
Getting fitted

Obviously, Faye had no intention of getting any heavy armor. Not only was the price way out of her range, but she tended to move quite a bit in a fight. She wasn't the most dexterous, but a heavy armor wouldn't benefit her much. Not unless she decided to change her fighting style. Even then, only the most expensive armors would be of any benefit to her. So, Faye decided on Hide armor.

It went without saying that the Smith was not where one would buy a hide armor from. Those products were often made by a tanner. Faye already had an idea of what tanner to head off to see about the Hide armor. However, before she checked in on it, she wanted to change her clothes. If she could get anything for the armor she was currently wearing, then she'd take it. Every little bit helped. She couldn't trade in the armor if she didn't have clothes under it, however.

So, Faye set out to buy her clothes first. The travel clothes were 2 gold total, which wasn't too bad. They should last for a while. They were made to be pretty hardy. Hopefully, by the time she needed new clothes, she wouldn't even miss the two gold.

After dressing herself, Faye walked through the city without any armor on for the first time. Usually, she'd take the armor off to sleep occasionally. She didn't particularly enjoy sleeping nude, but it was necessary until she could afford clothes. After finally being able to take the leather armor off and walk around freely, Faye felt a relief she hadn't expected after walking around without her armor. She felt unrestrained and unrestricted.

She decided to never wear her armor to bed again, unless she was in the wilderness.

Finally, she stepped lightly into the tanner's shop. Her body felt lighter than it ever had before.

The Tanner greeted her as he usually did, he waved and finished up whatever he was working on before making his way over slowly and lazily.

"What can I help you with, girl."

Truthfully, Faye didn't like working with the man, but he offered the best prices for animal hides. He was also known as one of the best in this city, he was the one that most people recommended to go to. It wasn't that he wasn't a good business man or that he was rude just....he was very professional. He never indulged in small talk, never tried to alleviate any awkwardness, and didn't try to fill the awkward silences.

If felt like two anti social people drowning in the same lake when talking to him....

Faye smiled in return. She asked the amount he'd give for the old armor, but he told her he had no use for it. So, she was unfortunately left without any clue as to how to sell it or who to sell it to...

Afterwards, she asked about any hide armor he might have. He said he could make her some, as he usually made it as it was requested. Altogether is would cost 11 gold. It was slightly higher than the smith told her it'd be, but it seemed a fair price considering the man's reputation within the city.

She paid him and he began to take her measurements.

The measuring process was silent and any questions Faye asked were either outright ignored, or answered with an affirmative grunt or a negative huff. Really, he wasn't the talking type, which was vastly different than the smith. He also never asked her name and only ever called her "girl".

It was a little irritating.

After she was finished being measured and had paid the Tanner for her new armor, she headed back out. He told her that her armor would be done by the next day. That was faster than she expected, but was welcome. She couldn't wait to try on the new armor and see how if felt to move around in it.

Being a martial adventurer, getting new armor was almost as exciting as getting a new sword. Speaking of swords, Faye headed back out toward the smith. She'd been so focused on her armor that she hadn't even looked into a new sword!

She found that the smith often forged different blades and had them at the ready for sale. There were a number of cheaper blades for sale, he had a few daggers. Some daggers were for throwing specifically and didn't have a comfortable handle. Others were for both throwing and fighting in close quarters with, so they did have comfortable grips.

Looking over the different blades, there were a vast variety to choose from. Some were fancier looking than others and others were without any bells and whistles.

Faye wasn't much interested in the blades that had artistic curves and twists in them, instead focusing on those that were base price.

She was torn between two. The first one was a shortsword, like what she was already using, but the other was a longsword. A longsword could do more damage, but it was a small bit heavier and cost five gold more....

The truth was, Faye was proficient with most blades. She fought just as well with a longsword as she did with a shortsword...

After deliberating for a short period of time, Faye made her decision.

If she was going to be joining the Adventuring Hall, there was no telling what she might come up against. It was better to have the versatility of a longsword. She could use it one handed, or with both hands. Wielding it with both hands would cause more damage to an opponent and could end the fight sooner. If she had the money to spare, she'd probably buy both, but she didn't have the gold to spare right now. She wanted to keep some saved away, even after she got her payment from Ryder.

When her thoughts returned to Ryder, she decided to make her way back to the Inn.