
Chapter 1:A normal life?

I am Joshua and i was raised on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

While growing up we were told to not stay outside late, to not stay alone in certain place , but you all know kids, they don't care about what the adult says until something happen.

It was a day i would not forget,even now i'm still shivering thinking about it, me and my cousin Eli were out to get the groceries when it came to be.

Eli: "Hey you're doing the groceries too"

Me:"Yes, let's go together, how much money you got."

Eli:"I got 1000 F cfp, and you."

Me:"Gramps just gave me 5000F, i'll get us some chips and candies, you'll get us something to drink."

Eli:"Want some coke?"

Me:"Yeah, and for the chips, barbecue?"


It was already late, but you know 3km on foot with groceries, it takes some time to return home and we were talking.

On our way home we were 100m from the bridge that we crossed before hand and looking at it i remembered something.

Granny:"Always be careful when you're outside, and more so and when te night fall, particularly around that bridge."

Me:"Why granny we always go there to play with the guys."

Granny:"Just listen to me and listen well, a great number of accidents happen there and they were ore than simple accident, every time children would die there, like it was some kind of cursed spot or so they say."

Me:"Isn't it because it is a sharp turn, just like te visibility is pretty bad, with all those tree growing almost on the road i can understand there would be accidents."

Granny:"Shut up and listen, there were accidents there way before i was even born, are you going to tell me it's normal too?!"

Me:"Okay,so what do you want to tell me."

Granny:"If you ever come across a child on this bridge when the sun is going down, do not talk to it look at it's feet if you see goat feet run, run for your life!"

Me:"What happen if that kid run after me?"

Granny:"If it run after you, do not turn back whatever happen or it will be te last thing you'll do."

What she said that day, i always thought it was superstition but i was wrong.

Me:"Hey, Eli do you see the kid seated on the bridge?"


Me:"When we come across him don't talk to him, you remember what granny said about this place right?"

Eli:"Do not talk to the kid on the bridge, look at it's feet, wait, bro for real look at it's feet it's true that's goat feet!!!

Me:"You're ready, run!!!!!!!"

Eli:"Bro it's right behind us, and it's fast as f***!!!"

Me:"Don't forget , don't look back!"

Eli:"Bro i lost some of the groceries."

Me:"Who cares, run bro run, we're almost there anyway."

Eli:"Mom's gonna kill for sure."

Me:"Better our moms than this right."

Eli:"You're right,you're right, but still."

Me:"Shut up and kee running, only 50m left and we're home."

Eli:"Open the gate."

Me:" No, just jump over it, it's not the first time we did it, just do it."

We ran like crazy some stuff fell but whatever, not our fault, our life is more important.

When we arrived and jump over the gate we were scolded.

Moms:"What is wrong with you two!"

Me and Eli were gasping wile trying to recover our breath, how did it feel to be chased after by something that came from the gate of hell?

We felt like crap, and we were scolded on top of that, what better than that huh.

Me and Eli:"We saw it you know the kid with goat feet te "avae pua'atoro", it was there on the bridge waiting for us, it even ran after us all the way to here."

Moms:"That's why you should go earlier at the shop."

They had some balls to laugh at us after what happened, that's how adults reacts anyway.

When everything was over we didn't forget to make sure it was gone.

The next day we saw our granny and told her what happened te day before, she told us that on the way here there was an accident and there were two dead people.

It would have been us if she hadn't warned us, fallen victim to it.

I had the idea about this while looking at old photos of my grand-parents.

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