
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Heartstrings and Steel

I didn't return to my slumber because I was so busy thinking. I went to the window without anyone knowing, walking like a cat that didn't want to wake anyone up. I sat beside the window, looking at the beautiful stars, and someone glared at me as if I were committing a crime. So, I began to whisper to my lonely heart, "I don't want anyone to get caught up in my conflicts and my terrible decisions. I want everyone to be happy, like a new day in a new world."

I glanced at the stars, making a wish from the bottom of my heart when a soft hand rested on my shoulder. It was warm and relaxing. "Hi, Volkswagen, go away," but my curiosity pushed me to glance around. It was Ethan. I was surprised he was awake. I didn't want to be awake right now.

My eyes were filled with worries, trying to understand why he had distanced himself from me after what happened during the training. Instead, he looked at me, and his already warm eyes were filled with happiness as he gazed at the stars. The moon reflected on his black hair, making it look like I was looking at the void, something no one could take me away from.

"I thought you were far away, like our feathers going in the air. I did the same, staring at the sky full of stars." I asked him, without even looking at him, "Do you think all the sacrifices and adventures are worth it to find my mother, or is it just a delusion that no one even cares about?"

He turned to me after observing the night sky. Everything was so peaceful, but I felt like crying. I felt so tired, even though I was just starting my training. I felt so exhausted inside. Did I deserve all these things? He patted my back gently, but with a flick of his finger, he tapped my forehead.

"Mia, we used to be those depressed people with you. Not anymore. We don't want the sad side of you. Everyone has a sad side, but don't overthink it. Sometimes, we can soar in the sky while we're down on the ground. Remember what you've accomplished just in these three weeks or more. Plus, you're now an adventurer, by name."

I smiled softly, remembering all my accomplishments, but at the same time, I felt I couldn't soar like everyone wanted me to. I couldn't. I couldn't be everyone's hero or villain. I just needed peace and happiness. But I wouldn't tell him. I didn't want him to delve into my rabbit hole. At least, he was still happy to see the place full and shining like the stars. A small tear dropped from my eyes, worrying about every step I wanted to take. But after a second, Sylvia's sleepy voice came from behind.

"Mia, you know you need to sleep. Tomorrow you have to train and do so many things. Go to your bed."

With her sleepy voice, both Ethan and I began to chuckle. It seemed like Grandmama woke up from her nap. She glanced at us, wondering what we were talking about. She was silent, trying to catch our conversation, knowing we were teasing her. Probably, she would make fun of us, but instead of yelling or fussing, she separated us.

"Look, guys, I admire your relationship with each other, and it's become so strong. I wonder if there are issues you're not aware of."

I glared at Sylvia in anger, shocked by her assumption. "You can't assume everyone's in a relationship, Sylvia. We're friends, nothing more. Alright, Ethan?"

He looked at me and smiled slightly, but he didn't say anything for some reason. "You guys don't know what fun means in this life. Anyway, come here, follow me. We need to go to bed."

I went to my bed and lay down. But before closing my eyes, I looked at them, and I saw Ethan. His ears were red, and he was lying on the ground, unaware that I had seen him.

After a couple of hours, I woke up, wondering what he was thinking about. After that night, Ethan always tried to avoid me, no matter what. I didn't pay much attention because he probably had some training. Meanwhile, during my training, Eric was as cold as ice, as usual. He trained me until I was exhausted, and he fed me like a bear every day. But today was different.

As I walked the loops, I noticed Eric wasn't with a girl or anyone. I couldn't answer why I was worried or why I asked him a question. "So, Eric, what do you think about love?" I asked him this question during my running, and suddenly, he was shocked. I didn't pressure him and continued running until he answered.

He looked at me, put his hand on his chin, and started thinking deeply. "If you ask me about love, for me, it's like a chess piece. I can use it to destroy or build. People have different perspectives, but for me, feelings are just things in life."

I was surprised by the way he spoke about it so coldly. Was he even human? Because every human has emotions. I didn't ask many questions, but the way he talked about emotions like a chess play was irritating. However, I walked on and showed him my muscles getting stronger.

"They're not bigger, but they're stronger," I said. "So, you notice a bit of strength. Good job. I think it's time to train you with the sword."

I was thrilled, unsure if I could even lift the sword initially, but Eric tossed a wooden sword to the ground, signaling that I had to pick it up. As I held it, it felt fine, not heavy at all, smooth like butter. I practiced some movements, finding them very comfortable. He clapped for me, appreciating my progress, but then he got closer and looked into my green eyes.

"Now you can survive, but you can't fight. I've trained you on this, but I have a question for you, the same one you asked me. What do you think about love?"

I looked down, reflecting on the fact that I hadn't experienced the kind of love that most people do, neither from nobles nor commoners. My love was full of suffering, anxiety, and occasional depression. However, I found solace in things I liked, particularly in seeing people happy, especially children.

So, I looked at him with a slight smile. "I don't know. I still wonder. Love, from my point of view, is what makes people care about me, and supports me when I'm down. Love can be for family or someone else, but in my life, I haven't experienced much. If you have any insights into love, let me know."

He chuckled at me, a smirk on his face. He thought I knew nothing about love. Yet, in our time together, he shared so much about life during our lessons, making me sad and at the same time making me feel stronger inside. I hoped he would find someone who'd make him understand what it means to be loved, as for me, my loved ones never truly cared for me, and I didn't think love was meant for me. So, for now, I found happiness in my current state.

Suddenly, he pointed at me and yelled, "Fight me as if I were your enemy!"

I rushed toward him, wielding my blade furiously, focusing on striking him where it hurt the most. I was consumed with anger and memories of Kyle, and with each move, my rage built up. But he dodged every attack, until finally, he held my wooden sword to his neck.

In terror, I let go of the sword, and I saw that his hand was injured. I was horrified, reminiscent of the feeling when someone had once tried to kill me when I was younger. I withdrew, staring at the ground, avoiding any eye contact, not wanting to see his face or his anger. I had lost control of my temper.

The only thought echoing in my mind was the betrayal I had felt. Suddenly, he hugged me, his breath warm. "I didn't expect a little bunny to possess the strength of a warrior. You've suffered so much in your life, and you don't deserve it."

He gently patted my head, and tears flowed down my cheeks. "Eric, it's just my emotions. Sometimes they're hard to control. It's so painful to recall the difficult times, the lies, and when you discover the truth, you have to accept it and forgive everyone, even if it's from your blood."

He looked at the sky, and his words comforted my heart. They made me reflect, and despite the rage and pain, they began to fade away with the gentle breeze. I looked up at the sky with him, seeing the beautiful clouds. And with that, all my tears were replaced by a soft smile—a peace I had never experienced before.