

This fucking sucks. I frown at the amount my scavenging has earned me.

"Jim… this is a joke? Please tell me this is a silly little joke." I say looking up from the screen.

"The amount and quality of what you brought me is the joke, Slink." The man in front of me doesn't have an ounce of empathy in his eyes.

"I've been out scavenging for three days. This won't even last me two." I complain angrily as I wave my hand at the bloody mess on the table next to us. "Again, I nearly died. I know I'm your most regular scavenger, can't you give me a break for once?"

A husky laugh escapes from Jim

"Do you imply we owe you? Need you? Come on Slink, you know better than that. We're your only home, your only income. We raised you, you ungrateful brat. Take your shit and go stink somewhere else." Jim dismisses me with a wrinkling of his nose and a disdainful look.

I flash my ring at the screen and stomp away. Five times, five times I was attacked this time. Everyone know monster population is soaring recently, and so is the general living costs. The mamba group doesn't seem to be aware of it, at least when it comes to paying employees. If I'm even considered one. The mamba group's branch station holds living quarters provided for the rescues. Or so they call us, but really, most of us are just slaves.

"…and so I told him. But he wouldn't believe me! Isn't that the worst?" The melodic yet annoying voice of Leala reaches me as I turn a corner to reach my room.

"But… did she actually tell you that? A raise?" Ginp says with both disbelief and jealousy.

"AH! You don't believe me either? Now, really it's…" Her eyes dart to me and back To Ginp, " hm? What's that I smell? Twenty percent monster blood, ninety percent human blood, oh, and foul smelling that human blood is!" She turns to me with mock surprise "Slink! Is that you under all that blood and dirt?" She smirks.

I roll my eyes and continue silently.

"How long where you gone this time?" Ginp looks up thinking, "Three days right? We thought you finally dead, with all the stunts you pull. How much d'you get?" His eyes look at me with a mix of envy and greed.

"Not enough." I walk past them and ignore their next few words.

The walls are gray, the roof white, the floor a deep dark red. Word among the rescues was that it was this colour so they wouldn't have to bother with blood stains. I'm of the opinion that it's just proof of the branch station leader's bad taste.

I arrive to my room's door and unlock it, glad to see my warm bed again. One could say I live a luxurious life, if you compare me to the other rescues, or even the homeless. I have a phone. I eat all my meals, on days off. Not everyone can say the same. Even outside the mamba. But, everyday at work is a day I could very well die. In fact, having reached the age of 20 is one hell of a feat, considering I started scavenging at 12.

Scavenging. The act of going out of the city fortress and dismantling monsters to sell their parts. Usually done by markless humans, it's highly dangerous due to roaming monsters that can slip trough hunter's fingers. But I've been doing it for seven years now, as my only revenue. I shake my head, time for a well needed shower.

Since the showers are common, I have to bring my things and walk around in my sorry state. By now, everyone must know I'm back. Luckily, at this hour no one is in the showers. White cubicles with black ceramic. The water turns brown with all the dirt on my skin. I had to crawl in mud to hide from a monster above my level. The water is now red, from the dried blood. As strange as it is, human and monster blood is the same color. This is making some of my wounds raw… I needed to go to the infirmary anyway. I click my tongue at the thought of spending my money on bandages and care.

I reluctantly go to the infirmary to get fixed up and then eagerly go to the cafeteria. Finally, I smell good. And, well you could say I feel good as well.

The mamba group has its own currency and paying system through the rings, and so it benefits from its own economy, a little society of its own, secluded from the normal civilians. 

I frown at the food price. 5 kerons for a medium lasagna. Three months ago it was 4...

It's not like I don't have the money, so I grab a drink and dessert with it. I glance around for my friends, but I don't see them. I guess I'm eating alone tonight. I hope I get to see them before I go back.

But, as I walk out, someone puts their hand on my shoulder.

« Stripes! Glad to see you alive! How'd it go? Share me some stories » 

I smile as I turn to see my friend Jain behind me, with his own tray of food in his hands.

« Sure. Where do we sit?"

I follow Jain to a secluded spot and I ignore the stares thrown my way. As we eat, I start recounting the worst of my journey.

« ... so I hide behind the rocks for what, three hours? Luckily, some far away fight lured them away. » I say bitterly before taking another bite of the tasty melting cheese.

« Any competition these days? » Jain asks me, with a look in his eyes that says he already knows the answer.

« No, not really. Haven't seen any scavenger in a while, nor the handy work of one. » I say while looking away, hoping he drops the subject.

« Slink. Being a scavenger is too dangerous. It has always been, but recently... Dames died. There's only you and Summa left. And you're always out there doing the most ridiculous things. Save up and change assignations, please. » He says pleadingly.

« Jain... » I look around myself. « Take my muffin. » I push my desert towards him.

« What? That's like four kerons I can't-"

I look at him. I see he understands, the way his mouth forms a thin line.

« So you'd rather die than live like us? » His voice is flat.

Something in his eyes makes me nauseous. He considers me soon to be dead.

« You already knew that. » I say dully. 

He looks at my muffin, then at his plate of artificial food and shakes his head.


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