
My wife is so brave.

"Kyaah!" She squealed and cowered in his arms before peering at the beasts who were as docile as dogs in the presence of her husband but she still found them scary to face nonetheless.

The wolves, all were males. They had shiny hair, glowy eyes, and an aura of apprehensiveness.

She had no idea that her husband had been raising wolves as his pets for years and would even treat them as though they were cute dogs.

So strange.

She really knew nothing about him. His bravery was to be noted though.

And also the fact that these wolves had been living in this manor all this while and she still was unaware about their existence a moment ago was to be noted too.

Yang's throat husked with a charming laugh as he watched his wife's adorable face.

"Don't be afraid, my love." He whispered as he tried to calm her racing heart which he could feel from her chest pressing against his. "They certainly won't eat you." But the master of them surely will.

"But what if they bite me?" Fei pouted, still feeling uneasy in the beast’s presence. Why would one raise such fierce and deadly creatures as pets? Were dogs and cats not docile enough?

"They won't dare." The man gently but firmly gripped her hand before stretching it toward a wolf which was standing in front of them.


The nymph cried, trying to take her hand back but her husband didn't let her, which caused her to wriggle in arms as she tried to escape from his arms but the hold on her waist tightened; looks like he'd no plan of letting her escape this situation.

She whimpered and looked up into his eyes coyly. "I don't want to touch them."

"I'm here, right?" He coaxed her as though she was a child, which in fact she was to his keen eyes.

Fei bit her lip as she listened to him speak really patiently to her. "They'll do nothing. See..does it look like they are going to pounce on you? Look, they are so cute and lovely."

Bewildered, she looked at them and then at him.


"See? This one wants to be petted. Pet it, wife." He pointed at the wolf which was sitting before them.

She sniffled and choked on a soft sob, trying to observe the beast. It wasn't moving but was staring at her, calmly as if it was a human and not a beast.

Well, it didn't look like it wanted to be petted, instead it looked more like it wanted to pet her.

"Now, slowly try to touch its head. It won't bite." He whispered to her. "C'mon, darling. I'm here, um?"

She nodded and watched as her husband stretched her arm toward the wolf, who in return telepathically offered its head.

She caressed the crown of its head, slowly falling into a daze while doing so.

"See, It's doing nothing. It's good, right?"

His wife nodded her head and a smile graced her pretty lips. Yang had never seen a person with such a pure smile and was taken aback by her beauty. Perhaps, it will take some time for him to adjust to her pleasant presence.

"My wife is so brave," he praised her generously, discarding the fact that she was scared of the beast just a moment ago and pointed out the obvious. "Seems like it's starting to like you."

"Really?" Fei's eyes brightened as if glowing stars had twinkled within her orbs and she glanced at the wolf which was smaller compared to others. And then without her husband's help, she willingly petted it on the head.

Other wolves had a more oppressive aura compared to it.

Watching her childlike innocence, Yang purred before kissing her dimple cheek with indulgence, to which she returned the favor by pecking onto his cheek.

The man gently smiled before wiping the corner of her eye which was still glistening with tears from her earlier breakdown.

"Do you want to feed them?" He asked while staring down at her. She was really timid so he thought she'd say no but he also noticed the eagerness on her adorable face.

"C-Can I try?"

"Of course, you can." Yang's smile deepened, though it soon vanished when he heard two wolves growling at each other. Slowly he looked over and calmly watched them with dead eyes.

Noticing the change in his demeanor, Fei looked over too.

What happened?

Yang let out a swift whistle and not surprisingly, both the wolf stopped their disobedient act and one of them even whimpered, faced with its master's harsh glare.


Her husband even knew how to tame these beasts? Fei’s heart filled with sweetness at his charm. She wanted to know more about his hobbies, likes and dislikes.

"Let's feed them," he said to her, his eyes turning back into gentleness while speaking to his timid wife.

"Um!" She readily agreed and glanced at the bucket beside them which was filled with meat, she didn't know which animal's meat was that but it didn't seem uncleaned but rather it looked fresh.

Yang picked up a fresh and thick slice before tossing it on the ground. However, the wolves didn't budge, not before receiving a look of approval from their master.

Fei was in awe. They were loyal and well disciplined.

"Husband." She was also growing curious to know more about his life experiences.

"Hmm?" Yang was feeding the smaller wolf which took its meat and went away in the corner. Seeing that, all of the other wolves started to swarm around him.

"Did you train them yourself?" Fei glanced at them and then him. The beasts didn't look wild but extremely docile.

Yang chuckled and nodded his head. "I did."

"Were they wild at first?"

"They were."

Fei didn't know what to make out of it. Does he not fear anything? She tilted her head innocently and rolled her bright eyes around the porch.

"D-Did they bite you?"

"They were the wildest among their packs." Yang remembered how fierce they were at first. All of them were from their separate different packs and none of them was easy to tame but he likes nothing more than challenges.

"It was a little hard to tame them." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the lips. The smooch was short as he pulled back and placed a piece of meat on her hand, laughing as she made a face by scrunching her brows.

"Come, feed them." He made her stretch her hand forward while she kept ducking her face, doing the task with his help.

The night was silent, only the sound of owls and crickets could be heard in the courtyard.

After feeding them and washing their hands, Yang didn't waste any time as he took her inside the bedroom.

Will the night be long?
