
Feelings vs reality . Cure of broken heart to make it healthy

If i am in a relation with someone since years both of us loves eachother morethan our life. We spend most of the time with eachother. We share each and everything with eachother even smaller than smaller moment whether it's happier or saddest. Both of us feels like we can't live without eachother we are just making our days special by spending each moment together. Weeks later randomly i get a call from my beloved and she says ' I can't stay in a relation with you and i will not marry you also' i feel broken and start asking questions to her why she is doing that , what's my fault did i made any mistake but she keeps silence and uses similar words again due to family reasons I can't marry you my parents will not allow , i said please try once for me i will manage everything before marriage don't keep yourself apart from me but she says no I can't i am sorry . Without any reason my life turned into hell and i started torturing myself for that mistake which I haven't ever made i tried my best but the reply was same my life became hell. And i wanted to die i tried so many things like giving cuts on arms on my tongue and taking bad steps which would leaf my life into darkness after weeks when nothing worked i started thinking about what i am doing am i torturing myself for an unknown person who even don't respect my feeling who is now a stranger i have no relation with her why i am torturing myself?

I started thinking about it for days and i ame to a conclusion that i was wasting my time my feelings on a wrong person no matter if I can't forget her but someone betterthan her deserves me and i have a God who loves me morethan everyone i have a beloved family and loyal friend circle why still am facing depression bcause of one liar she is also not morethan a human she also will die oneday why am i making mylife hell for her why am i shouting on my beloved ones because of a stranger and a liar. Then i started recovering and making myself happy it took too much time but finally it's gone not 100% but 90% and sometimes i remeber her i cry but i will not trust same person again who made my life hell. I request every heart broken person to try the way i have tried .

Moral:- life is a gift of God don't make your wprld hell because pf temporary person love your God and your parents , yourself and tjose persons who really loves you 🙂