


I have always lived the simplest life. As much as possible, I don't want to get inclined with people. Most of the time, I just spend my whole day staring at my laptop wondering about different things.

I stare at my laptop for hours, thinking of what should I write or should I continue writing. I have already published several books most of them were hits and became big time but the fame didn't last long as slowly people tried to spread fake news about my stories coming into life.

Everytime I read those articles, I can't help but to laugh. The thought of it was just so absurd.

Imagine, who in this fucking world would believe such an absurd news? It's fucking 2020 everyone. It's the 20th century and people still believe in such nonsense?

Of course, we always have those stupid petty people who would fall for those lies.

And that's not actually the worst thing. The worst thing is, I saw some conspiracy shit theories on YouTube. Those petty vloggers who just want to earn money create their own freaking absurd theories and I can't believe that they really made money for that.

Some people also claim to have these so-called evidences that my stories really come into life. And I just freaking laugh every time I look at those.

Because of that issue, no publishing companies actually want to take my new stories, they were afraid that when they publish it, all of those shits inside my story would come true.

I cannot blame them for being such a scaredy-cat. Most of my stories are about ghosts, monsters, killers, murderers and some of it was just my idea. You know, "creative ideas".

One of my stories that became a hit was my debut story, "Fear thee Unknown". It took awhile to be published. I rote it on 2011 and it was just published on 2018. It took me a whole damn 7 years just to published my debut story.

But that story first appeared on several platforms, sites, applications and most of the people who read my story actually created a few animations about that.

But 2019 came, that story was on the peak of all charts. It won several awards and made me the best selling author of all times. But of course, people loves to drag other people down. That's when those fake news started.

Several people claimed to be attacked by this certain unknown creature that was lurking around the areas of Luzon. I once created a fake account so that I can ask them a few questions.

I commented on one of those articles. I ask the writer if he can describe to me what that unknown looks like and he just can't give me an answer. No one actually can. They can't give me a definite answer.

I wrote that story with the thought of making the monster or whatever creature it is remain unknown. Even I don't know what it looks like. I didn't give it a definite description. I just wrote on that story that the unknown remains unknown.

Those people, ruined my entire career. Those people ruined the image I built by those fake news. And I can't accept any apology because they taunted and wounded me. They made me lose my passion.

I actually wonder sometimes, what if I wish that someday I woke up that everything they said about my stories would come true? Sometimes I wish, in order for them to stop, I want all of them to experience everything that my characters in my stories experienced.

But to be honest, sometimes I just wished for them to be all gone. Dead.

It's bad, it's evil, but what they did to me and to my career was far from what I wished for them to have.

I always think, them being dead is for the better.

The population would be lessen and bad people would be gone.

But do you actually know what I did not expect?

Is for what I wished to happen, did happened.

It actually happened.

They were right when they said, "Be careful what you wish for."