
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

whisper of the moon

Was a long sitting on the ground just waiting for began of the next round I see a really good shape elves within good armor and you didn't have a sword instead you have a bow it was interesting that make me so excited so I put myself in the position as always and just waiting for the gown to end as slowly they count down and I begin to get more excited as my blood rush just one to get the Victory and he was prepared his bow and I can see it pointed at the middle of my head I slowly Swift at the last count because in the end of the County he just throw the arrow and as I expected because I Swift away he didn't hit me so I get more closer trying to strike and I go from left to right just to make sure I will hit him but suddenly the kings stepped up everything freeze 









I put my sword down slowly as I feel my Palms getting so sweat because my nervousness Getting Over Me and the elf put his bow down we look at each other just seeking for answers confused as I glance at my mother and she was frozen that even glassing back so I look I was just like the only source I have set so annoying so I try to be gentle and soft whisper" sorry for asking but what happening" he didn't answer and Instead face sharpen and anger as he wanted to kill me so Maddie like a mad dog buttons other hand the king was chuckling put his hand slowly in the air as everyone cheering up is the competition and I felt so confused as this point I put my hand on my hair just try to understand and when the king lens at me and the other winner he smirk " for our two Heroes from a human world or elves world this year will be the first year for us to stop this diversity and understand each other and make everything full of equality those two winners will have their wish come true they fight from their bottom of Their Hearts and they would get what they want" 








I feel a bit of relief as everything is calming down, but the other guy beside me was technically met. I don't think he wants this equality thing, but I am not sad. I am getting what I want, so we slowly begin to walk towards that king, and we stop and kneel with our heads facing the ground, not even looking at the king. "For the first winner, please let everyone see your face and tell me what's on your wish, and let it become true," said the elves that are beside me. Slowly raising his head and getting up eagerly as if someone wanted some type of revenge, he made a night contact with that king up in his mouth at full volume to let everyone listen. "I want to change the way we think we deserve to have a high society, like humans, if you want to be in the highest rank! Titles have to exist here too! "









When people hear him, they begin to whisper and say good-bye to each other. Some of them are angry, some of them are happy, and mostly they are whispers, like judging everything they say, but suddenly, when I looked to see just the face of the King second, it was sharper than the knife. His eyes were dark as he looked disgustingly at the winner, making my spine shiver. "You know, in this place, only equality will be. You can go with everyone, but you have to remember that we are elves. We are connected to nature. No one can break us. If you want to change, change yourself. No one is here to be tied to your way of thinking."











As I was glancing at the elves, he was sweating a cold sweat. His hands were clenching as he tried to contain himself. The king slowly returned his composure as a small smile appeared on his face. The human winner: tell me your wish. Let's see what you want. I lift my face slowly as I look at the king, proudly full of confidence, not even regretting anything, knowing it is now and not tomorrow. My King, I have one wish. It is to revive the moon kingdom that has been defeated for centuries. I want" to bring the bright light with, and I need allies that I can trust.









He looks at me as he lifts an eyebrow, not satisfied with my request, but I didn't finish. "I need 100 soldiers beside me," the elves say. King begins to laugh loudly as my eyes get wider. I don't know what I have to say. "You're a little one; you are getting interesting. Tell me why you want to revive that kingdom that no one cares about." I cleanse my fist as I am listening to his useless words, but I have to, and I need to make sure he is not knowing anything about my identity, just my wish, and I know from the way he is talking that he's trying sneakily to know more about me. "The king of the rose is the embodiment of the kingdom of the moon but full of corruption, and I want to return the purity. I make sure that I have allies, but at this time I need some people to be more beside me. I can't fight a kingdom alone like a dry tree without any sport."










The king smirked as he looked around all the people, and the silence was so loud that I couldn't even hear the voices in my head. But with this loud voice, "Your wish will be accepted and fulfilled for all the people here; the kingdom of the moon will return under our wings. But suddenly, the elves that were beside me gelled from the top of his lungs. I looked at him, shocked and confused. Can I just make a fight with her one round? The king looked at him with an angry tone, blue and steady. I understand your place; even if we respect equality, we still have manners, and I don't have to repeat myself multiple times."








The elves just shrink and return to their place. Most people ignore it and cheer up. I glanced everywhere. I couldn't control my smile. My happiness was in my veins. All this is true. I looked at my mother, and I could see her tears flowing down, full of happiness and pride. I couldn't move anywhere but just smile. A bit of tears are just running down my cheek as I feel the satisfaction that I always dream of, that finally my revenge that has always been planned will come true. Kyle, you will taste the poison that you gave me, and with a small smile of satisfaction, the king finishes his speech. I slowly return to my mother and hug her. Softly, she looked at me in the eyes, and her face was sparkling with pride.













I never felt like this before with my daughter, Mia. You are my successor, the one who will fulfill the dream that I always wanted. We will restore the faith of the kingdom of the moon. Let's begin collecting all the allies that we need for now. It's time for the rebellions to make their moves." I look at her with a full smile and slowly return some magic. When I return, I slowly go to my room. I enter proudly as I sit on my bed, trying to relax. I laid my head on the bed as I saw the fairy king appear again. I cough, knowing just to let him know that I am not even sleeping. I get up and sit on the bed, and I see him sitting on the chair. He was brushing his hair, and little fairy tells him most of the things, even if it is a little bit, but without a face, I look at him, wondering what he is doing here.












"Good job, little girl. All the fairies will help you eventually. Don't worry about anything. This little kingdom will go away, but for now, focus on the next things you have to do. Don't dream about the future, because if you dream too much, everything will crumble to dust. I tilted my head and looked at him with a soft smile. I still understand what you mean, but I just want to lighten up the mood. Hey, you are being too serious, but you get closer to me as you get out of the seat and give me a pawn that is itself golden and green. I did it and understood it, but for some reason I feel comfortable holding it. I looked at him, a bit confused that he was smiling. Softly, I returned it; generally, he is a nice person at the end, and doing so, I returned to his seat, talking with a really soft voice. "You know me, I have a lot of work now, so excuse me, I have to leave." At this point, I didn't want to tell him anything; he just disappeared in the failure as I went towards the window and looked at the blue sky and felt the wind in my hair.










 remind myself that nothing is impossible we just need a little bit of determination some patient and even if people don't understand me so it's okay I will find someone and then but for now my revenge slowly getting close to the maximum I need to see who is leading the Revolution because you will reason next king as they think and the 100 soldiers will be all around we need to train the people in the Revolution even if I have to make them all of them Warriors I will take the time I got out from my room my return to the field just to relax and a place it always love sometimes nature remind us things that has been forgotten for so long remember my memories when my family was perfect almost most of us have be and appreciate everything 










I think it's time to get into this kingdom so he can help us and provide for us. I lay on the green grass and spread my arms, looking at the cloud, just imagining their reunion with my family. I didn't cry, but my heart swelling with hope and emotions that no one understands that can break the strongest man, I just want to make my father again see his face that I leave it for so much time I still remember it but I can't forget the last hug suddenly I hear a soft voice. I didn't even look at it because I knew it was my mother. She got close to me and sat beside me. "What are you doing now after this huge victory that you made?" I got up slowly and sat beside her, looked at her, and smiled. "Mother, what do you think about my father returning to you?"










Asking her softly as she chuckled, she smiled softly and petted my head, embarrassed because I am a grown-up woman, but it's okay; she's my mother. "Mia, you have to understand that if your father returns, my heart will be full of happiness. It's immune. We just turn into a family that has been broken apart for so many reasons, but we don't think too much about it. Okay, for now, let your victory have a meaning and think about what will happen tomorrow." Softly As I rest my head on her shoulder, I feel the peace and safety that I always feel when I am around her.