

She was done, humanity had transcended and she was now alone. Her last stop was to go back through the Anomaly but before that she had to rearm, there was nothing left for her here, her daughter, her people, were all gone now and she was alone but she would need gear to survive or to simply keep herself occupied.

With all that in mind she picked the area clean of weapons and ammo as well as anything else useful such as armor and gadgets she may never see again, she also managed to grab her favored dagger, Lexa's dagger. When she picked it up and the memories of her lost love hit, Clarkes knees nearly gave out. So much loss! Too much loss. She grabbed everything, including her sketches of her lost love and friends.

With her armor and helmet on, an Beretta Mx4 Storm slung at her side and two pistols, one on each hip with a shock baton and her dagger sheathed on her belt.

She wasn't really sure why she felt the need to gear up so much honestly, it was almost a compulsion to do so but she could find no reason not to do so and continued anyways.

With all that and a few days worth of food and other essential supplies she was ready to head through the Anomaly with her overly large backpack and a duffle bag that held most of her weapons and exotic technology.

As Clarke looked to the Anomaly she noticed how beautiful it was for the first time just before stepping through. She thought she would be going to another world but some higher power seemed to have a different idea in mind, she did got to another world technically but it was another Earth and not the one she would recognize, nor the time.


Alexandra / SI

I died, I know I died but why am I trapped in this void? That's when I felt it, like I was latched on to by a vice like grip, I felt myself move in some way though I couldn't make anything out.

After a time, there was another presence, I could feel it. They felt just as confused as I'm sure I felt to them I think. We tried to communicate but there was a language barrier at first but then she, and yes it's a she, began 'speaking' to me in English once she realized I couldn't understand her. But her language sounded familiar to me though I couldn't make heads nor tails of it, that is strange.

"Hello?" I asked the stranger in a slightly nervous and maybe even scared voice. I really had no clue what was going on and this is nothing like I ever thought it would be, nothing like the stories I always loved to read when I was alive. "W-who are you? Where are you? How can I hear you in my mind?" Once I heard that I kinda had a WTF moment. I'm in her mind l? Are we inhabiting the same body? Am I trying to poltergeist this person? This is fucked up hardcore! Why couldn't it be like those normal self insert bullshit stories I loved!?

"I don't exactly know what's going on but my name is Alexandra. I don't exactly know how I ended up in your mind but the last thing I remember was dying and then I eventually felt like I was being tugged and pushed somewhere else soon after. That's about the best I can explain it, I'm sorry!" I wanted to cry, this girl sounded like an angel to me but also afraid, she also sounded fairly familiar which was also weird tacked on to an already weird situation. But I was also still more than a little panicky as well.

"I see that's horrible, I'm sorry for that." I hear the girl mumble in our shared mind space. "My name is Clarke, Clarke Griffin. I hope we can figure this out because the last thing I remember is stepping through an Anomaly." …. Brain fart. Da fuk? That explains the familiarity I guess. I know a good portion of her damn life! She was one of my favorite characters from the series the 100 and I was horrified when Lexa died, I shipped them hard damnit!

"I see…" I don't really know what to say but I'm kinda banking on honestly at this point as I simply don't really know what to even do in this situation. I don't even know where the fuck we were right now!

"Uhmm this is going to sound strange and probably unbelievable but maybe not as completely unbelievable as our situation maybe?.." after trying to put my thoughts in order I try to explain what I know of the situation, about the multiverse theory and about the TV series the 100. There was no real gentle way to explain it and Clarke was rightly distraught that her live was viewed by a whole other world of people for all intents and purposes. Can't blame her really, I'd be pissed off as well.

As of right now we don't really know where we are but it's only been a minute or two since she got here as our mental communication seems to happen at a far faster pace than real time. We also found a way to share memories and Clarke also found out how to allow me to view the world through her eyes. What I see kinda horrified me. This place is familiar to me and not in a good way. It's possibly the worst possible way actually.

"Uhhmm Clarkie! I squeak in our shared mind. "Don't call me that, and what's wrong?" I catch my figurative breathe and try to calm myself. "I think we are in either a Zombie movie or TV series from my old world!" I tell the beautiful blonde in a distressed voice pretty much oozing fear at this point.

The blonde just cursed vigorously internally. "I'm going to assume that it's as bad as it sounds?" She nearly mumbles out loud cursing her luck. "If by the way it sounds that the dead don't stay dead and try to eat you, then yes it's as bad as it sounds.

"Well fuck me!" She whispered to herself quickly becoming distraught at this particular situation. I'm glad she turned on her cloak after arrival because we were both watching the dead roam around or sitting idle. It was smelly and fear inducing, truly a horrible sight to see.

"What do we even do in this situation!?" She nearly shouted internally to me like I would have the answers to anything at all. I just sighed, this is a fucked up world.

"Well I'm pretty sure that these kind of zombies are attracted to sound, smell and can probably see as well. They are slow and stupid though so that's a plus. Only headshots will put them down so don't bother with anything else. That's pretty much the basics. Don't go in buildings unless you make noise to draw them to you, to an exit, so you don't run into them in a dark space or something creepy like that, that's all I got off top of my head really, I'm sorry!" I mumble to her, there was not much else I could do at the moment for her, for us.

After a few minutes of walking around looking for a place that might be semi defensible, Clarke asks me what we should do long term. I think she was coming to the same conclusion as I myself had already come to. We would probably have to merge ourselves into one being. I could tell it was possible, but it would definitely take the consent of both of us to accomplish and we would almost be a new individual with personality traits from both of us. Kinda like a saiyan fusion in DBZ though they also change looks. This was all mental.

"I'm pretty sure we have both come to the same conclusion at this point so there is no real point to beat around the subject. Do you want to do it Clarke? Both of our survival will probably improve drastically with my pre knowledge of this world, while I have no other real skills and I already know your a complete badass."

"I would however suggest that you clear a house and hide in the basement while we do this as we don't know if it will incapacitate us, cause pain, or any other myriad of things." She just nodded grimly to that and began to search for a house to hide in for a bit. Thankfully the houses were fairly spread out and not on top of each other so clearing one would not draw nearby walkers.

I walked her through the best ways I could think of to clear a building. Basically consisted of opening the front door and making a noise barely inside the house and wait for them to shamble to you while daggering them in the temple or through the eye socket. All I could do was cheer her on silently to not distract her as she first kills one and then the second walker to come to the doorway.

The fuckers stunk to high heaven so thankfully they walked their asses right out the front door for us so we didn't have to smell them. The first order of business was to lock the door and open the windows. The second order of business was to find and get in to the attic to begin the merger of our souls or whatever.

And with that, we began, and with that also began the pain. Though we didn't scream, at least not loudly. Thankfully it was muffled by the helmet we still wore.

Just a brain fart that randomly came to me. I don’t usually write female characters so this is a first. Lemme know thoughts.

Westley86creators' thoughts
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