
The Accident

I looked around to see if there was anything I need to clear up. When there was none I picked my veil and sling bag and made my way downstairs.

I picked an apple from the fruit bowl and went in search of Ya Ummi.

noticing she wasn't downstairs I went upstairs and screamed "Ya Ummi, hurry up!" from the corridor. "Na'am, I'm coming" she replied.

She was spending hours in the bathroom and we needed to go to the airport to receive Abba and Umma, our parents.

Even though she was older than me that doesn't mean she can take all the time in the world.

Besides, I only need her to hurry because she's the only one legally allowed to drive and Insha Allah in two years I'll get mine.

That doesn't mean I don't love her though. I do but if it was left to her and I could drive she wouldn't even be stepping out of the house because of how she so much hates leaving the house.

The door opened about two minutes later with a fully dressed Ya Aisha (that's Ya Ummi by the way) "finally let's go" I said exasperated

"WAIT!" she screamed "I forgot my writing pad and a pen!" she stated, "UGH! what do you even need a book and a pen for?!" I said in an angry tone.

Five minutes later we were on our way and that's when it happened.



"Ummi, Ummi drive faster we are gonna be late!" I shouted.

"Zarah calm down we are not, we might even get there before them" she replied looking at me.

Then the truck came, horning right in front of us, driving on the wrong Lane. She pressed the breaks"the breaks are broken!!" She yelled at me.

Before she could swivel the car to avoid hitting the truck, it hit us head front rolling our car over the railings into the deep forest.


"Yahya I hope the kids are at the airport and they are not having any trouble, I'm having a bad feeling," I said as I fumbled with the end of my veil.

"Hafsat I know our kids, nothing is wrong. I know they are already at the airport waiting for us especially our Zarah! Just pray and In sha Allah nothing will happen." Abba said hoping nothing is wrong as he was having the same uneasy feeling.

Just then the pilot announced


A few minutes later the plane landed. Abba and Umma were expecting to see Ummi and Zarah waiting at the arrival terminal but to their surprise, they were met with nobody.

They looked around wondering if it was a surprise and they were waiting for them to jump out.

A man came running up to them as they were the only ones seeming lost he asked

"Excuse me please are you the parents of Fatima and Aisha Mahmoud?"

"Yes, yes we are can you please kindly tell us where they are?" They asked

The man hesitated at first but said "Sorry to tell you but your children have been in an accident,"

"WHAT!!" Umma screamed.

Innalillahi wainaillayhi rajiun(from Him we come and to Him we shall return), my children. "Sir please would you please tell us who you are and how we can reach our children?"

Yahya said hugging his wife who was already on the ground sobbing into his chest with their luggage beside them.

"Oh, yes I apologize for my bad manners my name is Detective Yasir Abdullahi, and I'm the detective investigating the case of your daughters' accident. We found their purses at the accident scene and right now they are at the hospital nearby called Rouz Hospital." He said gesturing towards the supposed direction of the hospital. "Ok thank you, detective..."

"Yasir" he finished for Yahya. Yahya managed to calm his wife down and gathered their luggage.

He haw led a cab and got in, gave the cab driver directions on where to go using the help of Google maps, and continued consoling his wife.

The cab driver parked at the curb of the hospital after about five minutes of driving.

There was a sign in front of the hospital "Welcome to Rouz " there they met a doctor awaiting them.

"Hello sir my name is Yahya Mahmoud and I was recently informed that my two daughters have been admitted here?" I said to the doctor as calmly as I could.

"Yes sir my name is Dr. Musa Aliyu, and I was told to receive you by Detective Yasir Abdullahi and if you would kindly wait in the waiting room a nurse would be back in a few minutes."

As he said a nurse came back with some sheets of paper in her hand. "Sir these are a few forms you have to fill out for the treatment and police investigations of your daughters happening in the hospital." She said.

It was like she was a robot "Can I go to the front desk and fill out the forms?" "Sure right this way."

Before he left he turned to his wife and said "I'll be right back hope you'll be ok here."

"Sure I'll just be reciting some du'a till you come back then we can talk." She replied not looking him in the eye.

"Toh okay bye then for now and Hafsat please don't stress yourself," With that, he turned and followed the nurse. A few minutes later he was back beside Hafsat.

They were discussing their daughters' accident when a policeman came up to them asking "Please are you, Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud?"

"Yes, officer what can we do for you?" Yahya asked looking at the officer with a questioning look.

"We would like you to escort us to the police station, you have been called by Detective Yasir Abdullahi to be interviewed."

At the police station, Abba and Umma were being asked questions when a Warden came into the interrogation room, whispered something into the detective's ear, and left.

After a while of thought Detective Yasir said "Sir one of your daughters' has recovered" Abba then said "Masha Allah" his wife followed suit and said "Allahu Akbar(Allah is great)." After thinking Abba spoke

" what of the other one?"

"I'm sorry there was nothing the doctors could do, " the detective said in a solemn voice.

Umma was shocked, she stood up and watched as everything passed her in a daze, Abba shaking her, the Detective calling the hospital emergency service then everything went BLACK