
Fault In Our Scars

After one of his best mates gets married, rich player Leo decides to go find love. After rude encounters and just a little jail time, he might as well be in luck.

Gloria_Maiyo · Urban
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5 Chs


The sun had just started rising over the horizon colliding with the gentle blue of the sky forming a purple hue. There was a certain ambience that watching the sunrise on a plane gave you. The sight was way beyond beautiful.

"Anything I can get you Mr.Marcus?" the hostess asked a few more buttons open on her blouse.

"No thank you, I am good, don't you feel cold?" I asked looking at her boobs which were practically pouring out of her blouse at this point. It looked quite uncomfortable.

As if she realized I was not interested she quickly tucked in her bosom and scurried away, beet red. It was weird how people always assumed that just because one has money and is fairly good looking, not to blow my own horn, that he always was in the mood for sex. The stereotyping had come too often to my liking. I took advantage of it, not going to lie, but I made sure each girl in my bed knew nothing was permanent. At least not till we agree so.

I took out my book, one of Dickens's first bestsellers. Its his description of poverty that made me hate it. I wouldn't acknowledge my parents affluence as a stepping stone to my success, quite the opposite actually. I would be way richer if I did not have to pay my fathers debts and give out my hard earned money to protect the reputation of my family. The family company was failing and fast, thank God I had the resources then to help it resurface.

"A message from the pilot, we are about to land thus this is to inform all passengers to have a seat and fasten your seat belts for landing"

That was fast.

I took my bags the suitcase squeaking under the airport tiles. I walked towards the uber really hoping it was my ride and fortunately it was.

"So Karim were can I get a good meal in New jersey," I asked hoping I was not making him uncomfortable.

"Sir I don't think we have the same dining preferences, not to presume but you are in shoes that are worth more than three times my weekly salary "he said, his accent thick.

I took a glance at my shoes, hmm, probably wasn't my best choice of dress. I wanted to fit into a crowd. I really wanted to make genuine connections without the person I am talking to assuming I was some rich prick.

"But I'm sure I can introduce you to a certain diner I know," he said, making me look up, catching his smile on the mirror at the front.

I smiled to myself relieved that he decided to change his mind. We pulled up along a shabby coffee shop and restaurant. I really hoped this was worth. I paid for the cab and went in. The air was a little musky but it was well covered up by the smell of freshly baked pastries that wafted in the air. The pastries smelled glorious might I add. I sat at one of the booths, took out my handkerchief and wiped the table before placing my hands on them. Aside from an old couple reading books at the far end I seemed to be the only person in the diner.

I heard a bustle behind me and turned around quick enough to see the pleats of a skirt go back into the kitchen. There seemed to be an argument just right after and then a brunette walked out. She was short looked at least 5'2, her hair was tucked behind in a tight ponytail. She was dressed in a blouse that looked a little tight on her boobs but at least it was closed to the top only one button left open. Her skirt was at the mid of her thighs, you could tell her ass was to blame for the shortness of her skirt. She was really good looking even from a far.

She walked towards me short but sure strides, she looked quite angry. Her facial features were scrunched up in a frown. She huffed as she reached my table and took a deep breath.

"Hi Bella, really glad you came quick I was afraid I was in for some shitty service" I said, chuckling nervously, trying too make the environment a little less uncomfortable. Which I assumed I failed miserably because her frown switched to a deep scowl.

"Look, the site said nothing about giving my name to strangers, but I sure well know my rights and you sir, are violating them, " she said, slightly whispering at the top of her lungs. She looked scared but determined to stand her ground.

"What site?" I asked confused, "I just read the name off your name tag, I was trying to make the environment less tense since you obviously looked upset." I said.

Her eyes dropped to her chest on her name tag where Bella was printed in times new roman bold and capitalized. She smiled awkwardly as if realizing her mistake. She had probably confused me with someone else.

"Sorry, what can I get for you sir?" she asked a bit calmer now.

"I will get a plate of your best meal and your soup of the day because I have not seen the menu, so I will let you choose."I said, hoping I will not regret this.

She looked at me her face again forming a frown. She squinted her eyes at me, probably assessing me. My accent probably was not common in this diner because this girl was acting like I was the first British man that had walked through those diner doors.

"Don't drink the soup, its canned soup plus it expired ages ago" She said, walking away.

Well, that was one awkward encounter, at least she saved me from drastic food poisoning.

Food came a few minutes later, a plate of a huge burger, some chips, baked beans fried eggs, bread and some tea. Good thing it was familiar food. I dug in as soon as the plate was placed before my. It smelled good and tasted even better. This was a top tier meal.

"Make sure you don't choke fancy pants, we don't have enough money to sustain a lawsuit, " she said, worry etched on her face.

I smiled and continued with my food, not knowing what to say. She took a minute, stared at me once more then left. That was awkward, but at least the food was great. I thought as I left a hundred dollar bill. Truly worth the money.

I know the chapter lacked a bit of depth I just wanted to introduce Bella as a character, tell me what you think of her.

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