
Feel me heal me

It's a magical romantic adventurous story of people from two different worlds who never imagined crossing paths. Mona and Alex, unaware of their real origin suddenly find themselves bonded In an unwanted marriage with uncontrollable superpowers, on one edge the wild lust for each other drives them crazy and impossible to stay far from the responsibility to protect their heritage and fulfil their duties as King and queen is no less than a nightmare. Alex, after being abundant by his parents and spending his childhood fighting one of the most dangerous human trafficking underworld gangs in America, has accepted a life without any love or affection and overtook the position of youngest underworld gang president, known for cruelty and inhumanity. Where mona, who is the adopted 17th princess of Jodhpur, is a young successful doctor who believes in helping others and is least interested in politics or her family affairs. She dreamt to help as many people as she can with love, care and a beautiful family already made her life complete. But their life falls apart when both suddenly discover each other as mates, unaware of what the future holds they accidentally awaken enormous powers alone with the responsibility to fight for their people. Unknown of their true origin will they ever be able to overcome the pros and cons? What will happen when 2 people, with different thoughts, perspectives, ethics and principles of life will blame each other as the reason for all hardships and mess going on, identified as each others ' biggest enemies but end up in a complex relationship of hate and lust, Accompanied by unaccepted twists and turns Will they ever be able to fulfil their duties, handle the unaccepted powers and find soulmates in each other. Read the novel " feel me heal me " to know more ...

Divyanshi solanki · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Glimpse at past

Alex pov :

My head tingled like hell when I tried to open my eyes, I could hear someone's presence beside me but the fact that I couldn't see who it was, was frustrating me down, I felt more anxious when someone pulled me hard and I could feel my back on the ground, suddenly 2 hands grabbed me while I felt few punches on my face, and the only question came to my mind was " who the hell dared to hit me and especially on my face " I was tired enough to think more and pain on my left hand was somewhat unbearable, I was trying my best to open my eye and regain my consciousness but I couldn't and within few minutes I again passed out.

I don't know how much time has passed, my hand isn't in pain now but I still can't open my eyes, I could feel that no one was around me, was I dead and laying in hell right now... I'm sure I will never get heaven with karma I have done in past, I was still wondering about my situation when suddenly I heard a voice inside my head

" Alex you are not dead so please stop thinking this nonsense "

Was I now mentally sick also, how could I hear someone... Inside my head... Or is it any ghost or something like that who came for revenge...

" How can you even think about your ancestors as a ghost, Abhaya Pratap Singh, this is the most disrespectful way I m ever treated in "

Wait what, who the hell is Abhay Pratap Singh, I'm Alex Jon.

" That's your name on paper, but your real name is a gay Pratap sing and stop using unpleasant words like ' hell ' that doesn't suit a king and a to be the leader "

Was this voice mad or what my name does sound like an American name, because it is. I was a victim of human trafficking, at the age of 4, I was sent to America in cargo, I had my life's worst years over there. In that terrible life, the only hope of ray I had was merry Jon, she was 40 and lost her only son in human trafficking, she was a secret agent of the government and was working in the same trafficking gang as undercover when I meet her I was only 9, Back then everyone used to call me " blast ", and that name had a different story but it was merry who due to some reason used to treat me like a son and she gave the name Alex and when I said

" an orphan like me doesn't have a last name so why even bother for the first one " she hugged me and said,

" no... I'm there for you, you are no less precious than my son, God took my birth son but he gave you to me, I know I can't do much for you but I will try my best you are Alex.. Alex Jon, son of merry Jon and one day we will leave this hell, I will go back to India to find your real parents, I'm sure your mother would be missing you, or if we couldn't find them I will be your legal mom on papers, I will find a most beautiful bride for you and we will hold a grand marriage, but she just can't be prettier than me, so tell me you accept my proposal or shall I beat you " and than she would giggle me until I said "yes" to her, that's true she was an angel sent especially for me and it was her death or I say murder that made the Alex Jon im today, even after ending everything in Amer ica, and getting indian citizenship I never changed my name, it was given by my mom... But how could someone just decide I have another name and what king, I'm not a king or anything even related to it, before I could think any further, my mind blanked out and I found myself in a white space, it was like I m inside myself ' I am definitely poisoned, otherwise how can I even think about that stupid bullshit thought '

" you again did that... It seems I have a lot of energy to get you on the mark "

I suddenly heard that voice again and when I turned a man was standing over there, he was maybe in his mid 50, which was obvious by his voice but he seemed like in h7s mid 40, wearing an Indian traditional dress, and struct aura he was a great king.

" This white colour just irritates me " he snapped and the background changed, but was an old room with 90s fashion furniture but the simplicity made it unique, that man sat on the chair beside the bed and said

" I know you have millions of questions for me and you are confused about everything so don't interrupt in between and listen to what I'm saying..... I m king Abhi Pratap sing,

13th King of Varanasi, I'm your great grandfather's father. I'm already dead 350 years ago but now am summoned as your future seeker, I know everything about you and am well aware of your life so let me explain to you, you are the 17th to be king of Varanasi, your name according to your kundli and destiny was Abhay Pratap Singh, I know you have millions of question about yourself but trust me I will answer them all so just listen to me. It's your real past that you need to know and protect. our royal family of Varanasi was one of the strongest royal families in India we not only prospered through inheritance but also managed to start new businesses and build in our power, the royal fort of Varanasi and the kuldevi temple are one of our biggest treasures and we managed to keep it with ourselves and never let it get destroyed in any era. Whether it's the Mughals, the British or the Indian democratic governance ent, we are always an important part of nations' economies and hold immense power and one of the biggest reasons we were able to do so as we are jays... Rudra jays. The royal family of jodhpur are also taru jays, and that is the reason why they are still so strong, but right now we are on the edge of the end. After your parents, the thrown was inherent by step-unclenched and from there the worst nightmare for Varanasi began, I know what I explain to you right now isn't at all enough but you have to be patient, right now you are extremely weak so I couldn't keep up with your energy for long and soon will be gone, I will return as soon as you gain your 60 - 70 per cent energy back and explain the rest. Being an ancestor can come only in your mind to guide you and this will consume a lot of your energy which you need to regain every now and then through meditation. just remember you were never abundant you were stolen, you have to take proper rest and regain your energy. There might be some changes in your body and your recovery will be much faster as your powers are taking over your body so don't panic about any sudden change in your body or if anything strange happens. Just have patience, I'm sure once you get to know everything you will get the answer to your all question "

" but why should I believe in.... " before even I could say anything I was back in my room my eyes wide open, I was about to criticise and cure that person when images of me and merry flawed in my mind, I then saw her carrying a newborn in her hand..... ' Was that her real chile ', then an image flawed of a 26-year-old man...... crying.

" Are you sure, you don't want to pay back merry by making his son's life better, he is suffering right now and by helping him You can do least for merry. So just do as I say " that voice again banged in my head.

' I will kill this bastard '

" no abusive words Abhay " ...... That voice again spoke.

' uhhhh what am I stuck in '


CH 5 end