

It took a moment for Faye to gather and organize her thoughts. Truthfully, she'd never bought information before, she'd never had the need to. She hadn't ever left her home city and the city wasn't big enough to have a deep underground society or a vast history. She never needed to know anything about someone in power that she might have to buy the information about....there was just no reason for her to need to buy information before.

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She wasn't sure what happened to Ryder, but deep in her stomach, it felt wrong. Something just wasn't right.

Cahrel waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts.

He offered her a cup of tea, but Faye shook her head at the offer.

He shrugged and began readying his own cup.

Surprisingly, he seemed to add an endless supply of sugar to it....

Finally, Faye spoke.

"Who are the Scorpions?" She asked.

Cahrel's brows lifted at her question, but he didn't answer right away. Not sure if this was a sign he needed payment up front, Faye began pulling out her pouch. Cahrel shushed her and gestured for her to put the pouch away.

"This is common knowledge, dear, there is no charge."

She nodded, but kept the pouch at the ready. Cahrel sighed, but began to speak.

"Why are you asking about the Scorpions? They're a local gang that isn't good to get involved in."

She grabbed a few coins and sat them on the table. "Are they dangerous? If they took someone away, where would they take them? What business do they do?"

Cahrel waved his hand, trying to get Faye to slow down in her questions.

"Whoa! One at a time." He said as he gathered the gold up off the table between them. It was clear the questions were worth some money.

"Yes, any gang can be dangerous, if you don't know how to deal with them. The Scorpions in particular are the biggest in the area and control most of the illegal trade in the city. If they aren't handling something going out of the city, then they are at least getting a cut of it. If they took someone away? Why? Did they take someone you care about? I can send off a messenger and try to find out where they were taken if you want. I should warn you, I'm under contract with the Scorpions and if anyone asks certain questions about their business, I have to notify them. You haven't asked those questions, and I don't expect you will, but....I just want you to be aware of their reach."

Faye was a little surprised to learn that Cahrel was actually in business with the Scorpions, but after thinking about it for a moment, she realized it wasn't exactly unusual. Most of the time, these local gangs would demand a fee for operating a business in their territory. She wondered if this arrangement about notifying them was a way for Cahrel to get a discount on the price of operation.

Realizing this conversation might not stay between the two of them caused her to waver on her decision of seeking answers from Cahrel. Cahrel didn't rush her, instead sitting back and letting her think over her decision.

It wasn't long before she came to an answer, however. It didn't matter if the Scorpions or whatever knew she was looking for Ryder, if she found him they'd learn about it anyways!

"My friend Ryder didn't meet me tonight like he was supposed to, I heard he was heading somewhere with a few runners? From the Scorpions? I just want to know if he's in trouble or not."

Cahrel nodded. When he heard Ryder was the one Faye was looking for, he seemed surprised. "Ryder? I didn't realize you two were so close..."

She shook her head. "He helped me on the road and I owe him. I guess we aren't actually close, I just want to make sure he's ok...."

Cahrel didn't push further. "I know that Ryder was on the outs with some higher ups in the Scorpions. They took him out a couple weeks back for trying to cheat at a card game. He also pissed off a few others in the gang and they ended up deciding to take care of him. It's not surprising that they decided they weren't done with him yet."

Faye furrowed her brows. "If it was so dangerous in the city, why did he return?"

Cahrel shook his head. "It's home. Besides, given enough money, any sort of bad blood with the Scorpions can be settled. I heard he had made a deal of how to settle his debt."

The words "settle his debt" caused her to think back to the break in they had performed. She remembered how worried Ryder had been that they hadn't been able to collect the full amount. Was that the price he'd been given for settling his debt with the gang? Was he supposed to pay that amount? Or was he actually supposed to collect the amount owed to the gang by the man?

Faye wasn't sure of the specifics, or if the job he did with her was connected, but it seemed to be. She continued with her inquiries.

"Where would they take him?"

Cahrel sighed as he glanced at her expression. He could tell she wasn't going to let this go.

"I can send out a message and find out...if you're sure you want to head down this route..."

His words confused her. Why wouldn't she want to head down this route? Ryder may have been a bit shady, but he'd helped her in more ways than one and she considered him a friend. Even if it was embarrassing to consider someone a friend that didn't consider you one as well....

She nodded resolutely. "I'm sure."

He stood and began writing a quick message. He called out to someone outside of the door and said something in a hushed whisper that she couldn't hear. He returned shortly and sat back across from her.

"We should know something within the hour. I asked for a quick answer, since this seems time sensitive...."

Faye relaxed a bit after learning she was going to find something out. She'd felt like she was wondering in darkness before, but had finally found a light at the end of the tunnel.