
How about you serve yourself to me?

They were back to the master's bedroom and Fei was placed on the bed with extreme care.

Night makes things ambiguous between a man and woman, comfortable but one cannot be spared from that fleeting moment which can turn even the air they breath seductive.

Yang slowly untied his black night robe and sat down on the bed, just beside her. She was about to sit up too but just one word from him caused her to lay where she was.


A simple and curt word yet filled with control.

She could only nod in obedience and watched his back with curiosity. What is he thinking about?

Fei was nervous too, after all it's for the very first time they'll be sleeping together.

However, her eyes widened when she saw her husband sliding down his robe, and then she was faced with a sight of those dreadful scars of wounds on his bare back.


She gasped in horror and quickly sat up. Her eyes shook in disbelief. The scars on his body were old but still ghastly; whip marks, stab wounds, gun-shot and even scratches of a wild animal.

What kind of life has her husband led?

Her hand slowly rose up to caress his back. Feeling him go stiff when she touched those ghastly and horrifying scars, Fei's heart pained and her eyes filled with pity.

All of these scars were brutal and life threatening. He'd gone through the pain and suffering of life with dangerous obstacles laid on his path. Were there also times when he has almost faced his own death?

The mere thought of his sufferings made her heart churning into a painful twist and she slowly traced her finger on a visibly long scar. This one didn't appear like a wound from a dagger, instead more like a katana?


Her lips trembled and she couldn't help clutching onto her chest where her heart laid with her other hand, feeling it twist even more painfully and a lump formed in her throat.

"I killed them all."

She heard him speak after a long deafening silence. His voice was filled with nothing but the calmness of a mature man who has faced fate more cruel than hell.

"The people who tried to harm me, I killed them all." Yang bowed his head and took the hold of her hand which was placed on his back before pulling her to hug him from the behind and to his delight, the nymph obediently compiled.

Her soft arms snaked around his muscular chest and she hugged him while her head rested on his shoulder.

"Why did they want to harm you?" She softly asked, wanting to know more about him.

"That's because I'm not a good man," Yang grasped her little hand on his chest and made her caress the scar on his chest. It was so deep that she could clearly feel it on her fingertips and her eyes couldn't help tearing up.

These scars..it must've hurt a lot when the wounds were inflicted.

"And my blood, they fear the blood which is running inside of me." Continuing, Yang closed his eyes and tilted his head upward when he felt her comforting caresses on his chest and his body burned with desire.

"I've killed many people." He said after a short brief moment and then opened his slit eyes, narrowing them as he asked. "I have tried to lay my hands on your father too. Do you not fear me for that?"

"My f-father?" Fei knew nothing of bloodshed as she had never been told about such things by her mother.

If he'd killed people, there must be a reason for him to do so. Unaware of the cruel reality, Fei could only ponder on that thought and pray for the deceased so that her husband's sins would wash away.

Yang wasn't surprised at her reaction, he was expecting that. "Hmm.."

Her father was not a trustworthy man. The man tried to betray him by forming alliances with others but his plan was soon found out by Yang and that's where their marriage took place as her scumbag of a father was too afraid to face death.

Seeing no other way, he offered his daughter's hand in marriage as the last resort for him to be alive and safe, knowing that she's been betrothed to him by the elders of the Lu family.

No matter how lovely his little wife was, her father was one scum of a man; vile and had no sense of conscience. He would have been long dead if not for his late father's promises to the elder Lu.

"I've.. never met my father," she mumbled. That took Yang by surprise and he turned his head toward her, frowning as he squinted his kohled eyes at her.

"You've never met him?"

She looked up into his eyes and shook her head. "Never." Her eyes were honest and pure, akin to a child. She was telling the truth.

He believed her but the news had taken him by surprise. Something doesn't fit right. He knew that she wasn't an illegitimate child and he also knew that she had been well-hidden from the world.

What reasons could be there for that man to avoid his own flesh? For as long as he can remember, the Lu family had never indulged themselves in keeping mistresses.

"My mother said-" Fei stopped talking and looked at her husband with guilt in her eyes. She wasn't supposed to talk about her old home, let alone mention her own mother.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me." He kissed her on the forehead and gently coaxed her. "It's quite late now. Go to sleep like a good girl, alright?"

There he goes, treating her as if she was a child again. Fei bit her lip and fluttered her eyes lower when she felt his warm breath brushing against her skin.

"But I'm not sleepy," she innocently said. Fei had slept this whole afternoon and couldn't feel the need to sleep. "Can we talk a bit more?"

'We can do something more interesting than a talk,' Yang mused to himself but somehow he could sense that his wife wasn't aware of the matter regarding consummating between a husband and wife.

Yang could read minds by the look on one's face and not to mention she was as blank as a paper. His wife's carefree spirit and pure shyness of a little girl gives away everything which is inside her heart.

Has the head maid not told and taught her about those things or is he being too careful?

He didn't want to startle her yet. He can take it slow.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Ummm.. " She cutely placed her chin on his shoulder and giggled. "What do you like to eat, husband?"

Yang "..." Faced with a question only a child would ask.

'Right now, I wish to eat nothing but you, my little wife.' Yang looked at her beautiful smile and let his intrusive thoughts win as he leaned forward to bite her bottom lip.

"Does my wife know how to cook?" He softly murmured against her soft lips.

"Of course!" She chirped.

Seeing her adorable side, Yang chuckled and pulled back from the kiss."I'm not a picky eater, darling."

"Then I'll cook whatever I'm praised for."

'How about you serve yourself to me? I'd do well to savor your taste and devour your whole delicacy.' His inner demon was more honest than him as his eyes darkened in pure lust. If possible, he’d love to touch her in a most impure manner.

Will she be able to handle that side of him? If not, then he’ll be sure to make her get used to him.

The man smiled and pushed her on the bed.

"Let's sleep, okay?"

"But I want to talk."


Fei pouted and laid down. Her husband sighed before also joining her on the bed. His arms took her in his embrace and he cocooned her securely.



"When I open my eyes, you'd be here with me, right?"

His heart softened and he kissed her forehead in a response, his lips lingering there longer.

"Sleep. I'll be here."

A smile bloomed on her face. Seeing that he was already falling asleep, she closed her eyes too.

After a long pause, Yang suddenly opened his eyes to gaze down at her. There was a look of melancholy on his face as he fell into deep thoughts.

“What are you doing to me, wife?”
