
H-He left me again.

The maids and the head maid were pleasantly surprised when they caught the sight of their master carrying the little figure of their mistress across the courtyard - which led straight to his bedchamber.

The young maids exchanged looks, almost giggling in happiness if not for the head maid who was standing behind them, looking at the scene across the garden - which separated them from seeing further.

The head maid had a look of conflict on her face but she couldn't hide the delight in her eyes for the mistress.

Will the little girl be able to win the master's cold heart?


Yang carefully placed his wife on the bed, watching amused as to how small she appeared on the bed.

He hummed and stretched out his palm to cup her face and then lightly brushed his fingers on her supple cheek.

The feel to her skin was extremely smooth and soft that he couldn't bear distancing the closeness between him and her.

Instinctively the man slowly bent his head down before sniffing the maiden's pure scent in a wild manner as he breathed in.

She smelt so sweet and pure, and it was urging him to indulge himself inside her beauty.

If lust was a sinful desire, then love was nothing more than a curse itself and it can rival any form of excessive feeling a soul can have for another.

However, right now this man has developed a lust for this little beauty.

There was a sort of excitement in his heart as if he'd attained something really precious and was willing to treasure it forever.

He borrowed his head deeper on her neck and planted a deep kiss there before trailing his lips on her ripe cheek.

Her breath felt faint and slow against his skin, making his heart palpitate and body shiver pleasantly. The deafening silence and the ambiguous atmosphere in the room made the time pass slowly.

Yang closed his eyes before slowly opening them to see the nymph's face up so close while his lips still lingered on her flesh, taking advantage of her vulnerability.

His fingers glided over her small ear and he massaged it gently. He wanted to touch her, touch all over her body and feel her against his skin. Kiss her all over and ruin her body on this very bed.

She was still a girl, delicate and pure; never been nourished by a man before. The thought was too much of a temptation to his devious self.

He breathed in more of her scent and heaved off a manly sigh.

Women were a gift to mankind and the world was nothing but a hell without them, he agrees with the notion.

However, the intoxicated man soon realized what he was doing and paused in his movements before cursing under his breath at the reaction which had arisen below his abdomen.

Yang reluctantly pulled back and sat on the bed with helplessness written over his handsome features.

“You're indeed a distraction,” he muttered under his breath and stood up. His hand rose up to massage his furrowed brows before he left the bedchamber with his lower body numb with powerful desires.

He needs a long bath.


Not long after, Fei woke up and looked around, searching for her husband but he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly her heart thumped with an ominous feel.

Did he leave?

She hurriedly ran out of the chamber, searching for him everywhere but she couldn't find him anywhere. Whole courtyard was submerged in silence and even the maids had gone to sleep.

Fortunately when her teary eyes fell on the head maid, she dashed into her arms while sobbing pitifully.

"H-He left me."

The maid was surprised and she unconsciously glanced over at the figure who was crouched on the porch's floor, busy feeding the wolves.

Yang was also startled by this sudden situation and was calmly watching the scene with great interest.

She thought that he'd left her.

"He...he left me." Her sobbing voice turned more pitiful as she cried. "-again.. D-Did he not like me?"

"Mistress-" The head maid was about to tell her, however she paused when Yang gestured her to stop.

"Do you think that-..that.. he doesn't like me?" Fei looked up from the warm embrace, her eyes turning red with a desperate emotion.

"Will he not come back?" More tears continued to pour down her lovely puffed up cheeks. "Am I not a good wife?"

The head maid felt her heart soften when she was faced with those self deprecating questions.

This lovely girl had never spoken such bitter words before but now it seems like a root of self-doubt had planted itself in her pure heart.

"That is not true, mistress."

"It's true and ..now he has left me." Fei continued to cry but she didn't complain a single thing about him. "That means I'm not a good wife."

She wasn't a good wife because she was unable to make him stay here and now that he's left her, she couldn't even bear his absence with patience like a lady of this household should.

Not a single complaint left her mouth as she blamed herself, thinking that perhaps he'd left because he didn't like her.

Minutes passed and she slowly calmed down while the maid comfortingly rubbed her shaking back. Her sobs turned into soft hiccups as she wiped her tears with her palms.

A lady doesn't cry. She remembers those words but it hurt a lot. Her heart felt like it's being crushed by a heavy force.

Breaking away from the head maid's arms, she shakily took backward steps with an ashen face, wanting to lean on something because her legs felt numb.

It hurt a lot.

Her heart hurt a lot.

Suddenly her back hit against someone and soon two powerful arms enveloped her form in a protective embrace, causing her to turn rigid in her place.

"I'm here," Yang whispered and casted a look at the head maid. The head maid took it as her queue and left the place after helplessly glancing at her young mistress.

With the elder gone, the silence took over the place again.

Feeling the body in his arms shudder, Yang slowly made his sobbing wife turn around to face him and wiped her tears which kept falling off her face with no sign of stopping.

The man saw how a sense of relief washed over her pleasant face and how her tense body turned soft in his arms.

"It hasn't even been a day since I'm back-" He bent down to kiss her eyelid and whispered in an adoring manner."And look at you, already crying as though I'm dead."

"Husband," she sobbed out and hugged him. "I thought that you- that you-"

"Shh...I know." He gently picked her up and walked out of the corridor before sitting down on the porch's stairs with her being placed on his lap.

"I got-..I got scared." She couldn't manage to form her words properly as she hugged his neck, feeling her anxious heart relax after a sudden breakdown.

"Hmm..no need to be scared." Yang sighed and rubbed her small back, providing her the comfort she needed. If he had left, he wouldn't have realized how much his existence mattered to her.

"I'm here, now stop crying, okay?" He intentionally made his voice sound stern. God, why do women cry so much?

"Um." She obediently nodded and sniffled.

Fei was so spent that she failed to notice that more than five beasts had their eyes locked on her as they watched how their master comforted her.
