
Father of Existence

When a man dies in a house fire with his wife in his arms, he discovers that the girl they adopted all those years ago was not as simple as she seemed. And with that the start of a great adventure in all those worlds he once thought of being mere fiction. This is a multiverse fanfic where anything from entertainment media can and will be part of, be it actors, video games, books, anime, cartoons, etc... Current world: Star Wars(in the old Republic Era) Hub World:Almagamation of Slice of Lifes/Lovekome (ToLoveRu + Black Cat+ Okasan Online+Komi San+ Nisekoi+ Shokugeki no Souma+ Medaka Box+ more.) Visited world: My Little Pony + others. League of Legends + Ori + others. The cover's not mine, I only own my OCs. Additional tags(will be added as the story goes.): Wincest, Massive Harem, No Netorare, No Yuri. Planned releases on Mon/Wed/Fri.

Foguinho_Loulko · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 9 - Is out of this world

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>


////////MC POV///////

What a tiresome night but I now have an idea of where to start.

Elisa:"Thank you, Cadmus."

Cad:"It is nothing Mrs. Elisa, we are already family."

Elisa:"Then please just call me Elisa or Eli, I don't like such formality when we are at home."

Cad:"Then just call me Cad."

After the all nigher everybody went to sleep, Theodora, as expected, couldn't keep to the end and ended up sleeping on the couch, Elisa put a blanket over her. Now that we have finished and were going to bed, I carried her to her room, guided by Elisa.

Cad:"Let's go to sleep now, we will discuss our next steps once we are well rested."


Cad:"...You don't have to worry so much, although I can't possibly tell you how much time it will take, I can guarantee that we will get to the bottom of this."

Elisa:"...Thank you."

Cad:"*sigh* Go rest Elisa, you can hide it well but the only one that didn't notice your tired state was your daughters, if you go on like that you will start to burnout and then, it is your daughters that will start to suffer seeing in how much pain their mother is."


Cad:"*chuckle* You two have the same poker face."

Elisa:"Hmpf She is my beautiful daughter, of course, we will be alike."

Cad:"Especially the beautiful part?"

Elisa:"Of cour-wait a minute."

She was going to agree, but in the middle of her answer, she turns stiff for a second, blicks three times fast, and widens her eyes a little.

Cad:"Oh, you also have the same panic face, it's kind of adorable."

She flush a little, making the same bashful expression as Theo did the night before. This is fun. She looks at me pouting and having angry eyes

Elisa:"You, please Cad, you should refrain from teasing me like that, I'm way older than you such improper conduct should be avoided."

She talks to me in a serious tone but maybe because of tiredness and letting her guard down in a safe environment, I can see that she still trying to recompose herself.

Cad:"Stop being this cute and who knows."

Elisa:"...I'm going to sleep, good night."

She holds her breath for a brief moment and gets flushed from the neck up before saying that and promptly using the greatest technique known to mankind.

Cad:"Having fun?"

Carla:"Most defnelly."

I say while looking at the end of the hallway, where it turns to where we came from and Carla pokes her head.

Carla:"Oh my, what should I do, all alone in this hallway with such a flirt, what will happen to me?"

Cad:"Nothing that you won't allow to, and definitely nothing you wouldn't like."

Carla:"Tsk tsk tsk, promises, promises, promises, when can I see some action?"

Cad:"You tell me, my dear, ask and you shall receive."

Carla:"My, my, quite a gentlemen aren't we?"





Carla:"Thank you, Cad, she needed that, both the scold and the flirt."

Cad:"It was my pleasure, even more after being praised by such a beauty."

Carla:"Oh stop it...Did you really mean it when you said that you can discover who killed my brother?"

She turns really serious for a while, for the first time since I met her breaking her poker face and showing the deep anger that she hid underneath.

Cad:"I never make promises I can't keep."

We stay still for a while looking into each other's eyes before she nods.

Cad:"You've let go of your poker face, did you finally accept me in your family?"

She stands still for a while and slowly the realization of what just happened dawns on her, a pink hue appears on her cheeks. She opens her mouth to say something and perhaps what happened to Elisa comes to her mind and she just runs.

Sigh, I've met a lot of people like them because of Ivy's work and her friend's companies back on our Earth, people that have enemies everywhere, always on guard, never knowing who to trust.

I had an easier time getting close because of a combination of factors, being validated by Leonora who is someone that they deeply trust, their tiredness physically and mentally, and finally for giving them hope in something they must have been on their wit's end.

Is 3 AM now and although I can stay awake for days I'm going to bed, I will have to do a lot of things when I wake up so I go to Ivy's room. Getting in, I watch her figure sleeping in the bed for a moment. At 1,40 in height, with porcelain-like skin, a cute face, and lustrous silver hair going all the way to her lower back.

Her figure is taller and bigger than any girl her age, she had a fit body like a fighter from the training we do every day, and her curves are already starting to develop, she always turned heads with how she looked before but now, after growing up, she will be the cause of many young master face slapping.

Funnily enough, Alice may have taken a bit of Ivy's new powers and race when they were in the womb she is about the same height, and although she lacks the muscle mass, which makes her look way thinner than Ivy her body has matured just as fast.

Coming to think of it Leonora has also received some benefits, she grew a little taller from the 1,59cm she had before, and she also looks way younger and has no signs of aging.

Anyway, I lay in bed hugging Ivy who hug me back, and let my consciousness drift away.


Ivy:"I have told everything to Alice."


Ivy:"She wants to be trained so she can help us."

Cad:".....Are you sure about this?"

Ivy:"...I don't know, let's just try first and see if she can take it, if she doesn't give up we will keep going and if it is too much for her I'll stop it."

Cad:"Ok then."

Having finished our breakfast and spending time with the rest of the children we wait for the others to wake while I update Ivy on what we found.

Cad:"So most definitely it was Daron, Jordan's father, and Leo's(Elisa's husband) best friend, as it appears their relationship was so good that they thought of marrying Theodora and Jordan when they get older."

Ivy:"I think that this will not be the case anymore."

Cad:"Right, that took a toll on Theo, she did like the kid, but from what the Shades(Shadow Dwellers) collected from surveying them last night, it appears the only reason he treated her normally was that his father 'trained' him well."

Cad:"He is not a bad kid, he is not even that smart, he is just a trained puppy."

Ivy:"And since he is just a normal child sometimes that training fails and he ends up doing something that hurts Theodora's feelings which are worsened by the fact that he is her only friend."


Ivy:"Still Theo huh?"

Cad:"Oh don't start now."

Ivy:"Oh no no, I'm fine with that, you are already flirting with the mothers let's add the daughters too, my mother is off limits tho."

Cad:"It offends me that you think that I will go after other women, especially happily married ones."


She sticks her tongue out in a tehe pero pose.

Cad:"Why are you guys so insistent on me getting more?"

Ivy:"Is a matter of honor."

Cad:"What the fuck?"

Ivy:"You know, I've always regretted making you train in our last life."

Cad:"....What that has to do with anything."

Ivy:"Well, you never were bad in bed, considering that you always liked to explore every part of my body to see what makes me tick and what I like the most so I was always satisfied."

Cad:"Again, what that has to do with anything?"

Ivy:"I'm getting to that, so I enjoyed, but I most enjoyed the fact that I could last longer, you were always the perfect husband and although silly, that was the only victory I had in our relationship."

Cad:"You worked to feed us."

Ivy:"Yeah, any well-trained monkey can do a proper job and be rewarded. Anyway, before a trained you, you already had too much stamina but after that, I never won once, now with your new body you can take three super-powered women at once without breaking a sweat, and one of them is freaking Scatach for existence sake "


Ivy:"And you honestly believe that Lisa as well as that cute first daughter of ours didn't tweak with that even a little bit?"

Cad:"...So you sayi-"

Ivy:"We need all the help we can get."


I...I honestly have nothing to say, what am I? The demon king? While I had a mini existential crisis about my future sex life the other three finally arrive. Theo must still be sleeping.

Carla:"Morning you two."

Elisa:"Good morning."


Cad, Ivy:"Good morning."

Cad:"You look better already, I'm glad you managed to properly rest this time."

I say looking at Elisa.

Elisa:"Thank you, Cad."

She looks calmer and a little more refreshed now

Cad:"So you're not using your fake persona anymore huh?"

I said looking at Carla who entered humming and skipping like a little girl and is now sitting on her chair waving her head from side to side.

Carla:"Meh, it's more fun this way."

Cad:"Anyway, I was just finishing updating Ivy on what we found, and Shades confirmed our last night's suspicions, Elisa."

Noticing Leonora raising an eyebrow with a suspicious face because of our interactions, I decided to just move on before she ask questions that I don't want Ivy to answer. Is never a good sign when she makes that mischievous cat face.

Reminds me of a certain white-haired kid from an assassin's family.

Elisa:"*sigh* That's a shame, at least the son is not shrewd like the father but still, I think Theo will suffer much from it."

Cad:"...I wouldn't count on that anymore."

Elisa:"....And why is that."

Cad:"Even if not the same age we are around that, I, Ivy and Alice can keep with her just fine and I have a friend her age that is passing through something similar, true she lives in China but I think Theo will appreciate any true friend she can get."

Elisa:"I see, really thank you, Cad, *sigh* Why do you have to be so reliable, sometimes it looks like you already have the answers to our problems as if you already experience them before."

Carla, Leonora:"Right!!??"

I deadpan look at them, ignoring Leonora who has already known me for a while, last night in one of our breaks I ended up talking about Carla's daughters, specifically the issue she is having about a former career-only focused woman who let her kids been taken care of by full-time nannies.

Her former husband was cheating on her with said nannies and now being emotionally distraught she noticed that she didn't have any close emotional support and her daughters, although young, were already pretty detached from her.

So she quit her job to work at her sister-in-law's company so she had more family close and to spend more time with her daughters. But her lack of experience made it difficult to connect with them, so I gave some advice.

And well they are right, I did experience them before, some of them were not my experience per se, but what Ivy had been through when she notice our kids were drifting away from her and some were other people in my life that didn't know what to do at the time so I helped them find a solution.

Cad:"Ok, girls, I have a few plans of action, we will..."

Carla:"....Is there something wrong?"

Cad:"Yeah well, I was going to start with the Shades keep surveilling on Daron, he may have been a major player in this but he is not the mastermind, but that is no longer possible."

Elisa:"And why is that."

Cad:"...Well currently he is unavailable, he is out of this world."

Elisa, Leonora, Carla:"Huh?"

Cad:"I just go word that he got on a spaceship and flew away."

Seeing their suspicious faces except for Leonora that looked to her daughter for confirmation, I decided to call one of the Shades here, I will not be explaining much but is better to have them prepared for the unexpected than having them freeze when in danger.

My shadow starts to grow and take for in front of them until it takes the silhouette of a person and finally finishes the transformation into one of the women that I brought with me as bodyguards.

Elisa, Leonoar, Carla:"........"

Cad:"*sigh* We will keep our eyes out and I will have that Shades infiltrate his supposed bases and gather information, although I doubt he would leave anything substantial on Earth but he will get back eventually."

Leonora:"....How can you be so sure?"

Leonora was the first to start moving again, perhaps for already being accustomed with strange things happening around me.

Cad:"It doesn't make any sense to make a big move like that, that is definitely a foundation for a bigger plan and just go away, unless is for revenge but I didn't find any indication of that in your investigation."

Cad:"Unfortunately now we can only wait and more importantly be prepared for what's to come, knowing about this major connection now gives us a better chance to prepare."

This will change a lot of my plants, but this is good, I can make more specific countermeasures, at least I can guarantee that even from halfway across the globe, none of them will be in danger.
