
Feelings of A God

This is a series of short stories that tell the story of one mans journey through a series of emotions given form. The purpose... he doesn't know it could be nothing but more likely than not things aren't as simple as they seem. It's the same multiverse with different adaptions that will all be related at the end. --On another note this is my first time writing short stories so if they aren't that good please let me know, I am doing this to get better at writing and all feedback is appreciated.

Sable_Lyon · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Gaze From the Abyss- Anger of God

They say anger is bad, they say that there could be no happiness when anger is present. There could be no doubt however that the thing he saw when he opened his eyes had destroyed that perception. Not in the sense of proving the sayings of old wrong, but rather by amplifying the true purpose of anger and embodying those values. A colossus being so enormous it made the universe around it seem inconsequential, its gaze upon him filled with a rage that spoke of raging suns and pupils so black they seemed to be collapsing stars. The surroundings began to physically shudder as sheer rage brought death and war upon the pitiful planets within its sphere of influence. It began to move its arms and only then did he notice that the creature was bound in chains blacker than the pitch darkness of the abyss that stretched across the endless void made weak by the power surging through them that held the very fabric of reality together by restricting the creature whose very existence destroyed all things around. As the creature continued to stir he came to the startling realization, it was awakening, as the chains that held down its power and left it in forced slumber began to creak and stretch the being became suffused in a weak, white light. He began to notice that the light at first cautious, then with ever more intensity spread through the universe as the being rumbled and the abyss like pupils began to swirl with spots of white as the creature awakened. With one final push the being heaved and a river of sparkling ruby like blood appeared around it as the creature's body solidified into a vaguely human silhouette with the blood turning into a halo that rested on the top of its head. Transfixed he realized that at some point during the creature's transformation the chains had been burned almost entirely away, the last bit of black on an almost pure white canvas that struggled to hold back what was to come. With a crack reminiscent of shattering glass the chains broke and the creature exploded. Or maybe it was only his imagination and the creature was always everywhere, and the rage was always present, and the light of extermination had always been around him and his mortal coil simply hadn't comprehended its circumstances and the destruction of everything was already occurring, or had already occurred. The creature, the being, the manifestation of a rage so hot it seemed holy was free. It was free and it knew. It knew that wherever it passed a trace would remain forever, never to fade or heal. As he watched the majesty of destruction before him he knew. He knew and realized it knew as it turned its head towards him the only thing somehow still untouched by it as if a bubble was there protecting him. But as if the creature's attention were magic, and truly it might well be, he could feel the bubble around him pop and the creature rushed towards him to envelope him, destroy him, cleanse him in its pure rage. He saw it grasp him in its hand and his eyes opened.

If you guys are confused right now that's ok so is the Protagonist. This is a shared multiverse story so although you guys don't understand who the MC is and why hes witnessing and experiencing this if you stick with me it will make sense in the end. Happy reading guys and girls

Sable_Lyoncreators' thoughts