
Fear the Night

In a dark world, on a mountain lives a crossbreed that tries to survive. Even though he is part goblin, he just doesn't look like one and that makes his life harder then needed. His tribe is hard enough on him but in the outside world it will be only harder. And that he will learn the hard way.

Ro_King · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Live fast, try not to die young (4)

Suz and Rosch sneaked around the forest. It was the last day of the hunting competition, tomorrow they have to go back to the tribe.

" I learned so much from you Rosch and it is so much fun. Always sneaking around, hunting animals. But we had only small game this week. Horned rabbits, a two-headed giant boar and some birds. I got really good at hunting, now only some strong prey for a test is missing.", she said, while her emotions wandered form really happy to sad and then happy again.

For Rosch it was fun, too. Having his first friend is something completely new for him. Playing around, talking about the tribe and learning new things. He started to really like Suz. They were fighting, sleeping and bathing together. They were together all the time and he followed her everywhere.

" It's ok. We have the Saberlion head, and the meat of the two-headed boar, which can be counted as terrifically good. If something better comes than good, if not it isn't that bad either." Rosch said while sighing. Suz was good with her daggers, still the two-headed boar was a little tricky to fight against, but the rest was pretty easy game for them. The Two-headed boar wouldn't be that hard, but Rosch couldn't control his bone blades. He could get one out of his right arm, if he tried and concentrated hard enough, but it wasn't much, if another Saberlion would attack, they would probably die. It was sheer luck that Rosch won the first time.

" Don't be so boring. A little bit excitment wouldn't be too bad for us. We play around more than training our hunting skills and do you really think they believe us that you killed a Saberlion alone. ", She said with a long sigh at the end of the sentence.

" I know you want to be the best Suz, but it's better to be alive and third or fourth than being dead and reaching nothing ", Rosch said giving her a long sigh back.

Rosch and Suz were fundamentally different. She is always happy, strong-willed and adventurous, but on the other hand rash, reckless and a bit clumsy. Rosch is the opposite, while he is happy and adventurous, too, he goes at everything slower with more care. Rosch is checking stuff and being aware of his surroundings. He learned from the fight with the Saberlion to be cautious. That is why these two complete each other so well.

" Yeah yeah let's race back to our hideo....", as Suz was trying to say something a bone blade almost struck her head. Rosch pulled her by the hair with all his might even ripping some of them out at the last moment. Everything went so fast that he couldn't even scream to save her, he could only react.

Holding her head, Suz was on the verge of crying. But she knew that Rosch saved her so she was silently looking at the being that came out of the shrubbery.

" Wow small guy, how did you react so fast. I was completely sure you were unaware of my presence." the female being said to Rosch.

She was extremely beautiful. That being had the same caramel brown skin tone as Rosch. The difference was that she didn't have a Smaragd shine to it. She was bigger than Rosch's mother reaching 2 meters and had bigger breast and hips but for her height it was perfectly proportioned. She has long wavy hair, colored snowy white with black strains in it and the same eyes as Rosch with a membrane under the eyelids. Her eye color was a mix of black and white. She was fascinatingly beautiful.

" Why did you attack us?", Suz screamed at her, while Rosch glared at the female being.

" I do the same as you guys do. Hunting. But now I got some interest in that boy besides you." , She smiles while licking her lips.

They shivered getting goosebumps looking at the female. Suz stepped in front of Rosch, looking into her eyes without blinking. Suz female intuition told her that the female wants something from Rosch, something that Suz won't like.

" Are you his mate? Trying to protect him, how cute. ", the female being said and Suz blushed, realizing what the female wants.

Rosch looked curious at Suz. He didn't understand what they were talking about. He thought that the female was hungry and wanted to eat, completely oblivious of her true intentions. Suz on the other side could feel that the female wanted Rosch even more now, her female intuition was kicking in harder and she could see the similarities of those two, which made her come to the conclusion that the female was part Nightwalker, just like Rosch.

The female extended bone blades from both her arms, as she walked at Suz and Rosch, while shocking Rosch completely. She could extend 4 on each arms, which was the same as his father could do.

"Female, last chance, get away or die. He should be with his own race, not with Goblins.", she told them, but Suz grabbed her daggers while Rosch extended his bone blade. They didn't want to talk anymore.

All three moved towards each other, while Rosch went on the right side and Suz on the left side of the female. Only 5 meters till the clash. The tension reached so high that everybody forgot their surroundings, they didn't even react when something dropped down from the tree crowns.

It happened so fast that they couldn't react, only when the female got pierced on her left shoulder breaking her scapula, did everybody react by jumping back. The other being completely black, even the eyes, jumped back, too while laughing maniacally.

"Arianta you dumb woman. To think that you wouldn't even feel my presence. Did that little crossbreed make you wet. Gyahaha. Going into heat just because he is another crossbreed, looking so much like you. Just became my bitch already and be happy with it. What do you want more than a real Nightwalker? Gyahahaha.", he told her laughing evily.

Arianta looked grimly and was getting pale. Her left arm limped down, becoming completely useless. She looked back seeing the other two not moving, but ready to jump her. It was a desperate situation.

"Should I accept my destiny. Seems like I was meant to be his bitch from the beginning. ", She thought while looking down almost accepting her fate.