

The journey back to her traps was less grueling having a companion along the way. It wasn't that Faye mind d the walk, but that she felt it was a waste of time. She only had so many hours in the day. Without any connections to the city or any idea of where else to make money, Faye was stuck with her current situation. She also needed to get some fabric for clothes....after going over her things back at the inn, she'd decided to try to sell the few items she'd gotten off the goblins from before. She planned to sell the broken sword and scabbard. She also planned to sell a few other odds and ends she'd pick up from them.

She'd originally taken a mess kit and now, it was clear to see, she had no use for it. She wouldn't get much for the things she wanted to sell, maybe a gold piece for the lot. It didn't matter to her though, she needed every little bit she could gather.

After reaching the forest, Faye began carefully looking for her traps. The first one was sprung, but had nothing in it. The next one wasn't sprung at all. She'd all but given up on trapping when she came upon her last trap. She found a large hare was tangled in the string she used for the trap. Ironically, the hare hadn't sprung her trap at all and instead had tangled itself with the line intended to keep the trap from being stolen away.

Faye gave a self deprecating smile as she approached the frightened rabbit. It tried to get away, but quickly tired itself out. It was clear it had been struggling for quite some time already. It was breathing heavily and seemed to have little strength left to resist. Faye didn't waste time and quickly broke the small creatures neck. She'd had to help prepare fresh kills before and the crunching of the bones didn't phase her.

She reset her trap after untangling the hare from it. Then, she tossed the hare into her bag and began gathering more berries and edible plants. She had sold a bit before, but it didn't amount to much. Hopefully, it'd be worth it making the trip with the money from the pelt and meat of the rabbit. It seemed to have a bit of weight to it, though she couldn't be sure until she brought it in.

Finally, after spending a couple hours in the forest, she began to head back. The silver raven stayed perched atop her shoulder the whole way, silently watching her every move. Occasionally, Faye spoke to the raven, which tilted its head towards her, as if it could understand her.

Faye wasn't too familiar with any form of magic. The little silver raven figurine was quite strange. Any magic artifact or potion, no matter how mundane, was worth a fair bit. Faye never considered selling the raven, however.

She wasn't sure why, but she felt a kinship with the little bird, despite this being her first time meeting it. Just having the bird nearby made Faye feel more at ease. It was as if she'd been reunited with a long lost friend....

After returning to the town, Faye sold her products as swiftly as possible. As she had expected, after trapping and selling the wares she had no need of in her bag, she had only gained a little over a single gold.

Although this seemed quite slow to Faye, most people did not make this amount after a single days work. Especially not those living in the mud district.

Most would bring home a handful of silver after working all day, but there were very few in the mud district that could make a full gold coin after a single day's work. Of course, the majority of the money Faye made was from selling her old broken sword and scabbard. Although the blade was mediocre even before it was broken, many smiths liked to use scrap for various small jobs, and even liked to use them to help teach young apprentices. This allowed her to sell the broken sword for more than a few silver.

All in all, Faye returned to the inn with another gold piece and four additional shining silver pieces.

She waved to Cahrel, before quickly heading back to her room. After returning, she found herself once again counting her coins.

She was over halfway to her goal of ten gold. This was good, except she had a few things she needed to buy before then. She needed clothing. She had been ignoring the looks and whistles she attracted for long enough.

She decided to check if there were any cheap clothes for sale, if there weren't many, she would make her own. She just needed a pair of undergarments for her bottoms and something to help hold her chest down. It was quite awkward trying to fight and afterwards realizing she was exposed for most of the fight.....

Although most of her opponents were beasts that didn't notice, she knew it was only a matter of time before she embarrassed herself in front of someone that would remember....

After being back in the inn for a little over an hour, Faye found out that her new feathered companion had a time limit. She tried to summon him back, but she was unable to.

Faye pushed back her panic, and decided to give the figurine some time to rest before trying to summon the raven back again. She decided to wait until the next day to attempt another summoning. Unfortunately, even after waiting all night, Faye was still unable to re-summon the silver bird.