
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

The Quest Unveiled

"I was still sitting in the camp of Fire, waiting for Sylvia and Lily to wake up, but there were no signs of them stirring. I attempted to feed them, but they remained asleep. I decided to let them rest and kept watch over the place because the forest was already dangerous and filled with allegiance. As I guarded, I wondered why Sovientent hadn't told me anything about magic. Then I remembered I had the blue book, filled with knowledge that could provide me with anything I desired.

I hesitated to sleep after awakening from dark memories I'd seen through Sylvia's mind. Those memories haunted me, sending shivers down my spine. I felt their whispers in my ears. So, I began writing everything in the blue book. I started with the fire, the water, and the strange dream. The book responded clearly, stating that every dream in a magical or Mana-filled forest held significance. It hinted that it meant something I possessed.

I asked what would happen if all the fires merged into a new one. However, all my writings disappeared, and the book fell into a moment of silence. Puzzled, I gazed at Sylvia, feeling anxious as if something darker lay hidden beyond my sight. After a while, the book finally answered, revealing that my abilities were something rarely encountered. It explained magical levels, suggesting that people could typically gain two elements, but encountering all elements meant having them all. This revelation excited me, but the white one's meaning puzzled me.

I wrote it down as a question, expecting a detailed response. However, instead of answering, the blue book conveyed a single message: white magic doesn't exist. I looked at my hand, feeling perplexed. How could a book filled with knowledge not know the meaning of the white one? I pushed it to the back of my mind, focusing on the peculiar secrets I uncovered through Sylvia's memories. They seemed suspicious, especially the last one with its blurry visions and haunting screams, likely to plague my dreams.

I tried asking the book if it knew about everyone's past since the day they were born, and it confirmed its knowledge. I smirked, feeling a sense of power that I could know anyone's past without even asking. It felt intrusive, yet I couldn't resist. But suddenly, Sylvia softly opened her eyes. When I glanced at her, nervousness gripped me; my palms grew sweaty. I couldn't do anything. I hurriedly closed the book, stowed it in my bag, and retrieved another book from the Shadow Kingdom - a romance novel.

Trying to appear engaged in the book, I smiled, attempting to avoid conversation with her. However, despite my nervousness, Sylvia noticed my discomfort. Without uttering a word, her expression changed, and I sensed her unease growing. I worried for her but felt too apprehensive to engage. My anxiety intensified; my hands perspired, and a cold sweat formed on my skin. She suddenly spoke, questioning why she was there, where the monster was, and why she was with Lily.

I put on a forced smile, trying to comfort her while feeling incredibly uncomfortable. I attempted to make excuses, avoiding divulging the truth about the dive into her memories. Instead, I fabricated a story, claiming that I had fought the monster and that she was safe. It was a big lie, but it seemed to alleviate her worry, and I was relieved. However, I remained concerned about Lily, particularly because she had encountered the monster firsthand. I hoped Lily wouldn't fare poorly.

I checked on Lily; her health was deteriorating rapidly. I could gauge a person's health by touching a specific point on their arm. As I did so, discomfort overwhelmed me. I felt like fleeing the situation, but I couldn't abandon my friends. Despite my discomfort, I mustered the courage to address Sovientory, appearing as composed as possible. 'Sylvia, you must understand, Lily's health is deteriorating rapidly. We need to help her.'

Suddenly, Sylvia's hand began shaking as if she'd seen something terrifying. I looked in the same direction she did and saw a small blob, reminiscent of the monster, trailing us. I tried to comfort her, attempting to handle the situation right, as Lily's well-being was crucial. I recalled Lily mentioning that the Golden Cup in the forest could heal anyone. Since we were deep in the forest, I proposed seeking it out. However, I feared for Sophia, whose mental state was so fragile that even encountering a small creature could cause her severe distress. I didn't blame her; I'd experienced numerous nightmares derived from her darkest secrets.

Before embarking on the adventure, I lived in a Castle that gave me nothing but unsettling dreams, making me feel worthless and neglected by everyone, including the maids. Now, considering Sylvia's violent tremors at the sight of anything resembling that monster, it posed a challenge. I needed to find a safe place for both of them. I began mapping a trail behind me, seeking a cave I'd discovered - not too spacious but sufficient for two people.

I helped Sylvia up slowly, guiding her towards the cave. Lighting a small fire for visibility, I then managed to drag Lily's heavy body to safety. Setting them up, I planned to embark on a mission to find the healing solution. I decided to follow the small blobs that consistently trailed me; they seemed to have a purpose in the forest, either protecting something or on the contrary.

Slowly following them, I was led to a massive temple - a strange sight considering its pristine condition, lacking any dust. My curiosity piqued, exploring the various statues within. Most were distinct, but they shared a similar fashion. Toward the right of the entrance, there were three statues - or rather, four. One depicted a mage holding a crystal ball; another portrayed a sturdy man with a sword and shield, while a woman held a book. In the center lay a beautiful pond adorned with gold and silver, predominantly coins, but among them, a Golden Cup.

Before grabbing it, I cautiously examined the area, seeking traps - a skill I possessed. After fifteen minutes of scrutiny, finding no traps, I cautiously approached the pond. To my surprise, there wasn't just one Golden Cup; there were thirteen. Perplexed, I pondered a trick; my contemplation led me to a realization. The cups weren't real; they merely appeared identical. The real one would reveal itself only by not healing a wound when used. An ancient defense mechanism of the temple, it made people panic, inflicting significant injuries in their search for the right Cup, only to discover none of them worked. The wound I'd made on my finger remained unhealed, confirming my suspicions.

I panicked when I saw my blood forming a magical circle. Blood in such a circle hinted at black magic, which wasn't a good sign. Swiftly stopping my blood, I realized the danger; had the circle completed, it might have invoked an unwanted entity. It seemed the myth about the thirteen Cups had been a ruse.

Looking at the statues once more, I contemplated what I truly desired - power, loyalty, or truth. Reflecting on my adventures, I realized they always led me to the pursuit of truth. Without hesitation and with nothing to lose, I touched the statue representing Truth with my unhealed finger. The statue crumbled, revealing the cup. I filled it, drank, and my injury disappeared instantly.

I felt elated at the success of healing myself, yet simultaneously, I realized the profound impact that truth could have on relationships, potentially causing heartbreak. I understood the importance of being honest yet sensitive with others' feelings. But for now, my priority was to return and save Lily.

I was still sitting in the camp of Fire, awaiting Sylvia and Lily's awakening, yet they remained asleep. Attempts to feed them proved futile. Deciding to let them rest, I kept watch over the area, considering the forest's danger and intricate allegiances. It struck me that Sovientent hadn't shared anything about magic, prompting me to recall the blue book's existence—a tome filled with knowledge capable of providing any information I sought.

Reluctant to sleep due to haunting memories from Sylvia's thoughts, I transcribed everything into the blue book. I started with fire, water, and the strange dream. The book clarified that dreams within a magical or Mana-filled forest carried meaning, tied to something one possessed.

Curious, I asked what would happen if all the fires merged, but my writings vanished, and the book fell silent. Finally, it revealed that my abilities were rare, suggesting people usually gained two elements in magic, but encountering all meant having them all. The prospect excited me, but the meaning of the white one remained a mystery.

Asking the book about it, it surprisingly replied that white magic didn't exist. This perplexed me. I put it aside and focused on peculiar memories from Sylvia, particularly the one ending in blurry visions and haunting screams, likely to plague my dreams.

Inquiring if the book knew everyone's past since birth, it affirmed. Feeling empowered, I continued. However, Sylvia suddenly opened her eyes. Nervousness consumed me, and I closed the book, attempting to conceal it within my bag. I grabbed another book from the Shadow Kingdom—a romance novel.

I feigned engagement with the book, smiling occasionally, avoiding conversation with Sylvia, who sensed my discomfort. Her expression changed, and I could see her unease growing. I tried reassuring her while avoiding divulging the truth about diving into her memories. Instead, I fabricated a story about fighting the monster, easing her worries—although it was a lie. My concern shifted to Lily, hoping she wouldn't deteriorate further after encountering the monster directly.

I checked on Lily, witnessing her rapid health decline. Using my ability to gauge health, I found myself overwhelmed but resolved not to abandon my friends. Despite the discomfort, I addressed Sovientory, focusing on saving Lily.

Sylvia suddenly trembled, seemingly at the sight of a small blob trailing us, similar to the monster. I tried to calm her, realizing Lily mentioned a Golden Cup in the forest capable of healing. I suggested seeking it out. However, Sophia's fragile mental state posed a challenge. Even a small creature triggered violent tremors, understandable given her dark secrets had plagued my dreams.

Before my adventure, living in a Castle, my dreams were unsettling, making me feel neglected. Considering Sylvia's reactions, encountering anything resembling the monster posed a problem. Finding a safe place for both was crucial. I traced a safe path, discovering a small cave—enough space for two.

Guiding Sylvia slowly, we reached the cave. Lighting a fire for visibility, I managed to move Lily, dragging her heavy body to safety. I set them up, intending to search for the healing solution. Following the small blobs that trailed me, I came upon a grand temple—a pristine structure devoid of dust. It piqued my curiosity, leading me to explore various statues.

To the right of the entrance, three statues stood—or rather, four. Depicting a mage holding a crystal ball, a sturdy man with a sword and shield, a woman with a book, and a beautiful pond in the center filled with gold and silver, predominantly coins. Amid them lay a Golden Cup.

Before touching it, I cautiously scanned the area for traps, a skill I possessed. Finding none, I approached the pond, only to realize there weren't just one but thirteen identical Golden Cups. After a moment's confusion, I discerned they were all a ruse; only one was real—the one that wouldn't heal a wound when used. It was an ancient defense mechanism, making people panic and inflict significant injuries in their quest for healing, only to realize none of the Cups worked.

I panicked upon seeing my blood form a magical circle, a sign of black magic. Swiftly stopping it, I realized the danger had the circle completed. It seemed the myth surrounding the thirteen Cups was a deception.

Reflecting on my adventures, I realized the pursuit of truth consistently shaped my path. With nothing to lose, I touched the statue representing Truth with my unhealed finger. It crumbled, revealing the real Cup. Drinking from it, my injury vanished.

Though elated, I realized the impact of truth on relationships and vowed to handle it delicately. My primary focus remained on returning to save Lily."