggled and readjusted the zither on her lap, playfully smiling as she asked,"Did you like it?"

The maid nodded and hesitantly asked,"What is this song about, mistress? I've never heard of something like this before."

"Birds," Fei replied.

"Birds?" The maid couldn't hide her surprise.

"What about birds?"

Fei smiled and slowly explained."It's about how mother nature can be..cruel at times. The birds who abandon their babies after giving birth to them and leave them to face off the world all alone."

Her eyes filled with sadness as she explained further in a low voice."How hard and difficult it must be for them to survive knowing that there is nobody who loves them?"

The maid looked at her in admiration and asked,"Have you written this song on your own, mistress?"

Fei smiled and didn't say anything.

This song had nothing to do with her life. There was a story her mother once told her about, 'Birds' when she was a child.

As a child who was growing up being loved by her mother, she felt sorry for those baby birds.

Since then her heart would always ache for those who have been abandoned to survive alone in this world with no one to love and care for them.

How sad it was to know that there is no one in this world who loves you?

Little did Fei know that her life is entangled with someone just like that. She didn't know that in the future she's going to fall for someone who will see her love as an obstacle in the path he has chosen.

That someone was her husband, Liang Yang, a prominent successor of a well-known noble family.

Although born in a dignified bloodline, the fame he earned because of his sinful deeds turned out rather notorious when he took over his family.

Killed many, did many heinous acts and let the world know all about it. Never hid his true intentions of ruling over the H city with the power he'd over the whole capital.

That someone was Fei's husband.


A beautifully well-arranged package was sent to his study room and Yang's eyes were busy observing the box in indifference while he relaxed on his seat and then closed his eyes tiredly.

He didn't know what to do about this situation anymore.

Every single month, he'd receive these well arranged gifts. Now it doesn't even bother him as much as it first did when he read the first letter his wife sent, thinking that something might have happened but it turned out that she was thanking him for providing her well.

That was baffling for him.

Slowly and slowly getting quite used to these pretentious acts done by his wife in name, Yang had no energy to spare so he never responded to any of her letters.

Although this game of marriage was quite fun to see for him, that is..

The wife he'd abandoned on the very night of their wedding was quite persistent about letting him know that she existed in his world where he wasn't planning on starting a family of his own.

His hand opened the packaged box calmly. Eyes so dead looking as if he lacked the emotions of a human.

He smirked when he saw a letter placed above something black. Tossing the box aside, he opened the letter.

His movements were not rushed as he unfolded it and leaned his face against his fist, chuckling to himself when he spotted a well written calligraphy, it looked beautiful with bold letters wishing him sweetly.

"Quite an artist, huh?" He muttered and read the letter. The handwriting was sleek and neat. The letter read how she has learnt to embroider the traditional robe with the help of the head maid.

It started on a casual note but even her words held the weight of respect she'd for him. His wife was good at playing with words. Quite mischievously, her message somehow conveyed how he'd upset her by not responding to her letters but also telling him in a way that she won't ask for much.

She just wanted a reply from his side, not sounding pushy but anticipated and wanted to know whether he liked the robe she had made for him.

The man's eyes glanced over the box which was placed on the study table as he wondered, so this time she has learnt to make the traditional robe. Seems like he has underestimated her will.

He calmly folded the letter back and placed it inside one of his drawers. Standing up slowly, his hand worked on the buttons of the white shirt he was wearing and when he took it off, then came the view of his perfectly well-toned masculine body.

Pulling out the robe carelessly, he stared at it. A traditional black robe with the work of pure gold embroidery - The wear symbolizes their noble ancestor's pride of being born in this bloodline.

As Yang wore it, he realized how detailed her work was. The fabric felt comfortable to his skin, it fit his body perfectly and was finely made.

He could feel that she had worked hard. It wasn't simple to make a traditional robe, not many women in his family were actually good at making it but they were always forced to learn how to make it.

Quite satisfied with the gift, he then decided to finally give a response to his wife.
