
Fault In Our Scars

After one of his best mates gets married, rich player Leo decides to go find love. After rude encounters and just a little jail time, he might as well be in luck.

Gloria_Maiyo · Urban
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5 Chs

Hands behind your head

I stood at the sidewalk next to the diner, realizing that I was too full to be walking that fast. I leaned on my suitcase trying to soothe my body not to bring the food back up. I tried fanning myself with my hand probably looking like a fawning girl. I did not usually eat a lot, so I understood my body was not familiar with the sudden change. My mind drifted to Bella, she truly was pretty. Her features were delicate she had huge eyes, the kind you can't say no to, her lashes were naturally long. She had a button nose which looked small but proportional to her face. Her lips, damn those lips looked soft, pink and effortlessly parted slightly. The thought of her under me with her petite body with big boobs and a nice ass. I felt my dick getting hard pressing on my slacks. This was a weird place to get a boner.

I walked down the rusty road, not really sure where to go, I should have asked for directions at the diner before I left. I anxiously looked around hoping to recognize something I saw from the uber. Nothing. I was about to walk toward any direction but thought against it when I saw a couple turn up at the entrance of the alley I was in. I tried not to look at them as they staggered laughing as they leaned on each other. They stopped when they saw me, and the guy whispered something in the girl's ear before they started walking toward me. I felt a little threatened, not that I could not fight if they attacked, but because I was in a place I did not know. In case things go wrong they would have the advantage of knowing the environment.

As they came closer it was clear their intentions were not to suit me so I straightened my stance, flexing my muscles bracing for a fight. The man, now in close range looked quite small. He was clearly drunk so that would make his attacks slow. Leaving the woman behind, he came closer now just a few feet away from me. His features contorted into a smile that looked more like a grin. He reached into his pocket, removing a cigarette.

"Do you have a light?" He asked.

I faltered, was this a joke?I looked at him confusion clear on my face.

"Are you slow or something, I asked if you have a light," he said.

His features now turning into a frown he turned to look at the girl he left behind. I looked too, she was holding a needle to her hand. I looked back at the man, he was close enough for me to see the outline of a gun tucked in front of his pants. I knew I was strong enough to tackle him down but considering he was drunk, his clumsy efforts to gain back control would end up with one of us shot. I had too much to loose. I looked up to find him smiling again looking at my line of sight. He pulled the glock out of his pants, studying the gun before pointing it to my head.

"Why don't you roll the suitcase toward me boy," he said, chuckling.

The irony of him calling me boy while I was twice his size. I rolled the suitcase toward him. It was just clothes anyway. My laptop was in my bag and my phone was in my pocket so it was not a big loss. He glanced at me then turned back to look at his girlfriend. Seeing my opportunity I rammed the suitcase into him and swerved his arm, the gun falling to the ground. Realizing his mistake he tried to reach for the gun bending just in time for his face to come into contact with my knee. He scampered on the ground, accepting defeat as I kicked the gun out of his reach. I picked up my suitcase, thinking whether I should just let him have it.

The girl he left behind had sat on the ground staring into space. She was probably too high to tell what was going on.She might also need to see a doctor. The man on the ground however held his bleeding nose, trying to stop it I presumed. I pushed back the suitcase to him. He needed it more than I did. I turned to walk away when I heard the siren. Yeah, nice of the police to turn up when the danger is already averted. I continued to walk down the alley when I heard shouts.

"Stop right there, you are under arrest. Put your hands behind your head and turn slowly."

I turned hoping to see the man being cuffed, but to my shock all guns were pointed at me. I turned fully as the police hurled threats at me as they approached. Just in time to see my 'robber' limping as he tried to help his staggering girlfriend out of the alley. This was a mistake.

My knees were hit from the back as I dropped down kneeling.

"This is a mistake!" I shouted.

"Anything you say shall and will be used against you in the court of law."

"I was being robbed" I tried to say.

I was half lifted as cuffs were put on my wrist, the police cuffing me a little too brutal for my liking. This was bad. Very bad. It was now that the scene came into my mind. A clean well dressed man spotted in an alley with two junkies one beaten up and a gun. I probably looked like a distributor.

I was forced into the police car, now too tired to hold back. By the time we got to the station, I am sure they will have learned their mistake and realize it was just a misunderstanding.

Or so I thought...