
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Beyond Trials and Secrets

"I know I was tough and said, deepest way, I look at the moon, someone shining at me. I was holding the book and in my heart, I was feeling a bit sad, lonely, and regretful. I put the dagger aside and got a pen. When I opened the Blue Book, it had something interesting; it said that the person who will write on it, all the writing will disappear to another mysterious person. I didn't believe it, so I began to write about my feelings, my suffering, my blackest day.

I had tears that I shed, but I didn't expect that the book would be magical enough to transfer all my writings to this mysterious person. And the only thing this person wrote to me is history, and they don't know what to answer to be our wise person. I closed the book from frustration and began to get up, looking again to the moon, and more desperation.

I began slowly walking in the darkness, trying to not hurt myself and be more careful. My first step was nice; nothing happened. But the second was full of regret; I stepped into a trap of spikes that could slowly kill me, but I missed it. I learned some reflexes from Eric, and at some point, I missed him; he's a nice person. But during my walk, killing some monsters, some lions, and someone who looked like a soldier, all of them were whining and crying to be free, as if someone trapped them in this place. The only thing...

I killed some to make sure that everyone is free to go to heaven and not be trapped in this dirty place. At least they can have some happiness after their death. The only thing I can sense is what is around me, but not me. That I can see everything in this darkness. My thinking goes everywhere, as whispers go around, making my heart ache. I shiver, and my spine hears the sound of children crying, and when I look around, nobody was there.

I scratched my head and turned to understand what was happening and not let the fear contain me and make me weak. I walked further until I found a candle that was lit up in a blue-colored flame. I took it and began to see what was happening around. The place was empty, had some blood on the floor, the monsters that I killed, but more than that, no sign of life. I saw the stairs for the second layer, I got up.

The second layer was full of traps and also a weird letter with it, saying, 'The wisest people going through it. Don't rush because your skull will be crushed.' I hesitated to even step because the whole way was empty to me and disciplined full of traps, different kinds of traps. I don't know, magical probably. I began to overthink, but suddenly my stomach began to make some noises, and I was so hungry.

So, I took some fire from the candle and began to cook the wolf meat slowly and maturely. Everything was getting right. I took a bite, but it's not as delicious as Sylvia's cooking. But for now, I am eating to survive.

I took a small portion and put the rest in my bag because I still have a long way. I got a small rock and tossed it in the hallway. The rock bounced four times or more. At first, the echo of the bumping rock was all around, but another second, I found traps activated. One of them was spikes like the last one, the second one was poison arrows, the third one was an open fire, and the answer for the fourth was the floor opening as if to return to the first layer. But I don't know how many traps they still have, so I tossed another rock, just in case, and nothing happened. I was happy.

I walked around, despite getting two poison arrows, just to investigate the type of poison and if we can replicate it. But this idea was so bad that I left all the arrows in their place, and I don't want to replicate the type of poison. I don't want to kill people. I went around the big hole in the ground because it is so big that I have to be careful with every step. The first one was good, the second one was good, but the type of dirt or bricks that they used is so old that they are cracking.

So, when I began to step more, to get away from this hole, some of them began to crack. I got so nervous and moved faster. The last step, the break cracked so bad that I was falling. At first, I wanted to give up, but I remembered that giving up is not just for losers; it's for people who understand their weakness. I am not seeking power here. I am seeking to survive.

So, I got the dagger and got hold of myself before all my body was under the ground. I was capable of lifting my body weight and getting out of the hole. I was terrified. I didn't expect this. Anyway, I looked behind me to see all the traps and said to myself in amusement, 'The person who made all these traps to kill people is a smart one. I hope the third layer will not be the place I will die.' I chuckled softly to myself. Not because what happened is funny more.

I just want to change the mindset that I have. Even on black days, I will smile to remind myself that nothing deserves to wipe my gentle happiness. I go to the stairs again with my candle and go up the third layer, and it is full of books, like a library. I got to the end of the hallway to see the meaning of all these books, and the end of the hallway is closed with a lock, and the key is nowhere to be found. So, because I am a person who loves to read and draw...

I begin to read those books. Most of them are so old that if I touch one of them, they will turn to dust easily. But I found a really interesting book that claims to have all the history of the world. At this point, I got so interested. I opened the books slowly because I didn't want to turn anything to dust. I began to read. I read from the beginning of time to the Kingdom of the Moon.

I read about it more, and I found so many things about my mother's home, the reason that my mother's homeland was wiped out. Because of the same reason that I never understood how to connect those people. They are so pure; they think they don't need anyone; they always think that people will be loyal. But is it, and all of them betraying the Moon.

And this softer that reminds me of Kyle and Lily. At some point, I opened my eyes and began to see how much a royal family can suffer from responsibilities and work, and all of that. They don't have time for themselves. My mind began to curse myself that I was so selfish with Kyle. Even my actions were not good toward him. I began to realize and respect him from my deepest heart because he is a person, too. Yes, he does some rushed things to protect his country, but at the same time, how many people for him to do things that he doesn't want to.

I got the Blue Book and began to write all of those things, all my regrets, and in the end, I asked a question, 'How did I let myfeelings down and know that this person understands and emphasizes my feelings toward me.' I didn't dare to say his name or write it in the book because I am still a little bit shy about it. I can hide my shyness after a few seconds. All those writings disappeared to this stranger person. I waited for a reply, but no response came. The book never flew, so what did I do? I got soft-hearted and touched every book.

I saw most of them turn to dust, and the rest that didn't, I began to open them to find the key. I got angry and shouted to myself, 'Why can't I find the key? I don't understand what the problem is.' But I found a book that I hadn't opened for some reason. Its name was 'The Trust of No One,' and it was a novel.

I'm not interested in those things, but I often slowly began to read it. It is an interesting story about the trust of the people and it gives the image that a king is a man of the house, and the people are the women of the house and the kids. And they say when a king is kind, the people will learn to be kind. This part melted my heart because I can imagine this with my family. Some tears fell down, and because of my tears and my emotions flowing everywhere, my tears melted the book. I was so confused.

I stopped crying, but those tears that multiplied revealed the key. I got the key and opened the next layer. I looked at the room, and the hallway was my last tears. With hope in my heart, I bid my final goodbye. This layer just reminds me that all people can bleed the same, can feel the pain, but some of them just hide behind the shadows. I go to the fourth layer, and it is so big and full of swords. The swords were stuck on the ground.

I tried to pull one, but it didn't work. I went to read the description, but the only thing written was 'Your heart will guide you to the right sword.' I began to go through all of them, but nothing worked. I went to look around this giant place full of swords and found a sword stuck not on the ground, but on a throne. I got closer with my curiosity flowing in my blood. I got closer and closer, as if something I had to get, not just the sword.

Another skeleton was also sitting on the throne, but I didn't care. I held the sword, as if my heart was racing. The sword was golden, not fancy, not full of jewelry, and had one blue stone. I grabbed it and said with my pure heart, 'If this sword chooses me, I will always be satisfied.