
Fearless MC in a Generic Fantasy World

A man who doesn't feel fear is reincarnated into a random fantasy world. Expect cliche everything. From an Adventurers Guild to a System to Slimes to Goblins, this place has it all.

Zero_Fux · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1 : A New World, huh?

Earth, Random Country, Random House.

There's a man in his 20's with light brown hair and dark green eyes, within a small room, sitting down on a chair in front of a computer monitor, slightly hunched over with bags under his eyes. The time on the screen read [3:06am].

An ad appeared on his screen, [Congratulations! You've been chosen to go to a fantasy worl-]

.. He closed it before even reading it.

'Sigh, these free manga sites have ads popping up every 2 seconds, adblock doesn't even work'

Standing up and laying in his bed that was behind him, he was asleep within minutes.

* 6 hours later *

Groaning could be hear breaking the silence of the once quiet, small room.


Stretching he got up, went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, peed and everything else the average person does to start their day,

Getting a granola bar and bottle of water out of the fridge he made his way back upstairs.


Sigh 'is this really gonna be my life until I just drop dead? Whatever, it's not important, I just found a really good manga to read anyway'.

Getting back to his desk he was just about to sit down when he heard a loud and cheery voice that sounded like it was coming from a 20-30 year old woman.

'Congratulations! You've been chosen to go to a fantasy world! Please think 'yes' if you'd like to accep-'

'Can you shut up! I've just woken up and i've got a headache! A fantasy world? Who wouldn't want to go! Take your shit somewhere else, i'm trying to read.'

'You have chosen to accept going to a fantasy world!'

'I already told yo- huh?'

All of a sudden, I started feeling lighter and light kept filling my vision getting brighter and brighter until I had to close my eyes.

The next thing I felt was incredibly soft blades of grass embracing my body.. wait, grass?

Opening my eyes, I saw a bunch of huge, vibrantly green trees with beams of light breaking through the canopy, there was a small stream running across the bumpy but soft grass covered terrain, creating a mystical atmosphere.

'What the shit is this?!'

'I actually travelled to a fantasy world? You could have at least given me a shirt!'

All I had on me was some sweatpants and a bottle of water!

'What the hell did they mean fantasy world? What type of fantasy world, fantasy is an entire genre!'

Looking at some bushes where I just heard a rustle, I watched as a pure white rabbit hopped out that had red eyes and a horn..

'Of course.. the most generic fantasy monster since the slime, a horned rabbit!"

'So, umm.. do I get a weapon or..?'

'I guess not..'

'Fine! Be like that! Fantasy world huh? Then do I get a system at least?"


[Name: Arthur Gold]

[Level: 1, 0/100 exp]

[HP: 80/80]

[MP: 200/200]

[Strength: 9]

[Agility: 14]

[Dexterity: 13]

[Endurance: 7]

[Vitality: 8]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Wisdom: 12]

[Willpower: Max]

[Free Points: 10]

'AHA, it worked!'

'Now, If i'm not mistaken, horned rabbits are pretty much always hostil- OOMPH!'

I was cut off by the Horned Rabbit in question hitting me right in the stomach.

[Damage taken -20HP]

"You motherfucker, system, put 5 points into strength and 5 into agility!"

'Oh, hey it worke- AHH! You shitty rabbit!

[Damage taken -10]

It hit me right in the arm! Screw this!

Quickly dodging to the side from its next attack I kicked that bitch right in the belly.

[Damage Given -20]

Quickly taking in the rabbit and looking for any weak points I could exploit, I got another notification.

[Skill Created: Observe, Level 1]

'That's useful', quickly dodging another attack and using Observe on the rabbit it said

[Horned Rabbit]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 60/80]

'Wow, this guy's weak'

Once again dodging another attack, I stomped the overgrown hamster, where it let out a quick squeak, and stomped it again, and again, and I kept stomping it till I heard bones crunching.

[Damage Given -10]

[Damage Given -10]

[Damage Giv...


[Creature Killed, Horned Rabbit]

[Gained 20 exp]

'Phew, I feel a lot stronger and faster than before, this feels great!'

Looking at the remains of the rabbit, I pondered on whether I should eat it or not.

'Ah, screw it, this rabbit was there as soon as I came to this world, they've got to be quite common, I can always find another. Let's go in.... that direction!' I thought, pointing in a random direction.

Setting off in that direction, I thought about what the else the system had to offer.