

Madara's lineage did not end at the valley of the end. His legacy lived on through Minato and into Naruto. Sharingan Naruto. Strong/Godlike! Naruto. NaruHina

SUKETU_MISHRA · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Author notes

First of all, I'll say that this is my first fanfic

Summary: Sharingan Naruto. This is a solid/godlike fanfic so expect a kick-ass Naruto. It will be mostly cannon until the last manga chapter of course adapted to my story since Minato's father is Madara (it is the reason for Minato's speed I'll explain later)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters! Otherwise, Sakura would have died in the wave arc (probably some Sakura bashing).

The jutsu will be in English since I don't want to Google every attack, excluding Rasengan/Kage Bushin/a few Katon techniques/shinra tensei, and others well-known.

Reviews are welcomed.

Other pairings I'll decide along with the story. Considering Sasuke I'm torn up between a good Sasuke (like a brother to Naruto. Sharingan brothers) or the usual power-hungry/arrogant Sasuke I'll have time to decide.


Naruto x Hinata (NO HAREM, I think multiple wives remove the love/passion of the story)

Kakashi x Anko (just excellent these two)

Usual Stuff:

"Normal speech"

"Normal thought"

"Demonic speech/extremely pissed off Tsunade"

"demonic thought"


There will be some techniques I saw in different fanfic, however, since I can't remember who was the author or the story I apologize since I cannot give credit...