
Entering the Pit

It wasn't long before the fight loomed ever closer. Faye bade Cahrel goodbye midday. He asked gave a somber smile and left with their horses. Faye didn't argue, she and Ryder could figure out their own way back on foot. Some might have called Faye optimistic about the situation she found herself in, but she just didn't see any reason to worry about the what if's and could of's. She left the over-thinking to those smarter than her. Not that she was particularly stupid, but she preferred to think and talk with her weapon. She'd never been one that was able to charm others with her words, nor was she one that was able to predict how others would react in a situation based on their past actions.

Besides, she didn't know enough about the scorpions to know how they would react. She just hoped they didn't find out about the switch in fighters before the fight that night.

Other than that, the only thing she really worried about was how to make the fight convincing. She wasn't a good actor. She doubted she'd be able to trick all the spectators with a fake fight.

After buying into the fight she found out it was an anything goes fight. Which meant she could use her armor and her weapon. So, she knew she needed to hold back if she was going to get through this without killing her friend. Not that he was weak….just…she was stronger.

The hours passed as she ran through unlikely scenario after unlikely scenario through her head. As stated before she wasn't much for predicting others future actions. In a fight she might be able to read an opponent's moves, but that wasn't really going to help her much in this situation. She had the feeling that Ryder wasn't a physical fighting man. Then again, he was able to use magic, so maybe she should be worrying about herself.

Faye sat silently in the Inn trying to figure out what to expect and how to act in order to make it convincing that she didn't just throw the fight.

Finally, as the sun began to grow low in the sky, she started making her way toward the Pit.

She wasn't the only one. It seemed there were a number of people looking forward to that evening's entertainment. After finally finding her way to the arena, there were a number of people she had to push through to make her way forward.

She came forward, waiting to be able to claim her fighting "slot".

There didn't appear to be any particular system in place for the fighters. There was a man announcing the fights and who would be fighting, but the fighters seemed to just jump down from the sides into the Pit. Seeing this, Faye started wondering if Ryder was somewhere in the surrounding crowd. She began trudging through the crowd, searching. After a fight ended and another began, however, she came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to find him in the crowd. Whether that was because he wasn't there, or because she just couldn't find him in the mass of bodies pushing this was and that, she wasn't sure.

Slowly, she made her way back to the edge of the Pit, trying to patiently wait for her fight.

It took longer than she expected. There were around four or five fights before hers and Ryder's. Darkness had long fallen and the night was no longer young by the time her fight with Ryder came.

The announcer began his introductions.

"We have one last fight this evening, and it's sure to be a bloody one!"

Hearing him say it was the last fight, Faye nodded and hurried to the edge of the Pit.

"First, we have a man, cunning and suave. His magic is said to be quite capable, and he, himself, has challenged the champion of the Bloodbath, held recently between our strongest and most brutal opponents. Here is Ryder!"

Faye watched from the other side of the Pit as Ryder was pushed down in. He stumbled as the Crowd leered and laughed from around. Upon standing, Faye saw him cradling his hands in a strange way. He was dirty and he glanced around him, through the sweat soaked hair at the bystanders, saying nothing.

Seeing him dropped in, Faye hurried to enter the Pit as well, not waiting for her own introduction. She jumped down, her new armor gleaning in the low lights, her sword in hand instead of sheathed at her side.

As she landed, she heard another thump from beside her.

Glancing over, she found herself looking at a bald man, short in stature, but bound in muscles. Scars covered his body, with a prominent few on his face. With the multitude of them on his head, Faye wondered if the reason he kept his head shaved was because the scars made it difficult to grow any hair on his head. Suddenly, a vision of the man with patchy hair intruded her mind. She fought off a smile as she turned toward Ryder.

Ryder stood staring at the two of them, his head shifted from Faye and the bald man at her side, then back again. Even through his hair, Faye could see the confusion and disbelief in his eyes. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but as he opened his mouth, nothing came out.

Above, the man finished announcing Ryder's opponent.

"Crimshaw!....Er, wait. There seems to be some confusion in the fighting arena."

The crowd grew impatient and restless as the announcer seemingly left to find out what was going on. At first, many of the spectators jeered at Faye and mocked her, trying to scare her, it seemed. They made comments about her and where she could go after losing, what line of work they would offer her. Hearing the comments, Faye glared up at those present. She didn't have a very good memory, but she tried her best to memorize the faces of those that spat out the crudest of the comments.

After a while, Ryder seemed to snap out of his shock and moved closer to Faye.

She felt him approach and turned her head to see his frantic eyes searching hers. She smiled, excitedly. Although Ryder seemed a little freaked, Faye was pretty confident in her ability. She'd already decided to have him 'hit' her a couple times before going down, so to her, everything was fine. The bald man standing off to the side caught her eye as he glared in her direction.

Soon enough, the announcer came back.

"Sorry for the short interference, it seems there's been a change in lineup that we were not aware of."

Hearing the announcer's words, Ryder's eyes shook in surprise as he looked up out of the Pit.

"Instead of the original matchup we had of Ryder against Crimshaw, it seems there's been a new fighter added. A female of fatal attraction…" He paused, as if listening to someone off to the side, "she comes forth with her armor and blade, Faye!" The crowd roared with excitement, some loudly placing bets on how much blood would be spilled by the new addition before the end of the fight.

Hearing the announcer, the bald man frowned and turned away, heading to the edge of the Pit. Seeing this, Faye gave a triumphant smile and turned back to address Ryder. Unfortunately, Ryder was further away at this time, seemingly readying himself for the upcoming fight. When he turned around, Faye saw his eyes trace her, then turn to the side. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement.

She was able to bring up her blade in time to block the incoming attack from her side, though it was heavier than she expected. Confused, Faye's eyes met her attackers. The bald man, Crimshaw, glared back at her, his half missing half yellowed teeth stank as he breathed into her face with a grimace.