
February Hearts

with the month of february upon us, cupid is the main factor but what about the supposed anti-cupid? Eros? this month has two weeks- valentines Day week and the anti valentines day- with romance and heartbreak comes drama lust and a roller coaster of emotions to follow

LegendsLostStories · Urban
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23 Chs

Tragic Smile

I've always been the guy with the "tragic smile." That's what they call it, anyway. It's the kind of smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes, the kind that people give you when they're hurting but don't want to talk about it. I guess it started when I was five, the year my parents split. Mom and Dad were like fire and ice, and I was the unfortunate water vapor caught in the middle—shapeless, drifting.

School wasn't any better. Kids can be cruel when they smell weakness, and I was the wounded gazelle in a pride of lions. They clawed at me with words, with laughter that echoed in my head long after it was silent. By fourteen, I thought I'd found refuge in Jessica's arms. But she cheated on me, a brutal lesson that trust was a double-edged sword. At sixteen, history repeated itself with Emily. I should've learned, but I guess hope is a hard thing to kill.

Then there was Alex, my best friend, my brother in all but blood. We shared everything, or so I thought until I found him in bed with my fiancée. That was the day I realized that love and friendship were just words, not promises.

Death seemed to follow me like a shadow. First Dad, then my stepmom, and finally Grams—each loss another brick in the wall I built around myself. I became a fortress of sorrow, impenetrable, cold.

I tried to move on, to pretend that I could still see the world in colors other than gray. But every smile felt like a lie, every laugh a betrayal to the pain that was my constant companion. I was paranoid, always looking over my shoulder, waiting for the next blow. Trust became a foreign concept, something others had the luxury of indulging in.

But you know what they say about rock bottom? Once you're there, the only way is up. It was the kindness of a stranger that made me see it, a simple act that pierced my armor. She found me in the park one evening, staring at the sunset as if it might hold answers. She sat beside me and shared her story, one of loss and betrayal, but also of healing and hope.